Your IP :
'use strict'
const Bluebird = require('bluebird')
const audit = require('./install/audit.js')
const figgyPudding = require('figgy-pudding')
const fs = require('graceful-fs')
const Installer = require('./install.js').Installer
const lockVerify = require('lock-verify')
const log = require('npmlog')
const npa = require('libnpm/parse-arg')
const npm = require('./npm.js')
const npmConfig = require('./config/figgy-config.js')
const output = require('./utils/output.js')
const parseJson = require('json-parse-better-errors')
const readFile = Bluebird.promisify(fs.readFile)
const AuditConfig = figgyPudding({
also: {},
'audit-level': {},
deepArgs: 'deep-args',
'deep-args': {},
dev: {},
force: {},
'dry-run': {},
global: {},
json: {},
only: {},
parseable: {},
prod: {},
production: {},
registry: {},
runId: {}
module.exports = auditCmd
const usage = require('./utils/usage')
auditCmd.usage = usage(
'\nnpm audit [--json] [--production]' +
'\nnpm audit fix ' +
auditCmd.completion = function (opts, cb) {
const argv = opts.conf.argv.remain
switch (argv[2]) {
case 'audit':
return cb(null, [])
return cb(new Error(argv[2] + ' not recognized'))
class Auditor extends Installer {
constructor (where, dryrun, args, opts) {
super(where, dryrun, args, opts)
this.deepArgs = (opts && opts.deepArgs) || []
this.runId = opts.runId || ''
this.audit = false
loadAllDepsIntoIdealTree (cb) {
Bluebird.fromNode(cb => super.loadAllDepsIntoIdealTree(cb)).then(() => {
if (this.deepArgs && this.deepArgs.length) {
this.deepArgs.forEach(arg => {
arg.reduce((acc, child, ii) => {
if (!acc) {
// We might not always be able to find `target` through the given
// path. If we can't we'll just ignore it.
const spec = npa(child)
const target = (
acc.requires.find(n => === ||
n => audit.scrub(, this.runId) ===
if (target && ii === arg.length - 1) {
target.loaded = false
// This kills `hasModernMeta()` and forces a re-fetch
target.package = {
version: spec.fetchSpec,
_requested: target.package._requested
delete target.fakeChild
let parent = target.parent
while (parent) {
parent.loaded = false
parent = parent.parent
target.requiredBy.forEach(par => {
par.loaded = false
delete par.fakeChild
return target
}, this.idealTree)
return Bluebird.fromNode(cb => super.loadAllDepsIntoIdealTree(cb))
// no top level lifecycles on audit
runPreinstallTopLevelLifecycles (cb) { cb() }
runPostinstallTopLevelLifecycles (cb) { cb() }
function maybeReadFile (name) {
const file = `${npm.prefix}/${name}`
return readFile(file)
.then((data) => {
try {
return parseJson(data)
} catch (ex) {
ex.code = 'EJSONPARSE'
throw ex
.catch({code: 'ENOENT'}, () => null)
.catch((ex) => {
ex.file = file
throw ex
function filterEnv (action, opts) {
const includeDev = ||
(!/^prod(uction)?$/.test(opts.only) && !opts.production) ||
/^dev(elopment)?$/.test(opts.only) ||
const includeProd = !/^dev(elopment)?$/.test(opts.only)
const resolves = action.resolves.filter(({dev}) => {
return (dev && includeDev) || (!dev && includeProd)
if (resolves.length) {
return Object.assign({}, action, {resolves})
function auditCmd (args, cb) {
const opts = AuditConfig(npmConfig())
if ( {
const err = new Error('`npm audit` does not support testing globals')
err.code = 'EAUDITGLOBAL'
throw err
if (args.length && args[0] !== 'fix') {
return cb(new Error('Invalid audit subcommand: `' + args[0] + '`\n\nUsage:\n' + auditCmd.usage))
return Bluebird.all([
]).spread((shrinkwrap, lockfile, pkgJson) => {
const sw = shrinkwrap || lockfile
if (!pkgJson) {
const err = new Error('No package.json found: Cannot audit a project without a package.json')
err.code = 'EAUDITNOPJSON'
throw err
if (!sw) {
const err = new Error('Neither npm-shrinkwrap.json nor package-lock.json found: Cannot audit a project without a lockfile')
err.code = 'EAUDITNOLOCK'
throw err
} else if (shrinkwrap && lockfile) {
log.warn('audit', 'Both npm-shrinkwrap.json and package-lock.json exist, using npm-shrinkwrap.json.')
const requires = Object.assign(
(pkgJson && pkgJson.dependencies) || {},
(!opts.production && pkgJson && pkgJson.devDependencies) || {}
return lockVerify(npm.prefix).then((result) => {
if (result.status) return audit.generate(sw, requires)
const lockFile = shrinkwrap ? 'npm-shrinkwrap.json' : 'package-lock.json'
const err = new Error(`Errors were found in your ${lockFile}, run npm install to fix them.\n ` +
result.errors.join('\n '))
err.code = 'ELOCKVERIFY'
throw err
}).then((auditReport) => {
return audit.submitForFullReport(auditReport)
}).catch((err) => {
if (err.statusCode >= 400) {
let msg
if (err.statusCode === 401) {
msg = `Either your login credentials are invalid or your registry (${opts.registry}) does not support audit.`
} else if (err.statusCode === 404) {
msg = `Your configured registry (${opts.registry}) does not support audit requests.`
} else {
msg = `Your configured registry (${opts.registry}) may not support audit requests, or the audit endpoint may be temporarily unavailable.`
if (err.body.length) {
msg += '\nThe server said: ' + err.body
const ne = new Error(msg)
ne.code = 'ENOAUDIT'
ne.wrapped = err
throw ne
throw err
}).then((auditResult) => {
if (args[0] === 'fix') {
const actions = (auditResult.actions || []).reduce((acc, action) => {
action = filterEnv(action, opts)
if (!action) { return acc }
if (action.isMajor) {
action.resolves.forEach(({id, path}) => acc.majorFixes.add(`${id}::${path}`))
} else if (action.action === 'install') {
action.resolves.forEach(({id, path}) => acc.installFixes.add(`${id}::${path}`))
} else if (action.action === 'update') {
const name = action.module
const version =
action.resolves.forEach(vuln => {
const modPath = vuln.path.split('>')
const newPath = modPath.slice(
0, modPath.indexOf(name)
if (newPath.length === 1) {
} else {
} else if (action.action === 'review') {
action.resolves.forEach(({id, path}) =>`${id}::${path}`))
return acc
}, {
install: new Set(),
installFixes: new Set(),
update: new Set(),
updateFixes: new Set(),
major: new Set(),
majorFixes: new Set(),
review: new Set()
return Bluebird.try(() => {
const installMajor = opts.force
const installCount = actions.install.size + (installMajor ? actions.major.size : 0) + actions.update.size
const vulnFixCount = new Set([...actions.installFixes, ...actions.updateFixes, ...(installMajor ? actions.majorFixes : [])]).size
const metavuln = auditResult.metadata.vulnerabilities
const total = Object.keys(metavuln).reduce((acc, key) => acc + metavuln[key], 0)
if (installCount) {
[...actions.install, ...(installMajor ? actions.major : []), ...actions.update]
return Bluebird.fromNode(cb => {
new Auditor(
[...actions.install, ...(installMajor ? actions.major : [])],
runId: auditResult.runId,
deepArgs: [...actions.update].map(u => u.split('>'))
}).then(() => {
const numScanned = auditResult.metadata.totalDependencies
if (!opts.json && !opts.parseable) {
output(`fixed ${vulnFixCount} of ${total} vulnerabilit${total === 1 ? 'y' : 'ies'} in ${numScanned} scanned package${numScanned === 1 ? '' : 's'}`)
if ( {
output(` ${} vulnerabilit${ === 1 ? 'y' : 'ies'} required manual review and could not be updated`)
if (actions.major.size) {
output(` ${actions.major.size} package update${actions.major.size === 1 ? '' : 's'} for ${actions.majorFixes.size} vulnerabilit${actions.majorFixes.size === 1 ? 'y' : 'ies'} involved breaking changes`)
if (installMajor) {
output(' (installed due to `--force` option)')
} else {
output(' (use `npm audit fix --force` to install breaking changes;' +
' or refer to `npm audit` for steps to fix these manually)')
} else {
const levels = ['low', 'moderate', 'high', 'critical']
const minLevel = levels.indexOf(opts['audit-level'])
const vulns = levels.reduce((count, level, i) => {
return i < minLevel ? count : count + (auditResult.metadata.vulnerabilities[level] || 0)
}, 0)
if (vulns > 0) process.exitCode = 1
if (opts.parseable) {
return audit.printParseableReport(auditResult)
} else {
return audit.printFullReport(auditResult)