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ModuleType)�Iterable�Iterator�Optional�Set�Union)�cast)�BinaryIO�TextIO)�ZipImportError�Package�Resource�contents�is_resource�open_binary� open_text�path�read_binary� read_text)�returnc C s\ t | d�r0| jjdkr*td�| jj���qX| S n(t| �}|jjdkrTtd�| ���n|S dS )z�Take a package name or module object and return the module.
If a name, the module is imported. If the passed or imported module
object is not a package, raise an exception.
�__spec__Nz{!r} is not a package)�hasattrr �submodule_search_locations� TypeError�format�namer )�package�module� r'