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d Z d d
e j j e j d d � g Z d � Z d d � Z d � Z d d d d d d � Z d � Z d � Z e d k r(e � n d S( s Pynche -- The PYthon Natural Color and Hue Editor.
Contact: %(AUTHNAME)s
Email: %(AUTHEMAIL)s
Version: %(__version__)s
Pynche is based largely on a similar color editor I wrote years ago for the
SunView window system. That editor was called ICE: the Interactive Color
Editor. I'd always wanted to port the editor to X but didn't feel like
hacking X and C code to do it. Fast forward many years, to where Python +
Tkinter provides such a nice programming environment, with enough power, that
I finally buckled down and implemented it. I changed the name because these
days, too many other systems have the acronym `ICE'.
This program currently requires Python 2.2 with Tkinter.
Usage: %(PROGRAM)s [-d file] [-i file] [-X] [-v] [-h] [initialcolor]
--database file
-d file
Alternate location of a color database file
--initfile file
-i file
Alternate location of the initialization file. This file contains a
persistent database of the current Pynche options and color. This
means that Pynche restores its option settings and current color when
it restarts, using this file (unless the -X option is used). The
default is ~/.pynche
Ignore the initialization file when starting up. Pynche will still
write the current option settings to this file when it quits.
print the version number and exit
print this message
initial color, as a color name or #RRGGBB format
s 1.4.1i����N( t PyncheWidget( t Switchboard( t StripViewer( t
ChipViewer( t TypeinVieweri s Barry Warsaws barry@python.orgs /usr/openwin/lib/rgb.txts /usr/lib/X11/rgb.txts X/rgb.txtc C s t t � S( N( t __doc__t globals( ( ( s1 /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/pynche/Main.pyt docstringS s t c C s'