Your IP :
�b�W�: � @ s� d Z ddlmZ ddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddl Zddl
mZmZ dZefdd�ZdZefd d
� Zdd� ZG dd� de�ZG dd� de�Zi ZdZdd� Zddd�Zddd�ZdS )a� DNS rdata.
@var _rdata_modules: A dictionary mapping a (rdclass, rdtype) tuple to
the module which implements that type.
@type _rdata_modules: dict
@var _module_prefix: The prefix to use when forming modules names. The
default is 'dns.rdtypes'. Changing this value will break the library.
@type _module_prefix: string
@var _hex_chunk: At most this many octets that will be represented in each
chunk of hexstring that _hexify() produces before whitespace occurs.
@type _hex_chunk: int� )�BytesION� )�xrange�string_types� text_type� c s4 t j| ��dj� �fdd�tdt��� �D ��j� S )a Convert a binary string into its hex encoding, broken up into chunks
of I{chunksize} characters separated by a space.
@param data: the binary string
@type data: string
@param chunksize: the chunk size. Default is L{dns.rdata._hex_chunksize}
@rtype: string
� c s g | ]}�||� � �qS � r )�.0�i)� chunksize�liner �/usr/lib/python3.6/�
<listcomp>6 s z_hexify.<locals>.<listcomp>r )�binasciiZhexlify�join�range�len�decode)�datar r )r r
r �_hexify+ s
r c s4 t j| ��dj� �fdd�tdt��� �D ��j� S )a$ Convert a binary string into its base64 encoding, broken up into chunks
of I{chunksize} characters separated by a space.
@param data: the binary string
@type data: string
@param chunksize: the chunk size. Default is
@rtype: string
r c s g | ]}�||� � �qS r r )r
r )r r
r r r I s z_base64ify.<locals>.<listcomp>r )�base64Z b64encoder r r r )r r r )r r
r �
_base64ify= s
r s "\c C s~ t | t�r| j� } t | t�s$t| �} d}xP| D ]H}|tkrL|dt|� 7 }q.|dkrj|dk rj|t|�7 }q.|d| 7 }q.W |S )z�Escape the characters in a quoted string which need it.
@param qstring: the string
@type qstring: string
@returns: the escaped string
@rtype: string
� �\r � z\%03d)�
isinstancer �encode� bytearray� __escaped�chr)Zqstring�text�cr r r � _escapifyO s
r# c C sF x8t t| �d dd�D ] }| | dkr| d|d � S qW | dd� S )z�Determine the index of greatest byte that isn't all zeros, and
return the bitmap that contains all the bytes less than that index.
@param what: a string of octets representing a bitmap.
@type what: string
@rtype: string
r r ���r$ )r r )Zwhatr r r r �_truncate_bitmaph s r% c @ s� e Zd ZdZddgZdd� Zdd� Zdd � Zd.dd
�Zd/dd�Z d0dd�Z
dd� Zdd� Zdd� Z
dd� Zdd� Zdd� Zdd� Zd d!� Zd"d#� Zd$d%� Zd&d'� Zed1d(d)��Zed2d*d+��Zd3d,d-�Zd
S )4�Rdataz(Base class for all DNS rdata types.
�rdclass�rdtypec C s || _ || _dS )z�Initialize an rdata.
@param rdclass: The rdata class
@type rdclass: int
@param rdtype: The rdata type
@type rdtype: int