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<div id="refresh"><?php if(isset($report)){$covis->Alert(); } ?></div>
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<h5>Top Champions</h5>
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<table class="table table-bordered">
<th>Top Score</th>
<?php //Criteria 1. Must have at least 3 referal. 2. Highest Stage. 3. Highest level. 4. Highest referral 5. Exclude covisadmin
$level = $db->query("SELECT * FROM user WHERE level>6 AND sp>2 AND sn>1 ORDER BY level DESC, sn ASC LIMIT 40");
while($rowl = $level->fetch_assoc()){
$lv = $rowl['level'];
$team = $covis->userStageTeam($rowl['id']);
$point = ($team<10) ? '0'.$team : $team;
$sp = ($rowl['sp']<10) ? '0'.$rowl['sp'] : $rowl['sp'];
$sp = ($sp>99) ? 99 : $sp;
$score .= $lv.$point.$sp.'.'.$rowl['sn'].',';
$sc = explode(',', $score); rsort($sc);
$i = 0; while($i<10){ $e=$i++; $key = explode('.',$sc[$e]); $id = $covis->keyToId($key[1]);
<td><?php echo userName($id) ?></td>
<td><?php echo userName($id,'user') ?></td>
<td><?php echo userName($id,'state') ?>, <?php echo str_replace(',', '', userName($id,'country')) ?> </td>
<td><?php echo number_format($key[0]) ?></td>
<td><?php echo $e+1 ?></td>
<?php } ?>
<i>Note: TOP TEN Champions are members in the highest stage, highest stage levels and highest referrals</i>
<!-- <?php if($uidx==1){ ?>
<form method="post">
<table class="table table-bordered">
<tr><td>SEARCH MEMBER</td><td><input type="text" name="user" placeholder="Username" width="5" class="form-control"></td> <td>
<input type="submit" name="SearchUserG" class="btn btn-warning" value="Check Members Score"> </td></tr></thead></table>
$user = $_POST['user'] ;
$userid = $covis->userName3($user);
$level = $db->query("SELECT * FROM user WHERE id='$userid' ");
$rowl = $level->fetch_assoc();
$stage = $covis->stageCalc($rowl['sn']);
$point = $covis->stageTeam($rowl['id'],$stage);
$point = ($point<10) ? '0'.$point : $point;
$sp = ($rowl['sp']<10) ? '0'.$rowl['sp'] : $rowl['sp'];
$sp = ($sp>99) ? 99 : $sp;
$score = $rowl['level'].$point.$sp;
$stat = '<table class="table table-bordered">
<tr><th colspan="2">MEMBER STATISTICS</th></tr>';
$stat .= '<tr><td>Name</th><td>'.userName($userid).'</th></tr>';
$stat .= '<tr><td>Username</th><td> '.$user.'</th></tr>';
$stat .= '<tr><td>Stage</th><td> '.$covis->stageCalc($rowl['sn']).'</th></tr>';
$stat .= '<tr><td>Stage Level</th><td> '.$covis->stageLevel($rowl['sn']).'</th></tr>';
$stat .= '<tr><td>Stage Team</th><td> '.number_format($point).'</th></tr>';
$stat .= '<tr><td>Direct Referral</th><td> '.$rowl['sp'].'</th></tr>';
$stat .= '<tr><td>Top Score</th><td> '.number_format($score*1.001).'</th></tr>';
$stat .= '<tr><td>Address</th><td> '.$rowl['city'].', '.$rowl['state'].', '.$rowl['country'].'</th></tr>';
$stat .= '<tr><td>E-mial</th><td> '.$rowl['email'].'</th></tr>';
$stat .= '<tr><td>Account Number</th><td> '.$rowl['bank'].', '.$rowl['accountno'].'</th></tr>';
$stat .= '</table>';
echo mysqli_num_rows($level)==1 ? $stat : '<h2>Username not found</h2>';
<?php } } ?> --->
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