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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright © Cloud Linux GmbH & Cloud Linux Software, Inc 2010-2018 All Rights Reserved
CloudLinux control panel API
API for Hosting control panel
import os
from functools import lru_cache
from .const import CACHE_CPNAME, UNKNOWN_CP_NAME
from clcommon.features import (
from .pluginlib import (
# NOQA needed for local disable pyflakes: F401 / 'NotSupported' warning during prospector checks
from .cpapiexceptions import NotSupported, NoPanelUser # NOQA
from clcommon.lib.cledition import (
# If Hoster has own third-party plugins configured we can't bypass
# our cache because we need to copy them to cache dir to be able to
# import them and use to detect ControlPanel they provides.
# So we do fast detection of our "official" plugins because they used in
# most (all?) cases, and if we can't detect any CP then just fallback to
# logic with cache
_CP_NAME, _CP_PLUGIN_NAME = detect_panel_fast()
def is_cl_supported_panel():
Is current panel has native CL support
:return: True/False
return _CP_NAME in [
def admin_packages(raise_exc=False):
Return list of available admin's packages
:param raise_exc: hack for lvemanager
:rtype: list
:return: List of packages. For example
['BusinessPackage', 'Package2']
return _panel_class.admin_packages(raise_exc)
def resellers_packages(raise_exc=False):
Return dictionary, contains available resellers packages, grouped by resellers
:rtype: dict
:return: Dictionary.
{'res1': ['BusinessPackage', 'UltraPackage', 'Package'],
'res2': ['SimplePackage', 'Package'] }
return _panel_class.resellers_packages()
def getCPName():
Return panel name
:rtype: str
:return: Panel name
# if we are root, get panel name from script
if os.getegid() == 0:
return _panel_class.getCPName()
# if we are user:
# - for integrated control panel return real
# name from scripts (they should work in cagefs)
return _panel_class.getCPName()
# - check _CP_NAME, probably detect_panel_fast was
# able to detect control panel
elif _CP_NAME is not None:
return _CP_NAME
# - last chance - read panel name from cache file
controlpanelname = UNKNOWN_CP_NAME
if os.path.isfile(CACHE_CPNAME):
with open(CACHE_CPNAME, encoding='utf-8') as cache_stream:
controlpanelname = cache_stream.readline().strip()
return controlpanelname
def get_cp_description():
Retrieve panel name and it's version
:rtype: dict
:return: dict: { 'name': 'panel_name', 'version': 'panel_version', 'additional_info': 'add_info'}
or None if can't get info
return _panel_class.get_cp_description()
def cpusers():
Generates a list of cpusers registered in the control panel
:return: list of cpusers registered in the control panel
:rtype: tuple
if is_cl_supported_panel():
# For CL supported panels we use already present plugin functions
return _panel_class.cpusers()
users_info = _panel_class.cpinfo(keyls=('cplogin', ))
_list_users = [user_[0] for user_ in users_info]
return tuple(_list_users)
def resellers():
Generates a list of resellers in the control panel
:return: list of cpusers registered in the control panel
:rtype: tuple
return _panel_class.resellers()
def admins():
Generates a set of admins in the control panel
:return: set of cpusers registered in the control panel
:rtype: set
:raise: NotSupported
return _panel_class.admins()
def db_access():
Getting root access to mysql database.
For example {'login': 'root', 'db': 'mysql', 'host': 'localhost', 'pass': '9pJUv38sAqqW'}
:return: root access to mysql database
:rtype: dict
:raises: NoDBAccessData
return _panel_class.db_access()
def dblogin_cplogin_pairs(cplogin_lst=None, with_system_users=False):
Returs a list of pairs, the database user login - user login control panel
For example:
(('nata2_someuse', 'nata2'), ('testsome_dfrtbus', 'testsome'))
:param list|tuple|None cplogin_lst: list of control panel users
:param bool with_system_users: add system users to dbmapping
:return: list of pairs, the database user login - user login control panel
:rtype: tuple
:raises: NotSupported, NoPackage
return _panel_class.dblogin_cplogin_pairs(cplogin_lst, with_system_users)
def cpinfo(cpuser=None, keyls=('cplogin', 'package', 'mail', 'reseller', 'dns'),
Retrieves info about panel user(s)
:param str|unicode|list|tuple|None cpuser: user login
:param keyls: list of data which is necessary to obtain the user,
the valuescan be:
cplogin - name/login user control panel
mail - Email users
reseller - name reseller/owner users
locale - localization of the user account
package - User name of the package
dns - domain of the user
:param bool search_sys_users: search for cpuser in sys_users or in control panel users (e.g. for Plesk)
:return: returns a tuple of tuples of data in the same sequence as specified keys in keylst
:rtype: tuple
return _panel_class.cpinfo(cpuser, keyls, search_sys_users=search_sys_users)
def get_admin_email():
Gets admin email
Note: be careful when modifying this method.
It is used in SSA, ask @dkavchuk or someone else from C-Projects team
for details
:rtype: string
:return: string - admin email
if is_cl_supported_panel():
return _panel_class.get_admin_email()
return _panel_class.get_admin_emails_list()[0]
except IndexError:
return ''
def get_admin_locale():
if is_cl_supported_panel():
return _panel_class.get_admin_locale()
except NotSupported:
def docroot(domain):
Return document root for domain
:param str|unicode domain:
:rtype tuple
:return Tuple: (document_root, owner)
return _panel_class.docroot(domain)
def useraliases(cpuser, domain):
Return domain and document root pairs for control panel user
first domain is main domain
:param str|unicode cpuser: user login
:rtype: list
:return list of tuples (domain_name, documen_root)
return _panel_class.useraliases(cpuser, domain)
def userdomains(cpuser):
Return domain and document root pairs for control panel user
first domain is main domain
:param str|unicode cpuser: user login
:rtype: list
:return list of tuples (domain_name, documen_root)
return _panel_class.userdomains(cpuser)
def homedirs():
Detects and returns list of folders contained the home dirs of users of the cPanel
:rtype: list
:return: list of folders, which are parent of home dirs of users of the panel
return _panel_class.homedirs()
def domain_owner(domain):
Return domain's owner
:param domain: Domain/sub-domain/add-domain name
:rtype: str
:return: user name or None if domain not found
if is_cl_supported_panel():
return _panel_class.domain_owner(domain)
_, _domain_owner = docroot(domain)
return _domain_owner
def reseller_users(resellername):
Return reseller users
:param resellername: reseller name; return empty list if None
:rtype list
:return list[str]: user names list
return _panel_class.reseller_users(resellername)
def reseller_domains(resellername=None):
Return reseller users and their main domains
:param resellername: reseller name; autodetect name if None
:rtype disct
:return dict[str, str]: pairs user <==> domain
return _panel_class.reseller_domains(resellername)
def is_reseller(username):
Check if user is reseller;
:type username: str
:rtype: bool
return _panel_class.is_reseller(username)
def get_user_login_url(domain):
Get login url for current panel;
:type domain: str
:rtype: str
return _panel_class.get_user_login_url(domain)
def is_admin(username):
Return True if username is in admin names
:param str username: user to check
:rtype bool
:return: True if user is admin
return _panel_class.is_admin(username)
def is_reseller_limits_supported():
Return True if panel supports reseller limits (LVE10+)
:return: bool - True - yes, False - no
:rtype bool
panel_features = get_cl_feature_status_map()
return panel_features[Feature.RESELLER_LIMITS]
except KeyError:
return False
# The method is implemented only for Plesk,
# because the resellers on Plesk can be without the system users.
# For other panels the logic of method distributed by the code of lve-utils package
def get_reseller_id_pairs():
Get dict reseller => id
Optional method for panels without hard
link reseller <=> system user
:rtype: dict[str,int] - {'res1': id1}
return _panel_class.get_reseller_id_pairs()
# The method should be private and moved to DA plugin
def get_encoding_name():
Retrive encoding name, used for package/reseller names, from panel
return _panel_class.get_encoding_name()
def is_panel_feature_supported(feature: Feature) -> bool:
Get if feature is supported by control panel.
feature: constant from Feature class
features = get_supported_cl_features()
return features is None or features.get(feature, False)
except CLEditionDetectionError:
return False
def get_apache_connections_number():
Retrieves Apache's connections number (from mod_status)
For CM
return _panel_class.get_apache_connections_number()
def get_apache_ports_list():
Retrieves active httpd's ports from httpd's config
:return: list of apache's ports
return _panel_class.get_apache_ports_list()
def get_apache_max_request_workers():
Get current maximum request apache workers from httpd's config
:return: tuple (max_req_num, message)
max_req_num - Maximum request apache workers number or 0 if error
message - OK/Trace
return _panel_class.get_apache_max_request_workers()
def get_main_username_by_uid(uid: int) -> str:
Get "main" panel username by uid.
:param uid: uid
:return Username
return _panel_class.get_main_username_by_uid(uid)
def get_user_emails_list(username, domain):
return _panel_class.get_user_emails_list(username, domain)
def panel_login_link(username):
return _panel_class.panel_login_link(username)
def panel_awp_link(username):
return _panel_class.panel_awp_link(username)
def get_unsupported_features():
Returns features that are not supported on current control panel.
return _panel_class.get_unsupported_cl_features() or {}
# Global caching need to make this method work fast,
# especially when we call it on vendors control panel.
def get_supported_cl_features():
Left here mostly for backwards compatibility.
See get_cl_feature_status_map docstring.
return get_cl_feature_status_map()
def is_throttling_supported():
if is_cl_solo_edition(skip_jwt_check=True) or is_container():
return False
return True
def get_hosting_accounts_count() -> int:
Get panel users count, admin accounts are not counted
:return: Users count.
return _panel_class.get_hosting_accounts_count()
def is_hitting_max_accounts_limit():
Check if customer hitting max accounts count per edition
max_accounts_limit = get_hosting_accounts_limit()
if not max_accounts_limit:
return False
current_accounts_count = _panel_class.get_hosting_accounts_count()
return current_accounts_count > max_accounts_limit
def get_max_accounts_limit():
# warn: deprecated, use features.get_hosting_accounts_limit directly
return get_hosting_accounts_limit()
def count_hosting_accounts():
Retrieve users count and admins count,
substract the last value from the first one and dump the result on disk
users_list = cpusers()
except NotSupported as e:
raise NotSupported("cpusers() method not supported") from e
# admins returns set or list depending on the control panel in use
admins_collection = admins()
return sum(1 for user in users_list if user not in admins_collection)
def is_wp2_environment() -> bool:
They have symlink /usr/local/cpanel/server.type -> wp2
wp2_marker = '/usr/local/cpanel/server.type'
if not os.path.islink(wp2_marker):
return False
return os.readlink('/usr/local/cpanel/server.type') == 'wp2'
except Exception:
return False
# Loading api
_apiplugin = get_cp_plugin_module(_CP_PLUGIN_NAME)
_panel_class = _apiplugin.PanelPlugin()
CP_NAME = getCPName()
# TODO: make a proxy that will do this stuff automatically
get_domains_php_info = _panel_class.get_domains_php_info
get_system_php_info = _panel_class.get_system_php_info
list_all = _panel_class.list_all
list_users = _panel_class.list_users
get_reseller_users = _panel_class.get_reseller_users
reseller_package_by_uid = _panel_class.reseller_package_by_uid
get_uids_list_by_package = _panel_class.get_uids_list_by_package
get_installed_php_versions = _panel_class.get_installed_php_versions
get_customer_login = _panel_class.get_customer_login
get_domain_login = _panel_class.get_domain_login
get_server_ip = _panel_class.get_server_ip
invalidate_cpapi_cache = _panel_class.invalidate_cpapi_cache
suspended_users_list = _panel_class.suspended_users_list