Your IP :
from __future__ import annotations
import contextlib
import functools
import os
import sys
from typing import Generator
from typing import Sequence
import pre_commit.constants as C
from pre_commit import lang_base
from pre_commit.envcontext import envcontext
from pre_commit.envcontext import PatchesT
from pre_commit.envcontext import UNSET
from pre_commit.envcontext import Var
from pre_commit.languages.python import bin_dir
from pre_commit.prefix import Prefix
from pre_commit.util import cmd_output
from pre_commit.util import cmd_output_b
from pre_commit.util import rmtree
ENVIRONMENT_DIR = 'node_env'
run_hook = lang_base.basic_run_hook
def get_default_version() -> str:
# nodeenv does not yet support `-n system` on windows
if sys.platform == 'win32':
return C.DEFAULT
# if node is already installed, we can save a bunch of setup time by
# using the installed version
elif all(lang_base.exe_exists(exe) for exe in ('node', 'npm')):
return 'system'
return C.DEFAULT
def get_env_patch(venv: str) -> PatchesT:
if sys.platform == 'cygwin': # pragma: no cover
_, win_venv, _ = cmd_output('cygpath', '-w', venv)
install_prefix = fr'{win_venv.strip()}\bin'
lib_dir = 'lib'
elif sys.platform == 'win32': # pragma: no cover
install_prefix = bin_dir(venv)
lib_dir = 'Scripts'
else: # pragma: win32 no cover
install_prefix = venv
lib_dir = 'lib'
return (
('NPM_CONFIG_PREFIX', install_prefix),
('npm_config_prefix', install_prefix),
('npm_config_userconfig', UNSET),
('NODE_PATH', os.path.join(venv, lib_dir, 'node_modules')),
('PATH', (bin_dir(venv), os.pathsep, Var('PATH'))),
def in_env(prefix: Prefix, version: str) -> Generator[None, None, None]:
envdir = lang_base.environment_dir(prefix, ENVIRONMENT_DIR, version)
with envcontext(get_env_patch(envdir)):
def health_check(prefix: Prefix, version: str) -> str | None:
with in_env(prefix, version):
retcode, _, _ = cmd_output_b('node', '--version', check=False)
if retcode != 0: # pragma: win32 no cover
return f'`node --version` returned {retcode}'
return None
def install_environment(
prefix: Prefix, version: str, additional_dependencies: Sequence[str],
) -> None:
assert prefix.exists('package.json')
envdir = lang_base.environment_dir(prefix, ENVIRONMENT_DIR, version)
if sys.platform == 'win32': # pragma: no cover
envdir = fr'\\?\{os.path.normpath(envdir)}'
cmd = [sys.executable, '-mnodeenv', '--prebuilt', '--clean-src', envdir]
if version != C.DEFAULT:
cmd.extend(['-n', version])
with in_env(prefix, version):
# install as if we installed from git
local_install_cmd = (
'npm', 'install', '--include=dev', '--include=prod',
'--ignore-prepublish', '--no-progress', '--no-save',
lang_base.setup_cmd(prefix, local_install_cmd)
_, pkg, _ = cmd_output('npm', 'pack', cwd=prefix.prefix_dir)
pkg = prefix.path(pkg.strip())
install = ('npm', 'install', '-g', pkg, *additional_dependencies)
lang_base.setup_cmd(prefix, install)
# clean these up after installation
if prefix.exists('node_modules'): # pragma: win32 no cover