Your IP :
# frozen_string_literal: true
module Gem::Security
# No security policy: all package signature checks are disabled.
NoSecurity =
'No Security',
:verify_data => false,
:verify_signer => false,
:verify_chain => false,
:verify_root => false,
:only_trusted => false,
:only_signed => false
# AlmostNo security policy: only verify that the signing certificate is the
# one that actually signed the data. Make no attempt to verify the signing
# certificate chain.
# This policy is basically useless. better than nothing, but can still be
# easily spoofed, and is not recommended.
AlmostNoSecurity =
'Almost No Security',
:verify_data => true,
:verify_signer => false,
:verify_chain => false,
:verify_root => false,
:only_trusted => false,
:only_signed => false
# Low security policy: only verify that the signing certificate is actually
# the gem signer, and that the signing certificate is valid.
# This policy is better than nothing, but can still be easily spoofed, and
# is not recommended.
LowSecurity =
'Low Security',
:verify_data => true,
:verify_signer => true,
:verify_chain => false,
:verify_root => false,
:only_trusted => false,
:only_signed => false
# Medium security policy: verify the signing certificate, verify the signing
# certificate chain all the way to the root certificate, and only trust root
# certificates that we have explicitly allowed trust for.
# This security policy is reasonable, but it allows unsigned packages, so a
# malicious person could simply delete the package signature and pass the
# gem off as unsigned.
MediumSecurity =
'Medium Security',
:verify_data => true,
:verify_signer => true,
:verify_chain => true,
:verify_root => true,
:only_trusted => true,
:only_signed => false
# High security policy: only allow signed gems to be installed, verify the
# signing certificate, verify the signing certificate chain all the way to
# the root certificate, and only trust root certificates that we have
# explicitly allowed trust for.
# This security policy is significantly more difficult to bypass, and offers
# a reasonable guarantee that the contents of the gem have not been altered.
HighSecurity =
'High Security',
:verify_data => true,
:verify_signer => true,
:verify_chain => true,
:verify_root => true,
:only_trusted => true,
:only_signed => true
# Policy used to verify a certificate and key when signing a gem
SigningPolicy =
'Signing Policy',
:verify_data => false,
:verify_signer => true,
:verify_chain => true,
:verify_root => true,
:only_trusted => false,
:only_signed => false
# Hash of configured security policies
Policies = {
'NoSecurity' => NoSecurity,
'AlmostNoSecurity' => AlmostNoSecurity,
'LowSecurity' => LowSecurity,
'MediumSecurity' => MediumSecurity,
'HighSecurity' => HighSecurity,
# SigningPolicy is not intended for use by `gem -P` so do not list it