Your IP :
# frozen_string_literal: false
# URI is a module providing classes to handle Uniform Resource Identifiers
# (RFC2396[])
# == Features
# * Uniform handling of handling URIs
# * Flexibility to introduce custom URI schemes
# * Flexibility to have an alternate URI::Parser (or just different patterns
# and regexp's)
# == Basic example
# require 'uri'
# uri = URI("")
# #=> #<URI::HTTP:0x00000000b14880
# URL:>
# uri.scheme
# #=> "http"
# #=> ""
# uri.path
# #=> "/posts"
# uri.query
# #=> "id=30&limit=5"
# uri.fragment
# #=> "time=1305298413"
# uri.to_s
# #=> ""
# == Adding custom URIs
# module URI
# class RSYNC < Generic
# end
# @@schemes['RSYNC'] = RSYNC
# end
# #=> URI::RSYNC
# URI.scheme_list
# uri = URI("rsync://")
# #=> #<URI::RSYNC:0x00000000f648c8 URL:rsync://>
# == RFC References
# A good place to view an RFC spec is
# Here is a list of all related RFC's.
# - RFC822[]
# - RFC1738[]
# - RFC2255[]
# - RFC2368[]
# - RFC2373[]
# - RFC2396[]
# - RFC2732[]
# - RFC3986[]
# == Class tree
# - URI::Generic (in uri/generic.rb)
# - URI::FTP - (in uri/ftp.rb)
# - URI::HTTP - (in uri/http.rb)
# - URI::HTTPS - (in uri/https.rb)
# - URI::LDAP - (in uri/ldap.rb)
# - URI::LDAPS - (in uri/ldaps.rb)
# - URI::MailTo - (in uri/mailto.rb)
# - URI::Parser - (in uri/common.rb)
# - URI::REGEXP - (in uri/common.rb)
# - URI::REGEXP::PATTERN - (in uri/common.rb)
# - URI::Util - (in uri/common.rb)
# - URI::Escape - (in uri/common.rb)
# - URI::Error - (in uri/common.rb)
# - URI::InvalidURIError - (in uri/common.rb)
# - URI::InvalidComponentError - (in uri/common.rb)
# - URI::BadURIError - (in uri/common.rb)
# == Copyright Info
# Author:: Akira Yamada <>
# Documentation::
# Akira Yamada <>
# Dmitry V. Sabanin <>
# Vincent Batts <>
# License::
# Copyright (c) 2001 akira yamada <>
# You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same term as Ruby.
# Revision:: $Id: uri.rb 53141 2015-12-16 05:07:31Z naruse $
module URI
# :stopdoc:
VERSION_CODE = '001000'.freeze
VERSION = VERSION_CODE.scan(/../).collect{|n| n.to_i}.join('.').freeze
# :startdoc:
require 'uri/common'
require 'uri/generic'
require 'uri/ftp'
require 'uri/http'
require 'uri/https'
require 'uri/ldap'
require 'uri/ldaps'
require 'uri/mailto'