Your IP :
# config.rb -- Default configurations.
# Author: IPR -- Internet Programming with Ruby -- writers
# Copyright (c) 2000, 2001 TAKAHASHI Masayoshi, GOTOU Yuuzou
# Copyright (c) 2003 Internet Programming with Ruby writers. All rights
# reserved.
# $IPR: config.rb,v 1.52 2003/07/22 19:20:42 gotoyuzo Exp $
require 'webrick/version'
require 'webrick/httpversion'
require 'webrick/httputils'
require 'webrick/utils'
require 'webrick/log'
module WEBrick
module Config
LIBDIR = File::dirname(__FILE__)
# for GenericServer
General = {
:ServerName => Utils::getservername,
:BindAddress => nil, # "" or "::" or nil
:Port => nil, # users MUST specifiy this!!
:MaxClients => 100, # maximum number of the concurrent connections
:ServerType => nil, # default: WEBrick::SimpleServer
:Logger => nil, # default:
:ServerSoftware => "WEBrick/#{WEBrick::VERSION} " +
:TempDir => ENV['TMPDIR']||ENV['TMP']||ENV['TEMP']||'/tmp',
:DoNotListen => false,
:StartCallback => nil,
:StopCallback => nil,
:AcceptCallback => nil,
# for HTTPServer, HTTPRequest, HTTPResponse ...
HTTP = General.dup.update(
:Port => 80,
:RequestTimeout => 30,
:HTTPVersion =>"1.1"),
:AccessLog => nil,
:MimeTypes => HTTPUtils::DefaultMimeTypes,
:DirectoryIndex => ["index.html","index.htm","index.cgi","index.rhtml"],
:DocumentRoot => nil,
:DocumentRootOptions => { :FancyIndexing => true },
:RequestHandler => nil,
:RequestCallback => nil, # alias of :RequestHandler
:ServerAlias => nil,
# for HTTPProxyServer
:ProxyAuthProc => nil,
:ProxyContentHandler => nil,
:ProxyVia => true,
:ProxyTimeout => true,
:ProxyURI => nil,
:CGIInterpreter => nil,
:CGIPathEnv => nil,
# workaround: if Request-URIs contain 8bit chars,
# they should be escaped before calling of URI::parse().
:Escape8bitURI => false
FileHandler = {
:NondisclosureName => [".ht*", "*~"],
:FancyIndexing => false,
:HandlerTable => {},
:HandlerCallback => nil,
:DirectoryCallback => nil,
:FileCallback => nil,
:UserDir => nil, # e.g. "public_html"
:AcceptableLanguages => [] # ["en", "ja", ... ]
BasicAuth = {
:AutoReloadUserDB => true,
DigestAuth = {
:Algorithm => 'MD5-sess', # or 'MD5'
:Domain => nil, # an array includes domain names.
:Qop => [ 'auth' ], # 'auth' or 'auth-int' or both.
:UseOpaque => true,
:UseNextNonce => false,
:CheckNc => false,
:UseAuthenticationInfoHeader => true,
:AutoReloadUserDB => true,
:NonceExpirePeriod => 30*60,
:NonceExpireDelta => 60,
:InternetExplorerHack => true,
:OperaHack => true,