Your IP :
from argparse import SUPPRESS
from collections import namedtuple
from contextlib import contextmanager
from docutils import nodes as n
from docutils.parsers.rst.directives import unchanged_required
from sphinx.util.docutils import SphinxDirective
from sphinxarg.parser import parse_parser
from import ComponentBuilder
TableRow = namedtuple("TableRow", ["names", "default", "choices", "help"])
TextAsDefault = namedtuple("TextAsDefault", ["text"])
"discovery": ComponentBuilder.entry_points_for("virtualenv.discovery"),
"creator": ComponentBuilder.entry_points_for("virtualenv.create"),
"seeder": ComponentBuilder.entry_points_for("virtualenv.seed"),
"activators": ComponentBuilder.entry_points_for("virtualenv.activate"),
class CliTable(SphinxDirective):
name = "table_cli"
option_spec = dict(module=unchanged_required, func=unchanged_required)
def run(self):
module_name, attr_name = self.options["module"], self.options["func"]
parser_creator = getattr(__import__(module_name, fromlist=[attr_name]), attr_name)
core_result = parse_parser(parser_creator())
core_result["action_groups"] = [i for i in core_result["action_groups"] if i["title"] not in CUSTOM]
content = []
for i in core_result["action_groups"]:
content.append(self._build_table(i["options"], i["title"], i["description"]))
for key, name_to_class in CUSTOM.items():
section = n.section("", ids=["section-{}".format(key)])
title = n.title("", key)
section += title
results = {}
for name, class_n in name_to_class.items():
with self._run_parser(class_n, key, name):
cmd = ["--{}".format(key), name]
parser_result = parse_parser(parser_creator(cmd))
opt_group = next(i["options"] for i in parser_result["action_groups"] if i["title"] == key)
results[name] = opt_group
core_names = set.intersection(*list({tuple(i["name"]) for i in v} for v in results.values()))
if core_names:
rows = [i for i in next(iter(results.values())) if tuple(i["name"]) in core_names]
self._build_table(rows, title="core", description="options shared across all {}".format(key)),
for name, group in results.items():
rows = [i for i in group if tuple(i["name"]) not in core_names]
if rows:
self._build_table(rows, title=name, description="options specific to {} {}".format(key, name)),
return content
def _run_parser(self, class_n, key, name):
test_name = {"creator": "can_create", "activators": "supports"}
func_name = test_name.get(key)
if func_name is not None:
prev = getattr(class_n, func_name)
def a(*args, **kwargs):
prev(*args, **kwargs)
if key == "activators":
return True
elif key == "creator":
if name == "venv":
from virtualenv.create.via_global_ref.venv import ViaGlobalRefMeta
meta = ViaGlobalRefMeta()
meta.symlink_error = None
return meta
from virtualenv.create.via_global_ref.builtin.via_global_self_do import BuiltinViaGlobalRefMeta
meta = BuiltinViaGlobalRefMeta()
meta.symlink_error = None
return meta
raise RuntimeError
setattr(class_n, func_name, a)
if func_name is not None:
# noinspection PyUnboundLocalVariable
setattr(class_n, func_name, prev)
def _build_table(self, options, title, description):
table = n.table()
table["classes"] += ["colwidths-auto"]
options_group = n.tgroup(cols=3)
table += options_group
for _ in range(3):
options_group += n.colspec()
body = self._make_table_body(self.build_rows(options), title, description)
options_group += body
return table
plugins = {
"creator": "virtualenv.create",
"seed": "virtualenv.seed",
"activators": "virtualenv.activate",
"discovery": "virtualenv.discovery",
def build_rows(options):
result = []
for option in options:
names = option["name"]
default = option["default"]
if default is not None:
if isinstance(default, str) and default and default[0] == default[-1] and default[0] == '"':
default = default[1:-1]
if default == SUPPRESS:
default = None
choices = option.get("choices")
key = names[0].strip("-")
if key in CliTable.plugins:
choices = list(ComponentBuilder.entry_points_for(CliTable.plugins[key]).keys())
help_text = option["help"]
row = TableRow(names, default, choices, help_text)
return result
def _make_table_body(self, rows, title, description):
t_body = n.tbody()
header_row = n.paragraph()
header_row += n.strong(text=title)
if description:
header_row += n.Text(" ⇒ ")
header_row += n.Text(description)
t_body += n.row("", n.entry("", header_row, morecols=2))
for row in rows:
name_list = self._get_targeted_names(row)
default = CliTable._get_default(row)
help_text = CliTable._get_help_text(row)
row_node = n.row("", n.entry("", name_list), n.entry("", default), n.entry("", help_text))
t_body += row_node
return t_body
def _get_targeted_names(self, row):
names = [name.lstrip("-") for name in row.names]
target ="", "", ids=names, names=names)
first = True
for name, orig in zip(names, row.names):
if first:
first = False
target += n.Text(", ")
self_ref = n.reference(refid=name)
self_ref += n.literal(text=orig)
target += self_ref
para = n.paragraph(text="")
para += target
return para
def _get_help_text(row):
name = row.names[0]
if name in ("--creator",):
content =[:"(") - 1]
content =
if name in ("--setuptools", "--pip", "--wheel"):
text =
at = text.index(" bundle ")
help_body = n.paragraph("")
help_body += n.Text(text[: at + 1])
help_body += n.literal(text="bundle")
help_body += n.Text(text[at + 7 :])
help_body = n.paragraph("", "", n.Text(content))
if row.choices is not None:
help_body += n.Text("; choice of: ")
first = True
for choice in row.choices:
if first:
first = False
help_body += n.Text(", ")
help_body += n.literal(text=choice)
return help_body
def _get_default(row):
default = row.default
name = row.names[0]
if name == "-p":
default_body = n.Text("the python executable virtualenv is installed into")
elif name == "--app-data":
default_body = n.Text("platform specific application data folder")
elif name == "--activators":
default_body = n.Text("comma separated list of activators supported")
elif name == "--creator":
default_body = n.paragraph("")
default_body += n.literal(text="builtin")
default_body += n.Text(" if exist, else ")
default_body += n.literal(text="venv")
if default is None:
default_body = n.paragraph("", text="")
default_body = n.literal(text=default if isinstance(default, str) else str(default))
return default_body
def register_target_option(self, target) -> None:
domain = self.env.get_domain("std")
for key in target["ids"]:
domain.add_program_option(None, key, self.env.docname, key)
def literal_data(rawtext, app, type, slug, options):
"""Create a link to a BitBucket resource."""
of_class = type.split(".")
data = getattr(__import__(".".join(of_class[:-1]), fromlist=[of_class[-1]]), of_class[-1])
return [n.literal("", text=",".join(data))], []
__all__ = (