Your IP :
� f� � @ s� d Z ddlmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ dd� Zdd� Zd d
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d� de�Zdd� Ze
dkr�ddlmZ edddd� ddlmZ ee� dS )z�Search dialog for Find, Find Again, and Find Selection
Inherits from SearchDialogBase for GUI and uses searchengine
to prepare search pattern.
� )�TclError)�searchengine)�SearchDialogBasec C s. | � � }t�|�}t|d�s(t||�|_|jS )z�Return the new or existing singleton SearchDialog instance.
The singleton dialog saves user entries and preferences
across instances.
text: Text widget containing the text to be searched.
_searchdialog)Z_rootr �get�hasattr�SearchDialogr )�text�root�engine� r �3/opt/alt/python37/lib64/python3.7/idlelib/�_setup s
r c C s | � dd�}t| ��| |�S )a
Open the search dialog.
Module-level function to access the singleton SearchDialog
instance and open the dialog. If text is selected, it is
used as the search phrase; otherwise, the previous entry
is used. No search is done with this command.
z sel.firstzsel.last)r r �open)r �patr r r
�find s r c C s t | ��| �S )aS Repeat the search for the last pattern and preferences.
Module-level function to access the singleton SearchDialog
instance to search again using the user entries and preferences
from the last dialog. If there was no prior search, open the
search dialog; otherwise, perform the search without showing the
)r �
find_again)r r r r
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