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�Zdd� Zedkr�ddlmZ edddd� ddlmZ ee� dS )z�Grep dialog for Find in Files functionality.
Inherits from SearchDialogBase for GUI and uses searchengine
to prepare search pattern.
� N)� StringVar�
BooleanVar)�Checkbutton)�SearchDialogBase)�searchenginec C sN | � � }t�|�}t|d�s*t|||�|_|j}| �dd�}|�| ||� dS )a� Open the Find in Files dialog.
Module-level function to access the singleton GrepDialog
instance and open the dialog. If text is selected, it is
used as the search phrase; otherwise, the previous entry
is used.
text: Text widget that contains the selected text for
default search phrase.
io: iomenu.IOBinding instance with default path to search.
flist: filelist.FileList instance for OutputWindow parent.
�_grepdialogz sel.firstzsel.lastN)Z_rootr �get�hasattr�
GrepDialogr �open)�text�io�flist�root�engineZdialog�searchphrase� r �1/opt/alt/python37/lib64/python3.7/idlelib/�grep s
r c C s t | � dS )zHandle os.walk error.N)�print)�msgr r r �
walk_error+ s r c # sB x<t j| td�D ]*\� }}� �fdd�|D �E dH |sP qW dS )z�Generate file names in dir that match pattern.
folder: Root directory to search.
pattern: File pattern to match.
recursive: True to include subdirectories.
)�onerrorc 3 s( | ] }t � |��rtj�� |�V qd S )N)�fnmatch�os�path�join)�.0�name)�dirpath�patternr r � <genexpr>9 s zfindfiles.<locals>.<genexpr>N)r �walkr )�folderr � recursive�_� filenamesr )r r r � findfiles0 s