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zqRoutine to "compile" a .py file to a .pyc file.
This module has intimate knowledge of the format of .pyc files.
� N�compile�main�PyCompileErrorc @ s1 e Z d Z d Z d d d � Z d d � Z d S)r a� Exception raised when an error occurs while attempting to
compile the file.
To raise this exception, use
raise PyCompileError(exc_type,exc_value,file[,msg])
exc_type: exception type to be used in error message
type name can be accesses as class variable
exc_value: exception value to be used in error message
can be accesses as class variable 'exc_value'
file: name of file being compiled to be used in error message
can be accesses as class variable 'file'
msg: string message to be written as error message
If no value is given, a default exception message will be
given, consistent with 'standard' py_compile output.
message (or default) can be accesses as class variable
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| p� | | _ d S)Nr zFile "<string>"z File "%s"z
Sorry: %s: %s)�__name__�SyntaxError�join� traceback�format_exception_only�replace� Exception�__init__�
exc_type_name� exc_value�file�msg)�self�exc_typer r r r �tbtext�errmsg� r �//opt/alt/python35/lib64/python3.5/py_compile.pyr
- s zPyCompileError.__init__c C s | j S)N)r )r r r r �__str__= s zPyCompileError.__str__N)r �
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