Your IP :
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Copyright (C) 2000 Bastian Kleineidam
You can choose between two licenses when using this package:
1) GNU GPLv2
2) PSF license for Python 2.2
The robots.txt Exclusion Protocol is implemented as specified in
� N�RobotFileParser�RequestRatezrequests secondsc �Z � e Zd ZdZdd�Zd� Zd� Zd� Zd� Zd� Z d� Z
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� Zy)r zs This class provides a set of methods to read, parse and answer
questions about a single robots.txt file.
c �z � g | _ g | _ d | _ d| _ d| _ | j |� d| _ y )NFr )�entries�sitemaps�
default_entry�disallow_all� allow_all�set_url�last_checked��self�urls �9/opt/alt/python312/lib64/python3.12/urllib/�__init__zRobotFileParser.__init__ s; � ������
�!���!���������S����� c � � | j S )z�Returns the time the robots.txt file was last fetched.
This is useful for long-running web spiders that need to
check for new robots.txt files periodically.
�r s r �mtimezRobotFileParser.mtime% s � � � � � r c �6 � ddl }|j � | _ y)zYSets the time the robots.txt file was last fetched to the
current time.
r N)�timer
)r r s r �modifiedzRobotFileParser.modified. s � �
� �I�I�K��r c �p � || _ t j j |� dd \ | _ | _ y)z,Sets the URL referring to a robots.txt file.� � N)r �urllib�parse�urlparse�host�pathr s r r zRobotFileParser.set_url6 s- � ����%�|�|�4�4�S�9�!�A�>��� �4�9r c � � t j j | j � }|j � }| j |j
d� j � � y# t j j $ rT}|j dv rd| _ n4|j dk\ r |j dk rd| _ Y d}~yY d}~yY d}~yY d}~yd}~ww xY w)z4Reads the robots.txt URL and feeds it to the parser.zutf-8)i� i� Ti� i� N)
r �request�urlopenr �readr �decode�
splitlines�error� HTTPError�coder
r )r �f�raw�errs r r%; s� � � 9����&�&�t�x�x�0�A� �&�&�(�C��J�J�s�z�z�'�*�5�5�7�8�� �|�|�%�%� &��x�x�:�%�$(��!����S��S�X�X��^�!%���� &4�� "�� &�s �)A* �*C�;C�Cc � � d|j v r| j �|| _ y y | j j |� y �N�*)�
useragentsr r �append)r �entrys r �
_add_entryzRobotFileParser._add_entryH s= � ��%�"�"�"��!�!�)�%*��"� *�
�L�L����&r c �� � d}t � }| j � |D �]� }|s4|dk( r
t � }d}n"|dk( r| j |� t � }d}|j d� }|dk\ r|d| }|j � }|s�h|j dd� }t
|� dk( s��|d j � j � |d<