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a� A class supporting chat-style (command/response) protocols.
This class adds support for 'chat' style protocols - where one side
sends a 'command', and the other sends a response (examples would be
the common internet protocols - smtp, nntp, ftp, etc..).
The handle_read() method looks at the input stream for the current
'terminator' (usually '\r\n' for single-line responses, '\r\n.\r\n'
for multi-line output), calling self.found_terminator() on its
for example:
Say you build an async nntp client using this class. At the start
of the connection, you'll have self.terminator set to '\r\n', in
order to process the single-line greeting. Just before issuing a
'LIST' command you'll set it to '\r\n.\r\n'. The output of the LIST
command will be accumulated (using your own 'collect_incoming_data'
method) up to the terminator, and then control will be returned to
you - by calling your self.found_terminator() method.
� N)�deque)�_deprecatedznThe {name} module is deprecated and will be removed in Python {remove}. The recommended replacement is asyncio)� � )�removec � � e Zd ZdZdZdZdZdZdd�Zd� Z d� Z
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async_chatz�This is an abstract class. You must derive from this class, and add
the two methods collect_incoming_data() and found_terminator()i r zlatin-1Nc � � d| _ g | _ t � � | _ t j � | ||� � d S �N� )�ac_in_buffer�incomingr �
dispatcher�__init__)�self�sock�maps �//opt/alt/python311/lib64/python3.11/asynchat.pyr zasync_chat.__init__J sB � ����
� #�W�W�����$�$�T�4��5�5�5�5�5r c � � t d� � ��Nzmust be implemented in subclass��NotImplementedError�r �datas r �collect_incoming_dataz async_chat.collect_incoming_dataX � � �!�"C�D�D�Dr c �: � | j � |� � d S �N)r �appendr s r �_collect_incoming_dataz!async_chat._collect_incoming_data[ s � ��
���T�"�"�"�"�"r c �N � d� | j � � }| j d d �= |S r )�joinr )r �ds r � _get_datazasync_chat._get_data^ s( � ��H�H�T�]�#�#���M�!�!�!���r c � � t d� � �r r �r s r �found_terminatorzasync_chat.found_terminatorc r r c �� � t |t � � r| j rt || j � � }n*t |t
� � r|dk rt
d� � �|| _ dS )zdSet the input delimiter.
Can be a fixed string of any length, an integer, or None.
r z-the number of received bytes must be positiveN)�
terminator)r �terms r �set_terminatorzasync_chat.set_terminatorf sj � �
�d�C� � � N�T�%6� N���t�}�-�-�D�D�
"� N�t�a�x�x��L�M�M�M�����r c � � | j S r )r2 r( s r �get_terminatorzasync_chat.get_terminatorq s
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�lenr6 r r0 r2 r) �find�find_prefix_at_end)r r �lbr2 �n�terminator_len�indexs r �handle_readzasync_chat.handle_ready s� � � ��9�9�T�3�4�4�D�D��� � � ��F�F�� � � ��������F�F� ���� �d�C� � � -�T�%6� -���d�m�,�,�D� �-��4��� �� 3 0��T�&�'�'�B��,�,�.�.�J�� 0
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initiate_sendr( s r �handle_writezasync_chat.handle_write� s � ��������r c �. � | � � � d S r )�closer( s r �handle_closezasync_chat.handle_close� s � ��
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memoryview� TypeError�type�ac_out_buffer_sizer>