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XML_Util::replaceEntities() basic tests
Chuck Burgess <>
# created for v1.2.0a1 2008-05-04
require_once 'XML' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'Util.php';
echo '=====XML_Util::replaceEntities() basic tests=====' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
$data = 'This string contains < & >.';
$utf8 = 'This data contains special chars like <, >, & and " as well as ä, ö, ß, à and ê';
echo "TEST: basic usage" . PHP_EOL;
echo XML_Util::replaceEntities($data) . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
echo "TEST: basic usage but with bogus \$replaceEntities arg" . PHP_EOL;
echo XML_Util::replaceEntities($data, 'I_AM_BOGUS') . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
echo "TEST: basic usage with ENTITIES_XML" . PHP_EOL;
echo XML_Util::replaceEntities($data, XML_UTIL_ENTITIES_XML) . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
echo "TEST: basic usage with ENTITIES_XML and UTF-8" . PHP_EOL;
echo XML_Util::replaceEntities($data, XML_UTIL_ENTITIES_XML, 'UTF-8') . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
echo "TEST: utf8 usage with ENTITIES_XML and UTF-8" . PHP_EOL;
echo XML_Util::replaceEntities($utf8, XML_UTIL_ENTITIES_XML, 'UTF-8') . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
echo "TEST: basic usage with ENTITIES_XML_REQUIRED" . PHP_EOL;
echo XML_Util::replaceEntities($data, XML_UTIL_ENTITIES_XML_REQUIRED) . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
echo "TEST: basic usage with ENTITIES_XML_REQUIRED and UTF-8" . PHP_EOL;
echo XML_Util::replaceEntities($data, XML_UTIL_ENTITIES_XML_REQUIRED, 'UTF-8') . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
echo "TEST: utf8 usage with ENTITIES_XML_REQUIRED and UTF-8" . PHP_EOL;
echo XML_Util::replaceEntities($utf8, XML_UTIL_ENTITIES_XML_REQUIRED, 'UTF-8') . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
echo "TEST: basic usage with ENTITIES_HTML" . PHP_EOL;
echo XML_Util::replaceEntities($data, XML_UTIL_ENTITIES_HTML) . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
echo "TEST: basic usage with ENTITIES_HTML and UTF-8" . PHP_EOL;
echo XML_Util::replaceEntities($data, XML_UTIL_ENTITIES_HTML, 'UTF-8') . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
echo "TEST: utf8 usage with ENTITIES_HTML and UTF-8" . PHP_EOL;
echo XML_Util::replaceEntities($utf8, XML_UTIL_ENTITIES_HTML, 'UTF-8') . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
=====XML_Util::replaceEntities() basic tests=====
TEST: basic usage
This string contains < & >.
TEST: basic usage but with bogus $replaceEntities arg
This string contains < & >.
TEST: basic usage with ENTITIES_XML
This string contains < & >.
TEST: basic usage with ENTITIES_XML and UTF-8
This string contains < & >.
TEST: utf8 usage with ENTITIES_XML and UTF-8
This data contains special chars like <, >, & and " as well as ä, ö, ß, à and ê
This string contains < & >.
TEST: basic usage with ENTITIES_XML_REQUIRED and UTF-8
This string contains < & >.
TEST: utf8 usage with ENTITIES_XML_REQUIRED and UTF-8
This data contains special chars like <, >, & and " as well as ä, ö, ß, à and ê
TEST: basic usage with ENTITIES_HTML
This string contains < & >.
TEST: basic usage with ENTITIES_HTML and UTF-8
This string contains < & >.
TEST: utf8 usage with ENTITIES_HTML and UTF-8
This data contains special chars like <, >, & and " as well as ä, ö, ß, à and ê