Your IP :
/* prop.h -- property request/response management routines
* Author: Chris Newman
* Removal of implementation-specific details by: Rob Siemborski
* This is intended to be used to create a list of properties to request,
* and _then_ request values for all properties. Any change to the request
* list will discard any existing values. This assumption allows a very
* efficient and simple memory model. This was designed for SASL API auxiliary
* property support, but would be fine for other contexts where this property
* model is appropriate.
* The "struct propctx" is allocated by prop_new and is a fixed size structure.
* If a prop_init() call were added, it would be reasonable to embed a "struct
* propctx" in another structure. prop_new also allocates a pool of memory
* (in the vbase field) which will be used for an array of "struct propval"
* to list all the requested properties.
* Properties may be multi-valued.
#ifndef PROP_H
#define PROP_H 1
/* The following ifdef block is the standard way of creating macros
* which make exporting from a DLL simpler. All files within this DLL
* are compiled with the LIBSASL_EXPORTS symbol defined on the command
* line. this symbol should not be defined on any project that uses
* this DLL. This way any other project whose source files include
* this file see LIBSASL_API functions as being imported from a DLL,
* wheras this DLL sees symbols defined with this macro as being
* exported. */
/* Under Unix, life is simpler: we just need to mark library functions
* as extern. (Technically, we don't even have to do that.) */
#ifdef WIN32
# define LIBSASL_API extern __declspec(dllexport)
# else /* LIBSASL_EXPORTS */
# define LIBSASL_API extern __declspec(dllimport)
# endif /* LIBSASL_EXPORTS */
#else /* WIN32 */
# define LIBSASL_API extern
#endif /* WIN32 */
/* Same as above, but used during a variable declaration. */
#ifdef WIN32
# define LIBSASL_VAR extern __declspec(dllexport)
# else /* LIBSASL_EXPORTS */
# define LIBSASL_VAR extern __declspec(dllimport)
# endif /* LIBSASL_EXPORTS */
#else /* WIN32 */
# define LIBSASL_VAR extern
#endif /* WIN32 */
/* the resulting structure for property values
struct propval {
const char *name; /* name of property; NULL = end of list */
/* same pointer used in request will be used here */
const char **values; /* list of strings, values == NULL if property not
* found, *values == NULL if property found with
* no values */
unsigned nvalues; /* total number of value strings */
unsigned valsize; /* total size in characters of all value strings */
* private internal structure
#define PROP_DEFAULT 4 /* default number of propvals to assume */
struct propctx;
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* create a property context
* estimate -- an estimate of the storage needed for requests & responses
* 0 will use module default
* returns a new property context on success and NULL on any error
LIBSASL_API struct propctx *prop_new(unsigned estimate);
/* create new propctx which duplicates the contents of an existing propctx
* returns SASL_OK on success
* possible other return values include: SASL_NOMEM, SASL_BADPARAM
LIBSASL_API int prop_dup(struct propctx *src_ctx, struct propctx **dst_ctx);
/* Add property names to request
* ctx -- context from prop_new()
* names -- list of property names; must persist until context freed
* or requests cleared (This extends to other contexts that
* are dup'ed from this one, and their children, etc)
* NOTE: may clear values from context as side-effect
* returns SASL_OK on success
* possible other return values include: SASL_NOMEM, SASL_BADPARAM
LIBSASL_API int prop_request(struct propctx *ctx, const char **names);
/* return array of struct propval from the context
* return value persists until next call to
* prop_request, prop_clear or prop_dispose on context
* returns NULL on error
LIBSASL_API const struct propval *prop_get(struct propctx *ctx);
/* Fill in an array of struct propval based on a list of property names
* return value persists until next call to
* prop_request, prop_clear or prop_dispose on context
* returns number of matching properties which were found (values != NULL)
* if a name requested here was never requested by a prop_request, then
* the name field of the associated vals entry will be set to NULL
* The vals array MUST be atleast as long as the names array.
* returns # of matching properties on success
* possible other return values include: SASL_BADPARAM
LIBSASL_API int prop_getnames(struct propctx *ctx, const char **names,
struct propval *vals);
/* clear values and optionally requests from property context
* ctx -- property context
* requests -- 0 = don't clear requests, 1 = clear requests
LIBSASL_API void prop_clear(struct propctx *ctx, int requests);
/* erase the value of a property
LIBSASL_API void prop_erase(struct propctx *ctx, const char *name);
/* dispose of property context
* ctx -- is disposed and set to NULL; noop if ctx or *ctx is NULL
LIBSASL_API void prop_dispose(struct propctx **ctx);
/****fetcher interfaces****/
/* format the requested property names into a string
* ctx -- context from prop_new()/prop_request()
* sep -- separator between property names (unused if none requested)
* seplen -- length of separator, if < 0 then strlen(sep) will be used
* outbuf -- output buffer
* outmax -- maximum length of output buffer including NUL terminator
* outlen -- set to length of output string excluding NUL terminator
* returns SASL_OK on success
* returns SASL_BADPARAM or amount of additional space needed on failure
LIBSASL_API int prop_format(struct propctx *ctx, const char *sep, int seplen,
char *outbuf, unsigned outmax, unsigned *outlen);
/* add a property value to the context
* ctx -- context from prop_new()/prop_request()
* name -- name of property to which value will be added
* if NULL, add to the same name as previous prop_set/setvals call
* value -- a value for the property; will be copied into context
* if NULL, remove existing values
* vallen -- length of value, if <= 0 then strlen(value) will be used
* returns SASL_OK on success
* possible error return values include: SASL_BADPARAM, SASL_NOMEM
LIBSASL_API int prop_set(struct propctx *ctx, const char *name,
const char *value, int vallen);
/* set the values for a property
* ctx -- context from prop_new()/prop_request()
* name -- name of property to which value will be added
* if NULL, add to the same name as previous prop_set/setvals call
* values -- array of values, ending in NULL. Each value is a NUL terminated
* string
* returns SASL_OK on success
* possible error return values include: SASL_BADPARAM, SASL_NOMEM
LIBSASL_API int prop_setvals(struct propctx *ctx, const char *name,
const char **values);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* PROP_H */