Your IP :
'use strict'
const path = require('path')
const validate = require('aproba')
const fs = require('graceful-fs')
const isInside = require('path-is-inside')
const vacuum = require('fs-vacuum')
const chain = require('slide').chain
const asyncMap = require('slide').asyncMap
const readCmdShim = require('read-cmd-shim')
const iferr = require('iferr')
exports = module.exports = rm
function rm (target, opts, cb) {
var targetPath = path.normalize(path.resolve(opts.prefix, target))
if (opts.prefixes.indexOf(targetPath) !== -1) {
return cb(new Error('May not delete: ' + targetPath))
var options = {}
if (opts.force) { options.purge = true }
if (opts.base) options.base = path.normalize(path.resolve(opts.prefix, opts.base))
if (!opts.gently) {
options.purge = true
return vacuum(targetPath, options, cb)
var parent = options.base = options.base || path.normalize(opts.prefix)
// Do all the async work we'll need to do in order to tell if this is a
// safe operation
[isEverInside, parent, opts.prefixes, opts.log],
[readLinkOrShim, targetPath],
[isEverInside, targetPath, opts.prefixes, opts.log],
[isEverInside, targetPath, [parent], opts.log]
], function (er, results) {
if (er) {
if (er.code === 'ENOENT') return cb()
return cb(er)
var parentInfo = {
path: parent,
managed: results[0]
var targetInfo = {
path: targetPath,
symlink: results[1],
managed: results[2],
inParent: results[3]
isSafeToRm(parentInfo, targetInfo,, opts.log, iferr(cb, thenRemove))
function thenRemove (toRemove, removeBase) {
if (!toRemove) return cb()
if (removeBase) options.base = removeBase
return vacuum(toRemove, options, cb)
exports._isSafeToRm = isSafeToRm
function isSafeToRm (parent, target, pkgName, log, cb) {
log.silly('gentlyRm', 'parent.path =', parent.path)
log.silly('gentlyRm', 'parent.managed =',
parent.managed && + ' is in ' + parent.managed.path)
log.silly('gentlyRm', 'target.path = ', target.path)
log.silly('gentlyRm', 'target.symlink =', target.symlink)
log.silly('gentlyRm', 'target.managed =',
target.managed && + ' is in ' + target.managed.path)
log.silly('gentlyRm', 'target.inParent = ', target.inParent)
// The parent directory or something it symlinks to must eventually be in
// a folder that we maintain.
if (!parent.managed) {'gentlyRm', parent.path,
'is not contained in any directory ' + pkgName + ' is known to control or ' +
'any place they link to')
return cb(clobberFail(target.path, 'containing path ' + parent.path +
" isn't under " + pkgName + "'s control"))
// The target or something it symlinks to must eventually be in the parent
// or something the parent symlinks to
if (target.inParent) {
var actualTarget =
var targetsParent = target.inParent.path
// if the target.path was what we found in some version of parent, remove
// using that parent as the base
if (target.path === actualTarget) {
return cb(null, target.path, targetsParent)
} else {
// If something the target.path links to was what was found, just
// remove target.path in the location it was found.
return cb(null, target.path, path.dirname(target.path))
// If the target is in a managed directory and is in a symlink, but was
// not in our parent that usually means someone else installed a bin file
// with the same name as one of our bin files.
if (target.managed && target.symlink) {
log.warn('rm', 'not removing', target.path,
"as it wasn't installed by", parent.path)
return cb()
if (target.symlink) {
return cb(clobberFail(target.path, target.symlink +
' symlink target is not controlled by ' + pkgName + ' ' + parent.path))
} else {
return cb(clobberFail(target.path, 'is outside ' + parent.path +
' and not a link'))
function clobberFail (target, msg) {
validate('SS', arguments)
var er = new Error('Refusing to delete ' + target + ': ' + msg)
er.code = 'EEXIST'
er.path = target
return er
function isENOENT (err) {
return err && err.code === 'ENOENT'
function notENOENT (err) {
return !isENOENT(err)
function skipENOENT (cb) {
return function (err, value) {
if (isENOENT(err)) {
return cb(null, false)
} else {
return cb(err, value)
function errorsToValues (fn) {
return function () {
var args =
var cb = args.pop()
args.push(function (err, value) {
if (err) {
return cb(null, err)
} else {
return cb(null, value)
fn.apply(null, args)
function isNotError (value) {
return !(value instanceof Error)
exports._isEverInside = isEverInside
// return the first of path, where target (or anything it symlinks to)
// isInside the path (or anything it symlinks to)
function isEverInside (target, paths, log, cb) {
validate('SAOF', arguments)
asyncMap(paths, errorsToValues(readAllLinks), iferr(cb, function (resolvedPaths) {
var errorFree = resolvedPaths.filter(isNotError)
if (errorFree.length === 0) {
var badErrors = resolvedPaths.filter(notENOENT)
if (badErrors.length === 0) {
return cb(null, false)
} else {
return cb(badErrors[0])
readAllLinks(target, iferr(skipENOENT(cb), function (targets) {
cb(null, areAnyInsideAny(targets, errorFree, log))
exports._areAnyInsideAny = areAnyInsideAny
// Return the first path found that any target is inside
function areAnyInsideAny (targets, paths, log) {
validate('AAO', arguments)
var toCheck = []
paths.forEach(function (path) {
targets.forEach(function (target) {
toCheck.push([target, path])
for (var ii = 0; ii < toCheck.length; ++ii) {
var target = toCheck[ii][0]
var path = toCheck[ii][1]
var inside = isInside(target, path)
if (!inside) log.silly('isEverInside', target, 'is not inside', path)
if (inside && path) return inside && path && {target: target, path: path}
return false
exports._readAllLinks = readAllLinks
// resolves chains of symlinks of unlimited depth, returning a list of paths
// it's seen in the process when it hits either a symlink cycle or a
// non-symlink
function readAllLinks (path, cb) {
validate('SF', arguments)
var seen = {}
function _readAllLinks (path) {
if (seen[path]) return cb(null, Object.keys(seen))
seen[path] = true
resolveSymlink(path, iferr(cb, _readAllLinks))
exports._resolveSymlink = resolveSymlink
var resolvedPaths = {}
function resolveSymlink (symlink, cb) {
validate('SF', arguments)
var cached = resolvedPaths[symlink]
if (cached) return cb(null, cached)
readLinkOrShim(symlink, iferr(cb, function (symlinkTarget) {
if (symlinkTarget) {
resolvedPaths[symlink] = path.resolve(path.dirname(symlink), symlinkTarget)
} else {
resolvedPaths[symlink] = symlink
return cb(null, resolvedPaths[symlink])
exports._readLinkOrShim = readLinkOrShim
function readLinkOrShim (path, cb) {
validate('SF', arguments)
fs.lstat(path, iferr(cb, function (stat) {
if (stat.isSymbolicLink()) {
fs.readlink(path, cb)
} else {
readCmdShim(path, function (er, source) {
if (!er) return cb(null, source)
// lstat wouldn't return an error on these, so we don't either.
if (er.code === 'ENOTASHIM' || er.code === 'EISDIR') {
return cb(null, null)
} else {
return cb(er)