Your IP :
const { resolve } = require('path')
const rpj = require('read-package-json-fast')
const PackageJson = require('@npmcli/package-json')
const log = require('../utils/log-shim')
const BaseCommand = require('../base-command.js')
class SetScript extends BaseCommand {
static description = 'Set tasks in the scripts section of package.json, deprecated'
static params = ['workspace', 'workspaces', 'include-workspace-root']
static name = 'set-script'
static usage = ['[<script>] [<command>]']
static ignoreImplicitWorkspace = false
async completion (opts) {
const argv = opts.conf.argv.remain
if (argv.length === 2) {
// find the script name
const json = resolve(this.npm.localPrefix, 'package.json')
const { scripts = {} } = await rpj(json).catch(er => ({}))
return Object.keys(scripts)
validate (args) {
if (process.env.npm_lifecycle_event === 'postinstall') {
throw new Error('Scripts can’t set from the postinstall script')
// Parse arguments
if (args.length !== 2) {
throw new Error(`Expected 2 arguments: got ${args.length}`)
async exec (args) {
'set-script is deprecated, use `npm pkg set scripts.scriptname="cmd" instead.')
const warn = await this.doSetScript(this.npm.localPrefix, args[0], args[1])
if (warn) {
log.warn('set-script', `Script "${args[0]}" was overwritten`)
async execWorkspaces (args, filters) {
await this.setWorkspaces(filters)
for (const [name, path] of this.workspaces) {
try {
const warn = await this.doSetScript(path, args[0], args[1])
if (warn) {
log.warn('set-script', `Script "${args[0]}" was overwritten`)
log.warn(` in workspace: ${name}`)
log.warn(` at location: ${path}`)
} catch (err) {
log.error('set-script', err.message)
log.error(` in workspace: ${name}`)
log.error(` at location: ${path}`)
process.exitCode = 1
// returns a Boolean that will be true if
// the requested script was overwritten
// and false if it was set as a new script
async doSetScript (path, name, value) {
let warn = false
const pkgJson = await PackageJson.load(path)
const { scripts } = pkgJson.content
const overwriting =
&& scripts[name]
&& scripts[name] !== value
if (overwriting) {
warn = true
scripts: {
[name]: value,
return warn
module.exports = SetScript