Your IP :
# -*- mode: TCL; fill-column: 75; tab-width: 8; coding: iso-latin-1-unix -*-
# $Id: OptMenu.tcl,v 1.3 2001/12/09 05:04:02 idiscovery Exp $
# OptMenu.tcl --
# This file implements the TixOptionMenu widget.
# Copyright (c) 1993-1999 Ioi Kim Lam.
# Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Tix Project Group.
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
tixWidgetClass tixOptionMenu {
-classname TixOptionMenu
-superclass tixLabelWidget
-method {
add delete disable enable entrycget entryconfigure entries
-flag {
-command -disablecallback -dynamicgeometry -value -variable
-validatecmd -state
-forcecall {
-variable -state
-configspec {
{-command command Command ""}
{-disablecallback disableCallback DisableCallback 0 tixVerifyBoolean}
{-dynamicgeometry dynamicGeometry DynamicGeometry 0 tixVerifyBoolean}
{-state state State normal}
{-value value Value ""}
{-validatecmd validateCmd ValidateCmd ""}
{-variable variable Variable ""}
-default {
{.highlightThickness 0}
{.takeFocus 0}
{.frame.menubutton.relief raised}
{.frame.menubutton.borderWidth 2}
{.frame.menubutton.anchor w}
{.frame.menubutton.highlightThickness 2}
{.frame.menubutton.takeFocus 1}
proc tixOptionMenu:InitWidgetRec {w} {
upvar #0 $w data
tixChainMethod $w InitWidgetRec
set data(nItems) 0
set data(items) ""
set data(posted) 0
set data(varInited) 0
set data(maxWidth) 0
proc tixOptionMenu:ConstructFramedWidget {w frame} {
upvar #0 $w data
tixChainMethod $w ConstructFramedWidget $frame
set data(w:menubutton) [menubutton $frame.menubutton -indicatoron 1]
set data(w:menu) [menu $ -tearoff 0]
pack $data(w:menubutton) -side left -expand yes -fill both
$data(w:menubutton) config -menu $data(w:menu)
bind $data(w:menubutton) <Up> [bind Menubutton <space>]
bind $data(w:menubutton) <Down> [bind Menubutton <space>]
tixSetMegaWidget $data(w:menubutton) $w
proc tixOptionMenu:SetBindings {w} {
upvar #0 $w data
tixChainMethod $w SetBindings
# Private methods
proc tixOptionMenu:Invoke {w name} {
upvar #0 $w data
if {"$data(-state)" == "normal"} {
tixOptionMenu:SetValue $w $name
proc tixOptionMenu:SetValue {w value {noUpdate 0}} {
upvar #0 $w data
if {$data(-validatecmd) != ""} {
set value [tixEvalCmdBinding $w $data(-validatecmd) "" $value]
set name $value
if {$name == "" || [info exists data(varInited)]} {
# variable may contain a bogus value
if {![info exists data($name,index)]} {
set data(-value) ""
tixVariable:UpdateVariable $w
$data(w:menubutton) config -text ""
if {[info exists data($name,index)]} {
$data(w:menubutton) config -text $data($name,label)
set data(-value) $value
if {! $noUpdate} {
tixVariable:UpdateVariable $w
if {$data(-command) != "" && !$data(-disablecallback)} {
if {![info exists data(varInited)]} {
set bind(specs) ""
tixEvalCmdBinding $w $data(-command) bind $value
} else {
error "item \"$value\" does not exist"
proc tixOptionMenu:SetMaxWidth {w} {
upvar #0 $w data
foreach name $data(items) {
set len [string length $data($name,label)]
if {$data(maxWidth) < $len} {
set data(maxWidth) $len
if {$data(maxWidth) > 0} {
$data(w:menubutton) config -width $data(maxWidth)
# Configuration
proc tixOptionMenu:config-state {w value} {
upvar #0 $w data
if {![info exists data(w:label)]} {
if {$value == "normal"} {
catch {
$data(w:label) config -fg \
[$data(w:menubutton) cget -foreground]
$data(w:menubutton) config -state $value
} else {
catch {
$data(w:label) config -fg \
[$data(w:menubutton) cget -disabledforeground]
$data(w:menubutton) config -state $value
proc tixOptionMenu:config-value {w value} {
upvar #0 $w data
tixOptionMenu:SetValue $w $value
# This will tell the Intrinsics: "Please use this value"
# because "value" might be altered by SetValues
return $data(-value)
proc tixOptionMenu:config-variable {w arg} {
upvar #0 $w data
if {[tixVariable:ConfigVariable $w $arg]} {
# The value of data(-value) is changed if tixVariable:ConfigVariable
# returns true
tixOptionMenu:SetValue $w $data(-value) 1
catch {
unset data(varInited)
set data(-variable) $arg
# Public Methdos
proc tixOptionMenu:add {w type name args} {
upvar #0 $w data
if {[info exists data($name,index)]} {
error "item $name already exists in the option menu $w"
case $type {
"command" {
set validOptions {
-command -label
set opt(-command) ""
set opt(-label) $name
tixHandleOptions -nounknown opt $validOptions $args
if {$opt(-command) != ""} {
error "option -command cannot be specified"
# Create a new item inside the menu
eval $data(w:menu) add command $args \
[list -label $opt(-label) \
-command "tixOptionMenu:Invoke $w \{$name\}"]
set index $data(nItems)
# Store info about this item
set data($index,name) $name
set data($name,type) cmd
set data($name,label) $opt(-label)
set data($name,index) $index
if {$index == 0} {
$data(w:menubutton) config -text $data($name,label)
tixOptionMenu:SetValue $w $name
incr data(nItems)
lappend data(items) $name
if $data(-dynamicgeometry) {
tixOptionMenu:SetMaxWidth $w
"separator" {
$data(w:menu) add separator
set index $data(nItems)
# Store info about this item
set data($index,name) $name
set data($name,type) sep
set data($name,label) ""
set data($name,index) $index
incr data(nItems)
lappend data(items) $name
default {
error "only types \"separator\" and \"command\" are allowed"
return ""
proc tixOptionMenu:delete {w item} {
upvar #0 $w data
if {![info exists data($item,index)]} {
error "item $item does not exist in $w"
# Rehash the item list
set newItems ""
set oldIndex 0
set newIndex 0
foreach name $data(items) {
if {$item == $name} {
unset data($name,label)
unset data($name,index)
unset data($name,type)
$data(w:menu) delete $oldIndex
} else {
set data($name,index) $newIndex
set data($newIndex,name) $name
incr newIndex
lappend newItems $name
incr oldIndex
incr oldIndex -1; unset data($oldIndex,name)
set data(nItems) $newIndex
set data(items) $newItems
if {$data(-value) == $item} {
set newVal ""
foreach item $data(items) {
if {$data($item,type) == "cmd"} {
set newVal $item
tixOptionMenu:SetValue $w $newVal
return ""
proc tixOptionMenu:disable {w item} {
upvar #0 $w data
if {![info exists data($item,index)]} {
error "item $item does not exist in $w"
} else {
catch {$data(w:menu) entryconfig $data($item,index) -state disabled}
proc tixOptionMenu:enable {w item} {
upvar #0 $w data
if {![info exists data($item,index)]} {
error "item $item does not exist in $w"
} else {
catch {$data(w:menu) entryconfig $data($item,index) -state normal}
proc tixOptionMenu:entryconfigure {w item args} {
upvar #0 $w data
if {![info exists data($item,index)]} {
error "item $item does not exist in $w"
} else {
return [eval $data(w:menu) entryconfig $data($item,index) $args]
proc tixOptionMenu:entrycget {w item arg} {
upvar #0 $w data
if {![info exists data($item,index)]} {
error "item $item does not exist in $w"
} else {
return [$data(w:menu) entrycget $data($item,index) $arg]
proc tixOptionMenu:entries {w} {
upvar #0 $w data
return $data(items)
proc tixOptionMenu:Destructor {w} {
tixVariable:DeleteVariable $w
# Chain this to the superclass
tixChainMethod $w Destructor
# Obsolete
# These have been replaced by new commands in Tk 4.0
proc tixOptionMenu:Post {w} {
upvar #0 $w data
set rootx [winfo rootx $data(w:frame)]
set rooty [winfo rooty $data(w:frame)]
# adjust for the border of the menu and frame
incr rootx [lindex [$data(w:menu) config -border] 4]
incr rooty [lindex [$data(w:frame) config -border] 4]
incr rooty [lindex [$data(w:menu) config -border] 4]
set value $data(-value)
set y [$data(w:menu) yposition $data($value,index)]
$data(w:menu) post $rootx [expr $rooty - $y]
$data(w:menu) activate $data($value,index)
grab -global $data(w:menubutton)
set data(posted) 1