Your IP :
# -*- Mode: Python; py-indent-offset: 4 -*-
# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab
# Copyright (C) 2012 Canonical Ltd.
# Author: Martin Pitt <>
# Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Simon Feltman <>
# Copyright (C) 2012 Bastian Winkler <>
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301
import sys
import warnings
from collections import namedtuple
import gi.overrides
import gi.module
from gi.overrides import override, deprecated_attr
from gi.repository import GLib
from gi import PyGIDeprecationWarning
from gi import _propertyhelper as propertyhelper
from gi import _signalhelper as signalhelper
from gi import _gi
GObjectModule = gi.module.get_introspection_module('GObject')
__all__ = []
from gi import _option as option
option = option
# API aliases for backwards compatibility
for name in ['markup_escape_text', 'get_application_name',
'set_application_name', 'get_prgname', 'set_prgname',
'main_depth', 'filename_display_basename',
'filename_display_name', 'filename_from_utf8',
'MainLoop', 'MainContext', 'main_context_default',
'source_remove', 'Source', 'Idle', 'Timeout', 'PollFD',
'idle_add', 'timeout_add', 'timeout_add_seconds',
'io_add_watch', 'child_watch_add', 'get_current_time',
globals()[name] = getattr(GLib, name)
deprecated_attr("GObject", name, "GLib." + name)
# deprecated constants
with warnings.catch_warnings():
# TODO: this uses deprecated Glib attributes, silence for now
warnings.simplefilter('ignore', PyGIDeprecationWarning)
globals()[name] = getattr(GLib, name)
deprecated_attr("GObject", name, "GLib." + name)
for name in ['G_MININT8', 'G_MAXINT8', 'G_MAXUINT8', 'G_MININT16',
new_name = name.split("_", 1)[-1]
globals()[name] = getattr(GLib, new_name)
deprecated_attr("GObject", name, "GLib." + new_name)
# these are not currently exported in GLib gir, presumably because they are
# platform dependent; so get them from our static bindings
new_name = name.split("_", 1)[-1]
globals()[name] = getattr(GLib, new_name)
deprecated_attr("GObject", name, "GLib." + new_name)
TYPE_INVALID = GObjectModule.type_from_name('invalid')
TYPE_NONE = GObjectModule.type_from_name('void')
TYPE_INTERFACE = GObjectModule.type_from_name('GInterface')
TYPE_CHAR = GObjectModule.type_from_name('gchar')
TYPE_UCHAR = GObjectModule.type_from_name('guchar')
TYPE_BOOLEAN = GObjectModule.type_from_name('gboolean')
TYPE_INT = GObjectModule.type_from_name('gint')
TYPE_UINT = GObjectModule.type_from_name('guint')
TYPE_LONG = GObjectModule.type_from_name('glong')
TYPE_ULONG = GObjectModule.type_from_name('gulong')
TYPE_INT64 = GObjectModule.type_from_name('gint64')
TYPE_UINT64 = GObjectModule.type_from_name('guint64')
TYPE_ENUM = GObjectModule.type_from_name('GEnum')
TYPE_FLAGS = GObjectModule.type_from_name('GFlags')
TYPE_FLOAT = GObjectModule.type_from_name('gfloat')
TYPE_DOUBLE = GObjectModule.type_from_name('gdouble')
TYPE_STRING = GObjectModule.type_from_name('gchararray')
TYPE_POINTER = GObjectModule.type_from_name('gpointer')
TYPE_BOXED = GObjectModule.type_from_name('GBoxed')
TYPE_PARAM = GObjectModule.type_from_name('GParam')
TYPE_OBJECT = GObjectModule.type_from_name('GObject')
TYPE_PYOBJECT = GObjectModule.type_from_name('PyObject')
TYPE_GTYPE = GObjectModule.type_from_name('GType')
TYPE_STRV = GObjectModule.type_from_name('GStrv')
TYPE_VARIANT = GObjectModule.type_from_name('GVariant')
TYPE_GSTRING = GObjectModule.type_from_name('GString')
TYPE_VALUE = GObjectModule.Value.__gtype__
# Deprecated, use GLib directly
for name in ['Pid', 'GError', 'OptionGroup', 'OptionContext']:
globals()[name] = getattr(GLib, name)
deprecated_attr("GObject", name, "GLib." + name)
# Deprecated, use: GObject.ParamFlags.* directly
new_name = name.split("_", 1)[-1]
globals()[name] = getattr(GObjectModule.ParamFlags, new_name)
deprecated_attr("GObject", name, "GObject.ParamFlags." + new_name)
# PARAM_READWRITE should come from the gi module but cannot due to:
PARAM_READWRITE = GObjectModule.ParamFlags.READABLE | \
# READWRITE is part of ParamFlags since glib 2.42. Only mark PARAM_READWRITE as
# deprecated in case ParamFlags.READWRITE is available. Also include the glib
# version in the warning so it's clear that this needs a newer glib, unlike
# the other ParamFlags related deprecations.
if hasattr(GObjectModule.ParamFlags, "READWRITE"):
deprecated_attr("GObject", "PARAM_READWRITE",
"GObject.ParamFlags.READWRITE (glib 2.42+)")
# Deprecated, use: GObject.SignalFlags.* directly
new_name = name.split("_", 1)[-1]
globals()[name] = getattr(GObjectModule.SignalFlags, new_name)
deprecated_attr("GObject", name, "GObject.SignalFlags." + new_name)
# Static types
GBoxed = _gi.GBoxed
GEnum = _gi.GEnum
GFlags = _gi.GFlags
GInterface = _gi.GInterface
GObject = _gi.GObject
GObjectWeakRef = _gi.GObjectWeakRef
GParamSpec = _gi.GParamSpec
GPointer = _gi.GPointer
GType = _gi.GType
Warning = _gi.Warning
__all__ += ['GBoxed', 'GEnum', 'GFlags', 'GInterface', 'GObject',
'GObjectWeakRef', 'GParamSpec', 'GPointer', 'GType',
features = _gi.features
list_properties = _gi.list_properties
new =
pygobject_version = _gi.pygobject_version
threads_init = GLib.threads_init
type_register = _gi.type_register
__all__ += ['features', 'list_properties', 'new',
'pygobject_version', 'threads_init', 'type_register']
class Value(GObjectModule.Value):
def __init__(self, value_type=None, py_value=None):
if value_type is not None:
if py_value is not None:
def __del__(self):
if self._free_on_dealloc and self.g_type != TYPE_INVALID:
# We must call base class __del__() after unset.
super(Value, self).__del__()
def set_boxed(self, boxed):
# Workaround the introspection marshalers inability to know
# these methods should be marshaling boxed types. This is because
# the type information is stored on the GValue.
_gi._gvalue_set(self, boxed)
def get_boxed(self):
return _gi._gvalue_get(self)
def set_value(self, py_value):
gtype = self.g_type
if gtype == _gi.TYPE_INVALID:
raise TypeError("GObject.Value needs to be initialized first")
elif gtype == TYPE_BOOLEAN:
elif gtype == TYPE_CHAR:
elif gtype == TYPE_UCHAR:
elif gtype == TYPE_INT:
elif gtype == TYPE_UINT:
elif gtype == TYPE_LONG:
elif gtype == TYPE_ULONG:
elif gtype == TYPE_INT64:
elif gtype == TYPE_UINT64:
elif gtype == TYPE_FLOAT:
elif gtype == TYPE_DOUBLE:
elif gtype == TYPE_STRING:
if isinstance(py_value, str):
py_value = str(py_value)
elif sys.version_info < (3, 0):
if isinstance(py_value, unicode):
py_value = py_value.encode('UTF-8')
raise ValueError("Expected string or unicode but got %s%s" %
(py_value, type(py_value)))
raise ValueError("Expected string but got %s%s" %
(py_value, type(py_value)))
elif gtype == TYPE_PARAM:
elif gtype.is_a(TYPE_ENUM):
elif gtype.is_a(TYPE_FLAGS):
elif gtype.is_a(TYPE_BOXED):
elif gtype == TYPE_POINTER:
elif gtype.is_a(TYPE_OBJECT):
elif gtype == TYPE_UNICHAR:
# elif gtype == TYPE_OVERRIDE:
# pass
elif gtype == TYPE_GTYPE:
elif gtype == TYPE_VARIANT:
elif gtype == TYPE_PYOBJECT:
raise TypeError("Unknown value type %s" % gtype)
def get_value(self):
gtype = self.g_type
if gtype == TYPE_BOOLEAN:
return self.get_boolean()
elif gtype == TYPE_CHAR:
return self.get_char()
elif gtype == TYPE_UCHAR:
return self.get_uchar()
elif gtype == TYPE_INT:
return self.get_int()
elif gtype == TYPE_UINT:
return self.get_uint()
elif gtype == TYPE_LONG:
return self.get_long()
elif gtype == TYPE_ULONG:
return self.get_ulong()
elif gtype == TYPE_INT64:
return self.get_int64()
elif gtype == TYPE_UINT64:
return self.get_uint64()
elif gtype == TYPE_FLOAT:
return self.get_float()
elif gtype == TYPE_DOUBLE:
return self.get_double()
elif gtype == TYPE_STRING:
return self.get_string()
elif gtype == TYPE_PARAM:
return self.get_param()
elif gtype.is_a(TYPE_ENUM):
return self.get_enum()
elif gtype.is_a(TYPE_FLAGS):
return self.get_flags()
elif gtype.is_a(TYPE_BOXED):
return self.get_boxed()
elif gtype == TYPE_POINTER:
return self.get_pointer()
elif gtype.is_a(TYPE_OBJECT):
return self.get_object()
elif gtype == TYPE_UNICHAR:
return self.get_uint()
elif gtype == TYPE_GTYPE:
return self.get_gtype()
elif gtype == TYPE_VARIANT:
return self.get_variant()
elif gtype == TYPE_PYOBJECT:
return None
def __repr__(self):
return '<Value (%s) %s>' % (, self.get_value())
Value = override(Value)
def type_from_name(name):
type_ = GObjectModule.type_from_name(name)
if type_ == TYPE_INVALID:
raise RuntimeError('unknown type name: %s' % name)
return type_
def type_parent(type_):
parent = GObjectModule.type_parent(type_)
if parent == TYPE_INVALID:
raise RuntimeError('no parent for type')
return parent
def _validate_type_for_signal_method(type_):
if hasattr(type_, '__gtype__'):
type_ = type_.__gtype__
if not type_.is_instantiatable() and not type_.is_interface():
raise TypeError('type must be instantiable or an interface, got %s' % type_)
def signal_list_ids(type_):
return GObjectModule.signal_list_ids(type_)
def signal_list_names(type_):
ids = signal_list_ids(type_)
return tuple(GObjectModule.signal_name(i) for i in ids)
def signal_lookup(name, type_):
return GObjectModule.signal_lookup(name, type_)
SignalQuery = namedtuple('SignalQuery',
# n_params',
def signal_query(id_or_name, type_=None):
if type_ is not None:
id_or_name = signal_lookup(id_or_name, type_)
res = GObjectModule.signal_query(id_or_name)
if res is None:
return None
if res.signal_id == 0:
return None
# Return a named tuple to allows indexing which is compatible with the
# static bindings along with field like access of the gi struct.
# Note however that the n_params was not returned from the static bindings
# so we must skip over it.
return SignalQuery(res.signal_id, res.signal_name, res.itype,
res.signal_flags, res.return_type,
class _HandlerBlockManager(object):
def __init__(self, obj, handler_id):
self.obj = obj
self.handler_id = handler_id
def __enter__(self):
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
GObjectModule.signal_handler_unblock(self.obj, self.handler_id)
def signal_handler_block(obj, handler_id):
"""Blocks the signal handler from being invoked until
handler_unblock() is called.
:param GObject.Object obj:
Object instance to block handlers for.
:param int handler_id:
Id of signal to block.
A context manager which optionally can be used to
automatically unblock the handler:
.. code-block:: python
with GObject.signal_handler_block(obj, id):
GObjectModule.signal_handler_block(obj, handler_id)
return _HandlerBlockManager(obj, handler_id)
def signal_parse_name(detailed_signal, itype, force_detail_quark):
"""Parse a detailed signal name into (signal_id, detail).
:param str detailed_signal:
Signal name which can include detail.
For example: "notify:prop_name"
Tuple of (signal_id, detail)
:raises ValueError:
If the given signal is unknown.
res, signal_id, detail = GObjectModule.signal_parse_name(detailed_signal, itype,
if res:
return signal_id, detail
raise ValueError('%s: unknown signal name: %s' % (itype, detailed_signal))
def remove_emission_hook(obj, detailed_signal, hook_id):
signal_id, detail = signal_parse_name(detailed_signal, obj, True)
GObjectModule.signal_remove_emission_hook(signal_id, hook_id)
# GObject accumulators with pure Python implementations
# These return a tuple of (continue_emission, accumulation_result)
def signal_accumulator_first_wins(ihint, return_accu, handler_return, user_data=None):
# Stop emission but return the result of the last handler
return (False, handler_return)
def signal_accumulator_true_handled(ihint, return_accu, handler_return, user_data=None):
# Stop emission if the last handler returns True
return (not handler_return, handler_return)
# Statically bound signal functions which need to clobber GI (for now)
add_emission_hook = _gi.add_emission_hook
signal_new = _gi.signal_new
__all__ += ['add_emission_hook', 'signal_new']
class _FreezeNotifyManager(object):
def __init__(self, obj):
self.obj = obj
def __enter__(self):
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
def _signalmethod(func):
# Function wrapper for signal functions used as instance methods.
# This is needed when the signal functions come directly from GI.
# (they are not already wrapped)
def meth(*args, **kwargs):
return func(*args, **kwargs)
return meth
class Object(GObjectModule.Object):
def _unsupported_method(self, *args, **kargs):
raise RuntimeError('This method is currently unsupported.')
def _unsupported_data_method(self, *args, **kargs):
raise RuntimeError('Data access methods are unsupported. '
'Use normal Python attributes instead')
# Generic data methods are not needed in python as it can be handled
# with standard attribute access:
get_data = _unsupported_data_method
get_qdata = _unsupported_data_method
set_data = _unsupported_data_method
steal_data = _unsupported_data_method
steal_qdata = _unsupported_data_method
replace_data = _unsupported_data_method
replace_qdata = _unsupported_data_method
# The following methods as unsupported until we verify
# they work as gi methods.
bind_property_full = _unsupported_method
compat_control = _unsupported_method
interface_find_property = _unsupported_method
interface_install_property = _unsupported_method
interface_list_properties = _unsupported_method
notify_by_pspec = _unsupported_method
run_dispose = _unsupported_method
watch_closure = _unsupported_method
# Make all reference management methods private but still accessible.
_ref = GObjectModule.Object.ref
_ref_sink = GObjectModule.Object.ref_sink
_unref = GObjectModule.Object.unref
_force_floating = GObjectModule.Object.force_floating
ref = _unsupported_method
ref_sink = _unsupported_method
unref = _unsupported_method
force_floating = _unsupported_method
# The following methods are static APIs which need to leap frog the
# gi methods until we verify the gi methods can replace them.
get_property = _gi.GObject.get_property
get_properties = _gi.GObject.get_properties
set_property = _gi.GObject.set_property
set_properties = _gi.GObject.set_properties
bind_property = _gi.GObject.bind_property
connect = _gi.GObject.connect
connect_after = _gi.GObject.connect_after
connect_object = _gi.GObject.connect_object
connect_object_after = _gi.GObject.connect_object_after
disconnect_by_func = _gi.GObject.disconnect_by_func
handler_block_by_func = _gi.GObject.handler_block_by_func
handler_unblock_by_func = _gi.GObject.handler_unblock_by_func
emit = _gi.GObject.emit
chain = _gi.GObject.chain
weak_ref = _gi.GObject.weak_ref
__copy__ = _gi.GObject.__copy__
__deepcopy__ = _gi.GObject.__deepcopy__
def freeze_notify(self):
"""Freezes the object's property-changed notification queue.
A context manager which optionally can be used to
automatically thaw notifications.
This will freeze the object so that "notify" signals are blocked until
the thaw_notify() method is called.
.. code-block:: python
with obj.freeze_notify():
super(Object, self).freeze_notify()
return _FreezeNotifyManager(self)
def connect_data(self, detailed_signal, handler, *data, **kwargs):
"""Connect a callback to the given signal with optional user data.
:param str detailed_signal:
A detailed signal to connect to.
:param callable handler:
Callback handler to connect to the signal.
:param *data:
Variable data which is passed through to the signal handler.
:param GObject.ConnectFlags connect_flags:
Flags used for connection options.
A signal id which can be used with disconnect.
flags = kwargs.get('connect_flags', 0)
if flags & GObjectModule.ConnectFlags.AFTER:
connect_func = _gi.GObject.connect_after
connect_func = _gi.GObject.connect
if flags & GObjectModule.ConnectFlags.SWAPPED:
if len(data) != 1:
raise ValueError('Using GObject.ConnectFlags.SWAPPED requires exactly '
'one argument for user data, got: %s' % [data])
def new_handler(obj, *args):
# Swap obj with the last element in args which will be the user
# data passed to the connect function.
args = list(args)
swap = args.pop()
args = args + [obj]
return handler(swap, *args)
new_handler = handler
return connect_func(self, detailed_signal, new_handler, *data)
# Aliases
handler_block = signal_handler_block
handler_unblock = _signalmethod(GObjectModule.signal_handler_unblock)
disconnect = _signalmethod(GObjectModule.signal_handler_disconnect)
handler_disconnect = _signalmethod(GObjectModule.signal_handler_disconnect)
handler_is_connected = _signalmethod(GObjectModule.signal_handler_is_connected)
stop_emission_by_name = _signalmethod(GObjectModule.signal_stop_emission_by_name)
# Deprecated Methods
def stop_emission(self, detailed_signal):
"""Deprecated, please use stop_emission_by_name."""
warnings.warn(self.stop_emission.__doc__, PyGIDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
return self.stop_emission_by_name(detailed_signal)
emit_stop_by_name = stop_emission
Object = override(Object)
GObject = Object
__all__ += ['Object', 'GObject']
class Binding(GObjectModule.Binding):
def __call__(self):
warnings.warn('Using parentheses (binding()) to retrieve the Binding object is no '
'longer needed because the binding is returned directly from "bind_property.',
PyGIDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
return self
def unbind(self):
if hasattr(self, '_unbound'):
raise ValueError('binding has already been cleared out')
setattr(self, '_unbound', True)
super(Binding, self).unbind()
Binding = override(Binding)
Property = propertyhelper.Property
Signal = signalhelper.Signal
SignalOverride = signalhelper.SignalOverride
# Deprecated naming "property" available for backwards compatibility.
# Keep this at the end of the file to avoid clobbering the builtin.
property = Property
deprecated_attr("GObject", "property", "GObject.Property")
__all__ += ['Property', 'Signal', 'SignalOverride', 'property']