Your IP :
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This method has to be implemented in child class and should
set _namespace, _prefix, and _interface member attributes.
N)�NotImplementedError)�self� r �#/usr/lib/python3.6/�_set_loader_parameters s z#PluginLoader._set_loader_parametersc sn t t| �j� d | _d | _d | _| j� t| j�tks:t �t| j�tksLt �t| j�tkrft
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r r r r �
_get_class)r Zplugin_name�module_namer r r �load_plugin s zPluginLoader.load_pluginc C s� t jd| � t|�}|jd�}|jd� x t|�dkrJt||jd��}q,W x4|jD ]*}t||�}t|�tkrTt || j
�rT|S qTW td��d S )Nzloading module %s�.r zCannot find the plugin class.)�log�debug�
r r �ImportError)r r �module�path�name�clsr r r r "