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eddd�dd� �ZdS )�MountsPluginaP
Enables or disables barriers for mounts according to the value of the
[option]`disable_barriers` option. The [option]`disable_barriers`
option has an optional value `force` which disables barriers even
on mountpoints with write back caches. Note that only extended file
systems (ext) are supported by this plug-in.
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Gets the information about disks, partitions and mountpoints. Stores information about used filesystem and
creates a list of all underlying devices (in case of LVM) for each mountpoint.
NZlsblkz-rnozTYPE,RM,KNAME,FSTYPE,MOUNTPOINTT)�stdout�stderrZ close_fdsZuniversal_newlinesc S s g | ]}|j � �qS � )�split)�.0�liner r �#/usr/lib/python3.6/�
<listcomp>$ s z>MountsPlugin._generate_mountpoint_topology.<locals>.<listcomp>� � Zdisk�1�part�lvmz[SWAP])�disks�device_name�
filesystemr )r r ) r r Zcommunicate�
setdefault�set�add�_mountpoint_topology)�clsZmountpoint_topologyZcurrent_diskr r
�columnsZdevice_typeZdevice_removabler r �
mountpointr r r �_generate_mountpoint_topology s, z*MountsPlugin._generate_mountpoint_topologyc C s* | j � d| _t| jj� �| _t� | _d S )NT)r"