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Configures the ACPI driver.
The only currently supported option is
[option]`platform_profile`, which sets the ACPI
platform profile sysfs attribute,
a generic power/performance preference API for other drivers.
Multiple profiles can be specified, separated by `|`.
The first available profile is selected.
.Selecting a platform profile
Using this option, *TuneD* will try to set the platform profile
to `balanced`. If that fails, it will try to set it to `low-power`.
c s t t| �j||� d S )N)�superr �__init__)�self�args�kwargs)� __class__� �!/usr/lib/python3.6/plugin_acpi.pyr $ s zACPIPlugin.__init__c C s dd iS )N�platform_profiler
r �_get_config_options'