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DNS Zones.� )�
generatorsN)�BytesIO� )�string_types� text_type� c @ s e Zd ZdZdS )�BadZonezThe DNS zone is malformed.N)�__name__�
__module__�__qualname__�__doc__� r
�/usr/lib/python3.6/zone.pyr ) s r c @ s e Zd ZdZdS )�NoSOAz)The DNS zone has no SOA RR at its origin.N)r r
r r r
r r . s r c @ s e Zd ZdZdS )�NoNSz+The DNS zone has no NS RRset at its origin.N)r r
r r r
r r 3 s r c @ s e Zd ZdZdS )�
UnknownOriginz!The DNS zone's origin is unknown.N)r r
r r r
r r 8 s r c @ sj e Zd ZdZejjZddddgZej j
dfdd�Zd d
� Zdd� Z
d� Zdd� Zdd� Zdd� Zdd� Zdd� Zdd� Zdd� Zdd� Zdd � ZeZd!d"� Zd#d$� ZdCd&d'�ZdDd(d)�Zd*d+� Zejjd%fd,d-�Z ejjd%fd.d/�Z!ejjfd0d1�Z"d2d3� Z#ejjfd4d5�Z$ejjfd6d7�Z%ejj&ejjfd8d9�Z'ejj&ejjfd:d;�Z(dEd=d>�Z)dFd?d@�Z*dAdB� Z+d<S )G�ZoneaZ A DNS zone.
A Zone is a mapping from names to nodes. The zone object may be
treated like a Python dictionary, e.g. zone[name] will retrieve
the node associated with that name. The I{name} may be a object, or it may be a string. In the either case,
if the name is relative it is treated as relative to the origin of
the zone.
@ivar rdclass: The zone's rdata class; the default is class IN.
@type rdclass: int
@ivar origin: The origin of the zone.
@type origin: object
@ivar nodes: A dictionary mapping the names of nodes in the zone to the
nodes themselves.
@type nodes: dict
@ivar relativize: should names in the zone be relativized?
@type relativize: bool
@cvar node_factory: the factory used to create a new node
@type node_factory: class or callable
relativizeTc C sb |dk rFt |t�r tjj|�}nt |tjj�s6td��|j� sFtd��|| _|| _ i | _
|| _dS )z�Initialize a zone object.
@param origin: The origin of the zone.
@type origin: object
@param rdclass: The zone's rdata class; the default is class IN.
@type rdclass: intNz2origin parameter must be convertible to a DNS namez)origin parameter must be an absolute name)�
isinstancer �dns�name� from_text�Name�
ValueError�is_absoluter r r r )�selfr r r r
r �__init__Y s
Zone.__init__c C s: t |t�sdS | j|jks2| j|jks2| j|jkr6dS dS )ziTwo zones are equal if they have the same origin, class, and
@rtype: bool
FT)r r r r r )r �otherr
r �__eq__n s
zZone.__eq__c C s | j |� S )z6Are two zones not equal?
@rtype: bool
)r! )r r r
r �__ne__| s zZone.__ne__c C sb t |t�rtjj|d �}nt |tjj�s0td��|j� r^|j| j �sLtd��| j
| j �}|S )Nz0name parameter must be convertible to a DNS namez5name parameter must be a subdomain of the zone origin)r r r r r r �KeyErrorr �is_subdomainr r )r r r
r �_validate_name� s
zZone._validate_namec C s | j |�}| j| S )N)r% r )r �keyr
r �__getitem__� s
zZone.__getitem__c C s | j |�}|| j|<