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This code was taken from and modified
to suit our purposes.
i ( t absolute_importN( t WINDOWSt
expanduser( t PY2t text_typec C@ s� t r] t j j t d � � } t rB t | t � rB t | � } n t j j | | d � } n` t
j d k r� t d � } t j j | | � } n- t j
d t d � � } t j j | | � } | S( s5
Return full path to the user-specific cache dir for this application.
"appname" is the name of application.
Typical user cache directories are:
macOS: ~/Library/Caches/<AppName>
Unix: ~/.cache/<AppName> (XDG default)
Windows: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\<AppName>\Cache
On Windows the only suggestion in the MSDN docs is that local settings go
in the `CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA` directory. This is identical to the
non-roaming app data dir (the default returned by `user_data_dir`). Apps
typically put cache data somewhere *under* the given dir here. Some
OPINION: This function appends "Cache" to the `CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA` value.
t CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATAt Cachet darwins ~/Library/Cachest XDG_CACHE_HOMEs ~/.cache( R t ost patht normpatht _get_win_folderR t
isinstanceR t _win_path_to_bytest joint syst platformR t getenv( t appnameR
( ( s5 /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/utils/appdirs.pyt user_cache_dir s c C@ s� t rB | r d p d } t j j t j j t | � � | � } nT t j d k ro t j j t d � | � } n'