Your IP :
* This file is part of the Carbon package.
* (c) Brian Nesbitt <>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Carbon\Traits;
use Carbon\Carbon;
use Carbon\CarbonImmutable;
use Carbon\CarbonInterface;
use Carbon\Exceptions\InvalidDateException;
use Carbon\Exceptions\InvalidFormatException;
use Carbon\Exceptions\OutOfRangeException;
use Carbon\Translator;
use Closure;
use DateTimeInterface;
use DateTimeZone;
use Exception;
use ReturnTypeWillChange;
* Trait Creator.
* Static creators.
* Depends on the following methods:
* @method static Carbon|CarbonImmutable getTestNow()
trait Creator
use ObjectInitialisation;
* The errors that can occur.
* @var array
protected static $lastErrors;
* Create a new Carbon instance.
* Please see the testing aids section (specifically static::setTestNow())
* for more on the possibility of this constructor returning a test instance.
* @param DateTimeInterface|string|null $time
* @param DateTimeZone|string|null $tz
* @throws InvalidFormatException
public function __construct($time = null, $tz = null)
if ($time instanceof DateTimeInterface) {
$time = $this->constructTimezoneFromDateTime($time, $tz)->format('Y-m-d H:i:s.u');
if (is_numeric($time) && (!\is_string($time) || !preg_match('/^\d{1,14}$/', $time))) {
$time = static::createFromTimestampUTC($time)->format('Y-m-d\TH:i:s.uP');
// If the class has a test now set and we are trying to create a now()
// instance then override as required
$isNow = empty($time) || $time === 'now';
if (method_exists(static::class, 'hasTestNow') &&
method_exists(static::class, 'getTestNow') &&
static::hasTestNow() &&
($isNow || static::hasRelativeKeywords($time))
) {
static::mockConstructorParameters($time, $tz);
// Work-around for PHP bug
if (!str_contains((string) .1, '.')) {
$locale = setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, '0'); // @codeCoverageIgnore
setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, 'C'); // @codeCoverageIgnore
try {
parent::__construct($time ?: 'now', static::safeCreateDateTimeZone($tz) ?: null);
} catch (Exception $exception) {
throw new InvalidFormatException($exception->getMessage(), 0, $exception);
$this->constructedObjectId = spl_object_hash($this);
if (isset($locale)) {
setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, $locale); // @codeCoverageIgnore
* Get timezone from a datetime instance.
* @param DateTimeInterface $date
* @param DateTimeZone|string|null $tz
* @return DateTimeInterface
private function constructTimezoneFromDateTime(DateTimeInterface $date, &$tz)
if ($tz !== null) {
$safeTz = static::safeCreateDateTimeZone($tz);
if ($safeTz) {
return $date->setTimezone($safeTz);
return $date;
$tz = $date->getTimezone();
return $date;
* Update constructedObjectId on cloned.
public function __clone()
$this->constructedObjectId = spl_object_hash($this);
* Create a Carbon instance from a DateTime one.
* @param DateTimeInterface $date
* @return static
public static function instance($date)
if ($date instanceof static) {
return clone $date;
$instance = new static($date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s.u'), $date->getTimezone());
if ($date instanceof CarbonInterface) {
$settings = $date->getSettings();
if (!$date->hasLocalTranslator()) {
return $instance;
* Create a carbon instance from a string.
* This is an alias for the constructor that allows better fluent syntax
* as it allows you to do Carbon::parse('Monday next week')->fn() rather
* than (new Carbon('Monday next week'))->fn().
* @param string|DateTimeInterface|null $time
* @param DateTimeZone|string|null $tz
* @throws InvalidFormatException
* @return static
public static function rawParse($time = null, $tz = null)
if ($time instanceof DateTimeInterface) {
return static::instance($time);
try {
return new static($time, $tz);
} catch (Exception $exception) {
$date = @static::now($tz)->change($time);
if (!$date) {
throw new InvalidFormatException("Could not parse '$time': ".$exception->getMessage(), 0, $exception);
return $date;
* Create a carbon instance from a string.
* This is an alias for the constructor that allows better fluent syntax
* as it allows you to do Carbon::parse('Monday next week')->fn() rather
* than (new Carbon('Monday next week'))->fn().
* @param string|DateTimeInterface|null $time
* @param DateTimeZone|string|null $tz
* @throws InvalidFormatException
* @return static
public static function parse($time = null, $tz = null)
$function = static::$parseFunction;
if (!$function) {
return static::rawParse($time, $tz);
if (\is_string($function) && method_exists(static::class, $function)) {
$function = [static::class, $function];
return $function(...\func_get_args());
* Create a carbon instance from a localized string (in French, Japanese, Arabic, etc.).
* @param string $time date/time string in the given language (may also contain English).
* @param string|null $locale if locale is null or not specified, current global locale will be
* used instead.
* @param DateTimeZone|string|null $tz optional timezone for the new instance.
* @throws InvalidFormatException
* @return static
public static function parseFromLocale($time, $locale = null, $tz = null)
return static::rawParse(static::translateTimeString($time, $locale, 'en'), $tz);
* Get a Carbon instance for the current date and time.
* @param DateTimeZone|string|null $tz
* @return static
public static function now($tz = null)
return new static(null, $tz);
* Create a Carbon instance for today.
* @param DateTimeZone|string|null $tz
* @return static
public static function today($tz = null)
return static::rawParse('today', $tz);
* Create a Carbon instance for tomorrow.
* @param DateTimeZone|string|null $tz
* @return static
public static function tomorrow($tz = null)
return static::rawParse('tomorrow', $tz);
* Create a Carbon instance for yesterday.
* @param DateTimeZone|string|null $tz
* @return static
public static function yesterday($tz = null)
return static::rawParse('yesterday', $tz);
* Create a Carbon instance for the greatest supported date.
* @return static
public static function maxValue()
if (self::$PHPIntSize === 4) {
// 32 bit
return static::createFromTimestamp(PHP_INT_MAX); // @codeCoverageIgnore
// 64 bit
return static::create(9999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59);
* Create a Carbon instance for the lowest supported date.
* @return static
public static function minValue()
if (self::$PHPIntSize === 4) {
// 32 bit
return static::createFromTimestamp(~PHP_INT_MAX); // @codeCoverageIgnore
// 64 bit
return static::create(1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0);
private static function assertBetween($unit, $value, $min, $max)
if (static::isStrictModeEnabled() && ($value < $min || $value > $max)) {
throw new OutOfRangeException($unit, $min, $max, $value);
private static function createNowInstance($tz)
if (!static::hasTestNow()) {
return static::now($tz);
$now = static::getTestNow();
if ($now instanceof Closure) {
return $now(static::now($tz));
return $now->avoidMutation()->tz($tz);
* Create a new Carbon instance from a specific date and time.
* If any of $year, $month or $day are set to null their now() values will
* be used.
* If $hour is null it will be set to its now() value and the default
* values for $minute and $second will be their now() values.
* If $hour is not null then the default values for $minute and $second
* will be 0.
* @param int|null $year
* @param int|null $month
* @param int|null $day
* @param int|null $hour
* @param int|null $minute
* @param int|null $second
* @param DateTimeZone|string|null $tz
* @throws InvalidFormatException
* @return static|false
public static function create($year = 0, $month = 1, $day = 1, $hour = 0, $minute = 0, $second = 0, $tz = null)
if ((\is_string($year) && !is_numeric($year)) || $year instanceof DateTimeInterface) {
return static::parse($year, $tz ?: (\is_string($month) || $month instanceof DateTimeZone ? $month : null));
$defaults = null;
$getDefault = function ($unit) use ($tz, &$defaults) {
if ($defaults === null) {
$now = self::createNowInstance($tz);
$defaults = array_combine([
], explode('-', $now->rawFormat('Y-n-j-G-i-s.u')));
return $defaults[$unit];
$year = $year ?? $getDefault('year');
$month = $month ?? $getDefault('month');
$day = $day ?? $getDefault('day');
$hour = $hour ?? $getDefault('hour');
$minute = $minute ?? $getDefault('minute');
$second = (float) ($second ?? $getDefault('second'));
self::assertBetween('month', $month, 0, 99);
self::assertBetween('day', $day, 0, 99);
self::assertBetween('hour', $hour, 0, 99);
self::assertBetween('minute', $minute, 0, 99);
self::assertBetween('second', $second, 0, 99);
$fixYear = null;
if ($year < 0) {
$fixYear = $year;
$year = 0;
} elseif ($year > 9999) {
$fixYear = $year - 9999;
$year = 9999;
$second = ($second < 10 ? '0' : '').number_format($second, 6);
$instance = static::rawCreateFromFormat('!Y-n-j G:i:s.u', sprintf('%s-%s-%s %s:%02s:%02s', $year, $month, $day, $hour, $minute, $second), $tz);
if ($fixYear !== null) {
$instance = $instance->addYears($fixYear);
return $instance;
* Create a new safe Carbon instance from a specific date and time.
* If any of $year, $month or $day are set to null their now() values will
* be used.
* If $hour is null it will be set to its now() value and the default
* values for $minute and $second will be their now() values.
* If $hour is not null then the default values for $minute and $second
* will be 0.
* If one of the set values is not valid, an InvalidDateException
* will be thrown.
* @param int|null $year
* @param int|null $month
* @param int|null $day
* @param int|null $hour
* @param int|null $minute
* @param int|null $second
* @param DateTimeZone|string|null $tz
* @throws InvalidDateException
* @return static|false
public static function createSafe($year = null, $month = null, $day = null, $hour = null, $minute = null, $second = null, $tz = null)
$fields = static::getRangesByUnit();
foreach ($fields as $field => $range) {
if ($$field !== null && (!\is_int($$field) || $$field < $range[0] || $$field > $range[1])) {
if (static::isStrictModeEnabled()) {
throw new InvalidDateException($field, $$field);
return false;
$instance = static::create($year, $month, $day, $hour, $minute, $second, $tz);
foreach (array_reverse($fields) as $field => $range) {
if ($$field !== null && (!\is_int($$field) || $$field !== $instance->$field)) {
if (static::isStrictModeEnabled()) {
throw new InvalidDateException($field, $$field);
return false;
return $instance;
* Create a new Carbon instance from a specific date and time using strict validation.
* @see create()
* @param int|null $year
* @param int|null $month
* @param int|null $day
* @param int|null $hour
* @param int|null $minute
* @param int|null $second
* @param DateTimeZone|string|null $tz
* @throws InvalidFormatException
* @return static
public static function createStrict(?int $year = 0, ?int $month = 1, ?int $day = 1, ?int $hour = 0, ?int $minute = 0, ?int $second = 0, $tz = null): self
$initialStrictMode = static::isStrictModeEnabled();
try {
$date = static::create($year, $month, $day, $hour, $minute, $second, $tz);
} finally {
return $date;
* Create a Carbon instance from just a date. The time portion is set to now.
* @param int|null $year
* @param int|null $month
* @param int|null $day
* @param DateTimeZone|string|null $tz
* @throws InvalidFormatException
* @return static
public static function createFromDate($year = null, $month = null, $day = null, $tz = null)
return static::create($year, $month, $day, null, null, null, $tz);
* Create a Carbon instance from just a date. The time portion is set to midnight.
* @param int|null $year
* @param int|null $month
* @param int|null $day
* @param DateTimeZone|string|null $tz
* @throws InvalidFormatException
* @return static
public static function createMidnightDate($year = null, $month = null, $day = null, $tz = null)
return static::create($year, $month, $day, 0, 0, 0, $tz);
* Create a Carbon instance from just a time. The date portion is set to today.
* @param int|null $hour
* @param int|null $minute
* @param int|null $second
* @param DateTimeZone|string|null $tz
* @throws InvalidFormatException
* @return static
public static function createFromTime($hour = 0, $minute = 0, $second = 0, $tz = null)
return static::create(null, null, null, $hour, $minute, $second, $tz);
* Create a Carbon instance from a time string. The date portion is set to today.
* @param string $time
* @param DateTimeZone|string|null $tz
* @throws InvalidFormatException
* @return static
public static function createFromTimeString($time, $tz = null)
return static::today($tz)->setTimeFromTimeString($time);
* @param string $format Datetime format
* @param string $time
* @param DateTimeZone|string|false|null $originalTz
* @return DateTimeInterface|false
private static function createFromFormatAndTimezone($format, $time, $originalTz)
// Work-around for
// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '7.3.0-dev', '<')) {
$format = str_replace('.v', '.u', $format);
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
if ($originalTz === null) {
return parent::createFromFormat($format, (string) $time);
$tz = \is_int($originalTz)
? @timezone_name_from_abbr('', (int) ($originalTz * static::MINUTES_PER_HOUR * static::SECONDS_PER_MINUTE), 1)
: $originalTz;
$tz = static::safeCreateDateTimeZone($tz, $originalTz);
if ($tz === false) {
return false;
return parent::createFromFormat($format, (string) $time, $tz);
* Create a Carbon instance from a specific format.
* @param string $format Datetime format
* @param string $time
* @param DateTimeZone|string|false|null $tz
* @throws InvalidFormatException
* @return static|false
public static function rawCreateFromFormat($format, $time, $tz = null)
// Work-around for
$format = preg_replace('/(?<!\\\\)((?:\\\\{2})*)c/', '$1Y-m-d\TH:i:sP', $format);
if (preg_match('/(?<!\\\\)(?:\\\\{2})*(a|A)/', $format, $aMatches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE) &&
preg_match('/(?<!\\\\)(?:\\\\{2})*(h|g|H|G)/', $format, $hMatches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE) &&
$aMatches[1][1] < $hMatches[1][1] &&
preg_match('/(am|pm|AM|PM)/', $time)
) {
$format = preg_replace('/^(.*)(?<!\\\\)((?:\\\\{2})*)(a|A)(.*)$/U', '$1$2$4 $3', $format);
$time = preg_replace('/^(.*)(am|pm|AM|PM)(.*)$/U', '$1$3 $2', $time);
// First attempt to create an instance, so that error messages are based on the unmodified format.
$date = self::createFromFormatAndTimezone($format, $time, $tz);
$lastErrors = parent::getLastErrors();
/** @var \Carbon\CarbonImmutable|\Carbon\Carbon|null $mock */
$mock = static::getMockedTestNow($tz);
if ($mock && $date instanceof DateTimeInterface) {
// Set timezone from mock if custom timezone was neither given directly nor as a part of format.
// First let's skip the part that will be ignored by the parser.
$nonEscaped = '(?<!\\\\)(\\\\{2})*';
$nonIgnored = preg_replace("/^.*{$nonEscaped}!/s", '', $format);
if ($tz === null && !preg_match("/{$nonEscaped}[eOPT]/", $nonIgnored)) {
$tz = clone $mock->getTimezone();
// Set microseconds to zero to match behavior of DateTime::createFromFormat()
// See
$mock = $mock->copy()->microsecond(0);
// Prepend mock datetime only if the format does not contain non escaped unix epoch reset flag.
if (!preg_match("/{$nonEscaped}[!|]/", $format)) {
$format = static::MOCK_DATETIME_FORMAT.' '.$format;
$time = ($mock instanceof self ? $mock->rawFormat(static::MOCK_DATETIME_FORMAT) : $mock->format(static::MOCK_DATETIME_FORMAT)).' '.$time;
// Regenerate date from the modified format to base result on the mocked instance instead of now.
$date = self::createFromFormatAndTimezone($format, $time, $tz);
if ($date instanceof DateTimeInterface) {
$instance = static::instance($date);
return $instance;
if (static::isStrictModeEnabled()) {
throw new InvalidFormatException(implode(PHP_EOL, $lastErrors['errors']));
return false;
* Create a Carbon instance from a specific format.
* @param string $format Datetime format
* @param string $time
* @param DateTimeZone|string|false|null $tz
* @throws InvalidFormatException
* @return static|false
public static function createFromFormat($format, $time, $tz = null)
$function = static::$createFromFormatFunction;
if (!$function) {
return static::rawCreateFromFormat($format, $time, $tz);
if (\is_string($function) && method_exists(static::class, $function)) {
$function = [static::class, $function];
return $function(...\func_get_args());
* Create a Carbon instance from a specific ISO format (same replacements as ->isoFormat()).
* @param string $format Datetime format
* @param string $time
* @param DateTimeZone|string|false|null $tz optional timezone
* @param string|null $locale locale to be used for LTS, LT, LL, LLL, etc. macro-formats (en by fault, unneeded if no such macro-format in use)
* @param \Symfony\Component\Translation\TranslatorInterface $translator optional custom translator to use for macro-formats
* @throws InvalidFormatException
* @return static|false
public static function createFromIsoFormat($format, $time, $tz = null, $locale = 'en', $translator = null)
$format = preg_replace_callback('/(?<!\\\\)(\\\\{2})*(LTS|LT|[Ll]{1,4})/', function ($match) use ($locale, $translator) {
[$code] = $match;
static $formats = null;
if ($formats === null) {
$translator = $translator ?: Translator::get($locale);
$formats = [
'LT' => static::getTranslationMessageWith($translator, 'formats.LT', $locale, 'h:mm A'),
'LTS' => static::getTranslationMessageWith($translator, 'formats.LTS', $locale, 'h:mm:ss A'),
'L' => static::getTranslationMessageWith($translator, 'formats.L', $locale, 'MM/DD/YYYY'),
'LL' => static::getTranslationMessageWith($translator, 'formats.LL', $locale, 'MMMM D, YYYY'),
'LLL' => static::getTranslationMessageWith($translator, 'formats.LLL', $locale, 'MMMM D, YYYY h:mm A'),
'LLLL' => static::getTranslationMessageWith($translator, 'formats.LLLL', $locale, 'dddd, MMMM D, YYYY h:mm A'),
return $formats[$code] ?? preg_replace_callback(
function ($code) {
return mb_substr($code[0], 1);
$formats[strtoupper($code)] ?? ''
}, $format);
$format = preg_replace_callback('/(?<!\\\\)(\\\\{2})*('.CarbonInterface::ISO_FORMAT_REGEXP.'|[A-Za-z])/', function ($match) {
[$code] = $match;
static $replacements = null;
if ($replacements === null) {
$replacements = [
'OD' => 'd',
'OM' => 'M',
'OY' => 'Y',
'OH' => 'G',
'Oh' => 'g',
'Om' => 'i',
'Os' => 's',
'D' => 'd',
'DD' => 'd',
'Do' => 'd',
'd' => '!',
'dd' => '!',
'ddd' => 'D',
'dddd' => 'D',
'DDD' => 'z',
'DDDD' => 'z',
'DDDo' => 'z',
'e' => '!',
'E' => '!',
'H' => 'G',
'HH' => 'H',
'h' => 'g',
'hh' => 'h',
'k' => 'G',
'kk' => 'G',
'hmm' => 'gi',
'hmmss' => 'gis',
'Hmm' => 'Gi',
'Hmmss' => 'Gis',
'm' => 'i',
'mm' => 'i',
'a' => 'a',
'A' => 'a',
's' => 's',
'ss' => 's',
'S' => '*',
'SS' => '*',
'SSS' => '*',
'SSSS' => '*',
'SSSSS' => '*',
'SSSSSS' => 'u',
'SSSSSSS' => 'u*',
'SSSSSSSS' => 'u*',
'SSSSSSSSS' => 'u*',
'M' => 'm',
'MM' => 'm',
'MMM' => 'M',
'MMMM' => 'M',
'Mo' => 'm',
'Q' => '!',
'Qo' => '!',
'G' => '!',
'GG' => '!',
'GGG' => '!',
'GGGG' => '!',
'GGGGG' => '!',
'g' => '!',
'gg' => '!',
'ggg' => '!',
'gggg' => '!',
'ggggg' => '!',
'W' => '!',
'WW' => '!',
'Wo' => '!',
'w' => '!',
'ww' => '!',
'wo' => '!',
'x' => 'U???',
'X' => 'U',
'Y' => 'Y',
'YY' => 'y',
'YYYY' => 'Y',
'YYYYY' => 'Y',
'YYYYYY' => 'Y',
'z' => 'e',
'zz' => 'e',
'Z' => 'e',
'ZZ' => 'e',
$format = $replacements[$code] ?? '?';
if ($format === '!') {
throw new InvalidFormatException("Format $code not supported for creation.");
return $format;
}, $format);
return static::rawCreateFromFormat($format, $time, $tz);
* Create a Carbon instance from a specific format and a string in a given language.
* @param string $format Datetime format
* @param string $locale
* @param string $time
* @param DateTimeZone|string|false|null $tz
* @throws InvalidFormatException
* @return static|false
public static function createFromLocaleFormat($format, $locale, $time, $tz = null)
return static::rawCreateFromFormat($format, static::translateTimeString($time, $locale, 'en'), $tz);
* Create a Carbon instance from a specific ISO format and a string in a given language.
* @param string $format Datetime ISO format
* @param string $locale
* @param string $time
* @param DateTimeZone|string|false|null $tz
* @throws InvalidFormatException
* @return static|false
public static function createFromLocaleIsoFormat($format, $locale, $time, $tz = null)
$time = static::translateTimeString($time, $locale, 'en', CarbonInterface::TRANSLATE_MONTHS | CarbonInterface::TRANSLATE_DAYS | CarbonInterface::TRANSLATE_MERIDIEM);
return static::createFromIsoFormat($format, $time, $tz, $locale);
* Make a Carbon instance from given variable if possible.
* Always return a new instance. Parse only strings and only these likely to be dates (skip intervals
* and recurrences). Throw an exception for invalid format, but otherwise return null.
* @param mixed $var
* @throws InvalidFormatException
* @return static|null
public static function make($var)
if ($var instanceof DateTimeInterface) {
return static::instance($var);
$date = null;
if (\is_string($var)) {
$var = trim($var);
if (!preg_match('/^P[\dT]/', $var) &&
!preg_match('/^R\d/', $var) &&
preg_match('/[a-z\d]/i', $var)
) {
$date = static::parse($var);
return $date;
* Set last errors.
* @param array|bool $lastErrors
* @return void
private static function setLastErrors($lastErrors)
if (\is_array($lastErrors) || $lastErrors === false) {
static::$lastErrors = \is_array($lastErrors) ? $lastErrors : [
'warning_count' => 0,
'warnings' => [],
'error_count' => 0,
'errors' => [],
* {@inheritdoc}
* @return array
public static function getLastErrors()
return static::$lastErrors;