Your IP :
* lightgallery.js | 1.0.3 | May 17th 2018
* Copyright (c) 2016 Sachin N;
* @license GPLv3
*/(function(f){if(typeof exports==="object"&&typeof module!=="undefined"){module.exports=f()}else if(typeof define==="function"&&define.amd){define([],f)}else{var g;if(typeof window!=="undefined"){g=window}else if(typeof global!=="undefined"){g=global}else if(typeof self!=="undefined"){g=self}else{g=this}g.Lightgallery = f()}})(function(){var define,module,exports;return (function(){function r(e,n,t){function o(i,f){if(!n[i]){if(!e[i]){var c="function"==typeof require&&require;if(!f&&c)return c(i,!0);if(u)return u(i,!0);var a=new Error("Cannot find module '"+i+"'");throw a.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",a}var p=n[i]={exports:{}};e[i][0].call(p.exports,function(r){var n=e[i][1][r];return o(n||r)},p,p.exports,r,e,n,t)}return n[i].exports}for(var u="function"==typeof require&&require,i=0;i<t.length;i++)o(t[i]);return o}return r})()({1:[function(require,module,exports){
(function (global, factory) {
if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
define(['exports'], factory);
} else if (typeof exports !== "undefined") {
} else {
var mod = {
exports: {}
global.lgUtils = mod.exports;
})(this, function (exports) {
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
*@todo remove function from window and document. Update on and off functions
window.getAttribute = function (label) {
return window[label];
window.setAttribute = function (label, value) {
window[label] = value;
document.getAttribute = function (label) {
return document[label];
document.setAttribute = function (label, value) {
document[label] = value;
var utils = {
wrap: function wrap(el, className) {
if (!el) {
var wrapper = document.createElement('div');
wrapper.className = className;
el.parentNode.insertBefore(wrapper, el);
addClass: function addClass(el, className) {
if (!el) {
if (el.classList) {
} else {
el.className += ' ' + className;
removeClass: function removeClass(el, className) {
if (!el) {
if (el.classList) {
} else {
el.className = el.className.replace(new RegExp('(^|\\b)' + className.split(' ').join('|') + '(\\b|$)', 'gi'), ' ');
hasClass: function hasClass(el, className) {
if (el.classList) {
return el.classList.contains(className);
} else {
return new RegExp('(^| )' + className + '( |$)', 'gi').test(el.className);
return false;
// ex Transform
// ex TransitionTimingFunction
setVendor: function setVendor(el, property, value) {
if (!el) {
}[property.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + property.slice(1)] = value;['webkit' + property] = value;['moz' + property] = value;['ms' + property] = value;['o' + property] = value;
trigger: function trigger(el, event) {
var detail = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : null;
if (!el) {
var customEvent = new CustomEvent(event, {
detail: detail
Listener: {
uid: 0
on: function on(el, events, fn) {
if (!el) {
events.split(' ').forEach(function (event) {
var _id = el.getAttribute('lg-event-uid') || '';
_id += '&' + utils.Listener.uid;
el.setAttribute('lg-event-uid', _id);
utils.Listener[event + utils.Listener.uid] = fn;
el.addEventListener(event.split('.')[0], fn, false);
off: function off(el, event) {
if (!el) {
var _id = el.getAttribute('lg-event-uid');
if (_id) {
_id = _id.split('&');
for (var i = 0; i < _id.length; i++) {
if (_id[i]) {
var _event = event + _id[i];
if (_event.substring(0, 1) === '.') {
for (var key in utils.Listener) {
if (utils.Listener.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
if (key.split('.').indexOf(_event.split('.')[1]) > -1) {
el.removeEventListener(key.split('.')[0], utils.Listener[key]);
el.setAttribute('lg-event-uid', el.getAttribute('lg-event-uid').replace('&' + _id[i], ''));
delete utils.Listener[key];
} else {
el.removeEventListener(_event.split('.')[0], utils.Listener[_event]);
el.setAttribute('lg-event-uid', el.getAttribute('lg-event-uid').replace('&' + _id[i], ''));
delete utils.Listener[_event];
param: function param(obj) {
return Object.keys(obj).map(function (k) {
return encodeURIComponent(k) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(obj[k]);
exports.default = utils;
(function (global, factory) {
if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
define(['./lg-utils'], factory);
} else if (typeof exports !== "undefined") {
} else {
var mod = {
exports: {}
global.lightgallery = mod.exports;
})(this, function (_lgUtils) {
'use strict';
var _lgUtils2 = _interopRequireDefault(_lgUtils);
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) {
return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : {
default: obj
var _extends = Object.assign || function (target) {
for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
var source = arguments[i];
for (var key in source) {
if (, key)) {
target[key] = source[key];
return target;
/** Polyfill the CustomEvent() constructor functionality in Internet Explorer 9 and higher */
(function () {
if (typeof window.CustomEvent === 'function') {
return false;
function CustomEvent(event, params) {
params = params || {
bubbles: false,
cancelable: false,
detail: undefined
var evt = document.createEvent('CustomEvent');
evt.initCustomEvent(event, params.bubbles, params.cancelable, params.detail);
return evt;
CustomEvent.prototype = window.Event.prototype;
window.CustomEvent = CustomEvent;
window.utils = _lgUtils2.default;
window.lgData = {
uid: 0
window.lgModules = {};
var defaults = {
mode: 'lg-slide',
// Ex : 'ease'
cssEasing: 'ease',
//'for jquery animation'
easing: 'linear',
speed: 600,
height: '100%',
width: '100%',
addClass: '',
startClass: 'lg-start-zoom',
backdropDuration: 150,
hideBarsDelay: 6000,
useLeft: false,
closable: true,
loop: true,
escKey: true,
keyPress: true,
controls: true,
slideEndAnimatoin: true,
hideControlOnEnd: false,
mousewheel: false,
getCaptionFromTitleOrAlt: true,
// .lg-item || '.lg-sub-html'
appendSubHtmlTo: '.lg-sub-html',
subHtmlSelectorRelative: false,
* @desc number of preload slides
* will exicute only after the current slide is fully loaded.
* @ex you clicked on 4th image and if preload = 1 then 3rd slide and 5th
* slide will be loaded in the background after the 4th slide is fully loaded..
* if preload is 2 then 2nd 3rd 5th 6th slides will be preloaded.. ... ...
preload: 1,
showAfterLoad: true,
selector: '',
selectWithin: '',
nextHtml: '',
prevHtml: '',
// 0, 1
index: false,
iframeMaxWidth: '100%',
download: true,
counter: true,
appendCounterTo: '.lg-toolbar',
swipeThreshold: 50,
enableSwipe: true,
enableDrag: true,
dynamic: false,
dynamicEl: [],
galleryId: 1
function Plugin(element, options) {
// Current lightGallery element
this.el = element;
// lightGallery settings
this.s = _extends({}, defaults, options);
// When using dynamic mode, ensure dynamicEl is an array
if (this.s.dynamic && this.s.dynamicEl !== 'undefined' && this.s.dynamicEl.constructor === Array && !this.s.dynamicEl.length) {
throw 'When using dynamic mode, you must also define dynamicEl as an Array.';
// lightGallery modules
this.modules = {};
// false when lightgallery complete first slide;
this.lGalleryOn = false;
this.lgBusy = false;
// Timeout function for hiding controls;
this.hideBartimeout = false;
// To determine browser supports for touch events;
this.isTouch = 'ontouchstart' in document.documentElement;
// Disable hideControlOnEnd if sildeEndAnimation is true
if (this.s.slideEndAnimatoin) {
this.s.hideControlOnEnd = false;
this.items = [];
// Gallery items
if (this.s.dynamic) {
this.items = this.s.dynamicEl;
} else {
if (this.s.selector === 'this') {
} else if (this.s.selector !== '') {
if (this.s.selectWithin) {
this.items = document.querySelector(this.s.selectWithin).querySelectorAll(this.s.selector);
} else {
this.items = this.el.querySelectorAll(this.s.selector);
} else {
this.items = this.el.children;
// .lg-item
this.___slide = '';
// .lg-outer
this.outer = '';
return this;
Plugin.prototype.init = function () {
var _this = this;
// s.preload should not be more than $item.length
if (_this.s.preload > _this.items.length) {
_this.s.preload = _this.items.length;
// if dynamic option is enabled execute immediately
var _hash = window.location.hash;
if (_hash.indexOf('lg=' + this.s.galleryId) > 0) {
_this.index = parseInt(_hash.split('&slide=')[1], 10);
_lgUtils2.default.addClass(document.body, 'lg-from-hash');
if (!_lgUtils2.default.hasClass(document.body, 'lg-on')) {
_lgUtils2.default.addClass(document.body, 'lg-on');
setTimeout(function () {;
if (_this.s.dynamic) {
_lgUtils2.default.trigger(this.el, 'onBeforeOpen');
_this.index = _this.s.index || 0;
// prevent accidental double execution
if (!_lgUtils2.default.hasClass(document.body, 'lg-on')) {
_lgUtils2.default.addClass(document.body, 'lg-on');
setTimeout(function () {;
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < _this.items.length; i++) {
/*jshint loopfunc: true */
(function (index) {
// Using different namespace for click because click event should not unbind if selector is same object('this')
_lgUtils2.default.on(_this.items[index], 'click.lgcustom', function (e) {
_lgUtils2.default.trigger(_this.el, 'onBeforeOpen');
_this.index = _this.s.index || index;
if (!_lgUtils2.default.hasClass(document.body, 'lg-on')) {;
_lgUtils2.default.addClass(document.body, 'lg-on');
}; = function (index) {
var _this = this;
for (var key in window.lgModules) {
_this.modules[key] = new window.lgModules[key](_this.el);
// initiate slide function
_this.slide(index, false, false);
if (_this.s.keyPress) {
if (_this.items.length > 1) {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 50);
if (_this.s.mousewheel) {
_lgUtils2.default.trigger(_this.el, 'onAfterOpen');
// Hide controllers if mouse doesn't move for some period
_lgUtils2.default.on(_this.outer, 'mousemove.lg click.lg touchstart.lg', function () {
_lgUtils2.default.removeClass(_this.outer, 'lg-hide-items');
// Timeout will be cleared on each slide movement also
_this.hideBartimeout = setTimeout(function () {
_lgUtils2.default.addClass(_this.outer, 'lg-hide-items');
}, _this.s.hideBarsDelay);
Plugin.prototype.structure = function () {
var list = '';
var controls = '';
var i = 0;
var subHtmlCont = '';
var template;
var _this = this;
document.body.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', '<div class="lg-backdrop"></div>');
_lgUtils2.default.setVendor(document.querySelector('.lg-backdrop'), 'TransitionDuration', this.s.backdropDuration + 'ms');
// Create gallery items
for (i = 0; i < this.items.length; i++) {
list += '<div class="lg-item"></div>';
// Create controlls
if (this.s.controls && this.items.length > 1) {
controls = '<div class="lg-actions">' + '<div class="lg-prev lg-icon">' + this.s.prevHtml + '</div>' + '<div class="lg-next lg-icon">' + this.s.nextHtml + '</div>' + '</div>';
if (this.s.appendSubHtmlTo === '.lg-sub-html') {
subHtmlCont = '<div class="lg-sub-html"></div>';
template = '<div class="lg-outer ' + this.s.addClass + ' ' + this.s.startClass + '">' + '<div class="lg" style="width:' + this.s.width + '; height:' + this.s.height + '">' + '<div class="lg-inner">' + list + '</div>' + '<div class="lg-toolbar group">' + '<span class="lg-close lg-icon"></span>' + '</div>' + controls + subHtmlCont + '</div>' + '</div>';
document.body.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', template);
this.outer = document.querySelector('.lg-outer');
this.___slide = this.outer.querySelectorAll('.lg-item');
if (this.s.useLeft) {
_lgUtils2.default.addClass(this.outer, 'lg-use-left');
// Set mode lg-slide if use left is true;
this.s.mode = 'lg-slide';
} else {
_lgUtils2.default.addClass(this.outer, 'lg-use-css3');
// For fixed height gallery
_lgUtils2.default.on(window, 'resize.lg orientationchange.lg', function () {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 100);
// add class lg-current to remove initial transition
_lgUtils2.default.addClass(this.___slide[this.index], 'lg-current');
// add Class for css support and transition mode
if (this.doCss()) {
_lgUtils2.default.addClass(this.outer, 'lg-css3');
} else {
_lgUtils2.default.addClass(this.outer, 'lg-css');
// Set speed 0 because no animation will happen if browser doesn't support css3
this.s.speed = 0;
_lgUtils2.default.addClass(this.outer, this.s.mode);
if (this.s.enableDrag && this.items.length > 1) {
_lgUtils2.default.addClass(this.outer, 'lg-grab');
if (this.s.showAfterLoad) {
_lgUtils2.default.addClass(this.outer, 'lg-show-after-load');
if (this.doCss()) {
var inner = this.outer.querySelector('.lg-inner');
_lgUtils2.default.setVendor(inner, 'TransitionTimingFunction', this.s.cssEasing);
_lgUtils2.default.setVendor(inner, 'TransitionDuration', this.s.speed + 'ms');
setTimeout(function () {
_lgUtils2.default.addClass(document.querySelector('.lg-backdrop'), 'in');
setTimeout(function () {
_lgUtils2.default.addClass(_this.outer, 'lg-visible');
}, this.s.backdropDuration);
if ( {
this.outer.querySelector('.lg-toolbar').insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', '<a id="lg-download" target="_blank" download class="lg-download lg-icon"></a>');
// Store the current scroll top value to scroll back after closing the gallery..
this.prevScrollTop = document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop;
// For fixed height gallery
Plugin.prototype.setTop = function () {
if (this.s.height !== '100%') {
var wH = window.innerHeight;
var top = (wH - parseInt(this.s.height, 10)) / 2;
var lGallery = this.outer.querySelector('.lg');
if (wH >= parseInt(this.s.height, 10)) { = top + 'px';
} else { = '0px';
// Find css3 support
Plugin.prototype.doCss = function () {
// check for css animation support
var support = function support() {
var transition = ['transition', 'MozTransition', 'WebkitTransition', 'OTransition', 'msTransition', 'KhtmlTransition'];
var root = document.documentElement;
var i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < transition.length; i++) {
if (transition[i] in {
return true;
if (support()) {
return true;
return false;
* @desc Check the given src is video
* @param {String} src
* @return {Object} video type
* Ex:{ youtube : ["//", "c0asJgSyxcY"] }
Plugin.prototype.isVideo = function (src, index) {
var html;
if (this.s.dynamic) {
html = this.s.dynamicEl[index].html;
} else {
html = this.items[index].getAttribute('data-html');
if (!src && html) {
return {
html5: true
var youtube = src.match(/\/\/(?:www\.)?youtu(?:\.be|be\.com)\/(?:watch\?v=|embed\/)?([a-z0-9\-\_\%]+)/i);
var vimeo = src.match(/\/\/(?:www\.)?\/([0-9a-z\-_]+)/i);
var dailymotion = src.match(/\/\/(?:www\.)?\/([0-9a-z\-_]+)/i);
var vk = src.match(/\/\/(?:www\.)?(?:vk\.com|vkontakte\.ru)\/(?:video_ext\.php\?)(.*)/i);
if (youtube) {
return {
youtube: youtube
} else if (vimeo) {
return {
vimeo: vimeo
} else if (dailymotion) {
return {
dailymotion: dailymotion
} else if (vk) {
return {
vk: vk
* @desc Create image counter
* Ex: 1/10
Plugin.prototype.counter = function () {
if (this.s.counter) {
this.outer.querySelector(this.s.appendCounterTo).insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', '<div id="lg-counter"><span id="lg-counter-current">' + (parseInt(this.index, 10) + 1) + '</span> / <span id="lg-counter-all">' + this.items.length + '</span></div>');
* @desc add sub-html into the slide
* @param {Number} index - index of the slide
Plugin.prototype.addHtml = function (index) {
var subHtml = null;
var currentEle;
if (this.s.dynamic) {
subHtml = this.s.dynamicEl[index].subHtml;
} else {
currentEle = this.items[index];
subHtml = currentEle.getAttribute('data-sub-html');
if (this.s.getCaptionFromTitleOrAlt && !subHtml) {
subHtml = currentEle.getAttribute('title');
if (subHtml && currentEle.querySelector('img')) {
subHtml = currentEle.querySelector('img').getAttribute('alt');
if (typeof subHtml !== 'undefined' && subHtml !== null) {
// get first letter of subhtml
// if first letter starts with . or # get the html form the jQuery object
var fL = subHtml.substring(0, 1);
if (fL === '.' || fL === '#') {
if (this.s.subHtmlSelectorRelative && !this.s.dynamic) {
subHtml = currentEle.querySelector(subHtml).innerHTML;
} else {
subHtml = document.querySelector(subHtml).innerHTML;
} else {
subHtml = '';
if (this.s.appendSubHtmlTo === '.lg-sub-html') {
this.outer.querySelector(this.s.appendSubHtmlTo).innerHTML = subHtml;
} else {
this.___slide[index].insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', subHtml);
// Add lg-empty-html class if title doesn't exist
if (typeof subHtml !== 'undefined' && subHtml !== null) {
if (subHtml === '') {
_lgUtils2.default.addClass(this.outer.querySelector(this.s.appendSubHtmlTo), 'lg-empty-html');
} else {
_lgUtils2.default.removeClass(this.outer.querySelector(this.s.appendSubHtmlTo), 'lg-empty-html');
_lgUtils2.default.trigger(this.el, 'onAfterAppendSubHtml', {
index: index
* @desc Preload slides
* @param {Number} index - index of the slide
Plugin.prototype.preload = function (index) {
var i = 1;
var j = 1;
for (i = 1; i <= this.s.preload; i++) {
if (i >= this.items.length - index) {
this.loadContent(index + i, false, 0);
for (j = 1; j <= this.s.preload; j++) {
if (index - j < 0) {
this.loadContent(index - j, false, 0);
* @desc Load slide content into slide.
* @param {Number} index - index of the slide.
* @param {Boolean} rec - if true call loadcontent() function again.
* @param {Boolean} delay - delay for adding complete class. it is 0 except first time.
Plugin.prototype.loadContent = function (index, rec, delay) {
var _this = this;
var _hasPoster = false;
var _img;
var _src;
var _poster;
var _srcset;
var _sizes;
var _html;
var getResponsiveSrc = function getResponsiveSrc(srcItms) {
var rsWidth = [];
var rsSrc = [];
for (var i = 0; i < srcItms.length; i++) {
var __src = srcItms[i].split(' ');
// Manage empty space
if (__src[0] === '') {
__src.splice(0, 1);
var wWidth = window.innerWidth;
for (var j = 0; j < rsWidth.length; j++) {
if (parseInt(rsWidth[j], 10) > wWidth) {
_src = rsSrc[j];
if (_this.s.dynamic) {
if (_this.s.dynamicEl[index].poster) {
_hasPoster = true;
_poster = _this.s.dynamicEl[index].poster;
_html = _this.s.dynamicEl[index].html;
_src = _this.s.dynamicEl[index].src;
if (_this.s.dynamicEl[index].responsive) {
var srcDyItms = _this.s.dynamicEl[index].responsive.split(',');
_srcset = _this.s.dynamicEl[index].srcset;
_sizes = _this.s.dynamicEl[index].sizes;
} else {
if (_this.items[index].getAttribute('data-poster')) {
_hasPoster = true;
_poster = _this.items[index].getAttribute('data-poster');
_html = _this.items[index].getAttribute('data-html');
_src = _this.items[index].getAttribute('href') || _this.items[index].getAttribute('data-src');
if (_this.items[index].getAttribute('data-responsive')) {
var srcItms = _this.items[index].getAttribute('data-responsive').split(',');
_srcset = _this.items[index].getAttribute('data-srcset');
_sizes = _this.items[index].getAttribute('data-sizes');
//if (_src || _srcset || _sizes || _poster) {
var iframe = false;
if (_this.s.dynamic) {
if (_this.s.dynamicEl[index].iframe) {
iframe = true;
} else {
if (_this.items[index].getAttribute('data-iframe') === 'true') {
iframe = true;
var _isVideo = _this.isVideo(_src, index);
if (!_lgUtils2.default.hasClass(_this.___slide[index], 'lg-loaded')) {
if (iframe) {
_this.___slide[index].insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', '<div class="lg-video-cont" style="max-width:' + _this.s.iframeMaxWidth + '"><div class="lg-video"><iframe class="lg-object" frameborder="0" src="' + _src + '" allowfullscreen="true"></iframe></div></div>');
} else if (_hasPoster) {
var videoClass = '';
if (_isVideo && {
videoClass = 'lg-has-youtube';
} else if (_isVideo && _isVideo.vimeo) {
videoClass = 'lg-has-vimeo';
} else {
videoClass = 'lg-has-html5';
_this.___slide[index].insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', '<div class="lg-video-cont ' + videoClass + ' "><div class="lg-video"><span class="lg-video-play"></span><img class="lg-object lg-has-poster" src="' + _poster + '" /></div></div>');
} else if (_isVideo) {
_this.___slide[index].insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', '<div class="lg-video-cont "><div class="lg-video"></div></div>');
_lgUtils2.default.trigger(_this.el, 'hasVideo', {
index: index,
src: _src,
html: _html
} else {
_this.___slide[index].insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', '<div class="lg-img-wrap"><img class="lg-object lg-image" src="' + _src + '" /></div>');
_lgUtils2.default.trigger(_this.el, 'onAferAppendSlide', {
index: index
_img = _this.___slide[index].querySelector('.lg-object');
if (_sizes) {
_img.setAttribute('sizes', _sizes);
if (_srcset) {
_img.setAttribute('srcset', _srcset);
try {
elements: [_img[0]]
} catch (e) {
console.error('Make sure you have included Picturefill version 2');
if (this.s.appendSubHtmlTo !== '.lg-sub-html') {
_lgUtils2.default.addClass(_this.___slide[index], 'lg-loaded');
_lgUtils2.default.on(_this.___slide[index].querySelector('.lg-object'), 'load.lg error.lg', function () {
// For first time add some delay for displaying the start animation.
var _speed = 0;
// Do not change the delay value because it is required for zoom plugin.
// If gallery opened from direct url (hash) speed value should be 0
if (delay && !_lgUtils2.default.hasClass(document.body, 'lg-from-hash')) {
_speed = delay;
setTimeout(function () {
_lgUtils2.default.addClass(_this.___slide[index], 'lg-complete');
_lgUtils2.default.trigger(_this.el, 'onSlideItemLoad', {
index: index,
delay: delay || 0
}, _speed);
// @todo check load state for html5 videos
if (_isVideo && _isVideo.html5 && !_hasPoster) {
_lgUtils2.default.addClass(_this.___slide[index], 'lg-complete');
if (rec === true) {
if (!_lgUtils2.default.hasClass(_this.___slide[index], 'lg-complete')) {
_lgUtils2.default.on(_this.___slide[index].querySelector('.lg-object'), 'load.lg error.lg', function () {
} else {
* @desc slide function for lightgallery
** Slide() gets call on start
** ** Set lg.on true once slide() function gets called.
** Call loadContent() on slide() function inside setTimeout
** ** On first slide we do not want any animation like slide of fade
** ** So on first slide( if lg.on if false that is first slide) loadContent() should start loading immediately
** ** Else loadContent() should wait for the transition to complete.
** ** So set timeout s.speed + 50
<=> ** loadContent() will load slide content in to the particular slide
** ** It has recursion (rec) parameter. if rec === true loadContent() will call preload() function.
** ** preload will execute only when the previous slide is fully loaded (images iframe)
** ** avoid simultaneous image load
<=> ** Preload() will check for s.preload value and call loadContent() again accoring to preload value
** loadContent() <====> Preload();
* @param {Number} index - index of the slide
* @param {Boolean} fromTouch - true if slide function called via touch event or mouse drag
* @param {Boolean} fromThumb - true if slide function called via thumbnail click
Plugin.prototype.slide = function (index, fromTouch, fromThumb) {
var _prevIndex = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < this.___slide.length; i++) {
if (_lgUtils2.default.hasClass(this.___slide[i], 'lg-current')) {
_prevIndex = i;
var _this = this;
// Prevent if multiple call
// Required for hsh plugin
if (_this.lGalleryOn && _prevIndex === index) {
var _length = this.___slide.length;
var _time = _this.lGalleryOn ? this.s.speed : 0;
var _next = false;
var _prev = false;
if (!_this.lgBusy) {
if ( {
var _src;
if (_this.s.dynamic) {
_src = _this.s.dynamicEl[index].downloadUrl !== false && (_this.s.dynamicEl[index].downloadUrl || _this.s.dynamicEl[index].src);
} else {
_src = _this.items[index].getAttribute('data-download-url') !== 'false' && (_this.items[index].getAttribute('data-download-url') || _this.items[index].getAttribute('href') || _this.items[index].getAttribute('data-src'));
if (_src) {
document.getElementById('lg-download').setAttribute('href', _src);
_lgUtils2.default.removeClass(_this.outer, 'lg-hide-download');
} else {
_lgUtils2.default.addClass(_this.outer, 'lg-hide-download');
_lgUtils2.default.trigger(_this.el, 'onBeforeSlide', {
prevIndex: _prevIndex,
index: index,
fromTouch: fromTouch,
fromThumb: fromThumb
_this.lgBusy = true;
// Add title if this.s.appendSubHtmlTo === lg-sub-html
if (this.s.appendSubHtmlTo === '.lg-sub-html') {
// wait for slide animation to complete
setTimeout(function () {
}, _time);
if (!fromTouch) {
// remove all transitions
_lgUtils2.default.addClass(_this.outer, 'lg-no-trans');
for (var j = 0; j < this.___slide.length; j++) {
_lgUtils2.default.removeClass(this.___slide[j], 'lg-prev-slide');
_lgUtils2.default.removeClass(this.___slide[j], 'lg-next-slide');
if (index < _prevIndex) {
_prev = true;
if (index === 0 && _prevIndex === _length - 1 && !fromThumb) {
_prev = false;
_next = true;
} else if (index > _prevIndex) {
_next = true;
if (index === _length - 1 && _prevIndex === 0 && !fromThumb) {
_prev = true;
_next = false;
if (_prev) {
_lgUtils2.default.addClass(this.___slide[index], 'lg-prev-slide');
_lgUtils2.default.addClass(this.___slide[_prevIndex], 'lg-next-slide');
} else if (_next) {
// next slide
_lgUtils2.default.addClass(this.___slide[index], 'lg-next-slide');
_lgUtils2.default.addClass(this.___slide[_prevIndex], 'lg-prev-slide');
// give 50 ms for browser to add/remove class
setTimeout(function () {
_lgUtils2.default.removeClass(_this.outer.querySelector('.lg-current'), 'lg-current');
_lgUtils2.default.addClass(_this.___slide[index], 'lg-current');
// reset all transitions
_lgUtils2.default.removeClass(_this.outer, 'lg-no-trans');
}, 50);
} else {
var touchPrev = index - 1;
var touchNext = index + 1;
if (index === 0 && _prevIndex === _length - 1) {
// next slide
touchNext = 0;
touchPrev = _length - 1;
} else if (index === _length - 1 && _prevIndex === 0) {
// prev slide
touchNext = 0;
touchPrev = _length - 1;
_lgUtils2.default.removeClass(_this.outer.querySelector('.lg-prev-slide'), 'lg-prev-slide');
_lgUtils2.default.removeClass(_this.outer.querySelector('.lg-current'), 'lg-current');
_lgUtils2.default.removeClass(_this.outer.querySelector('.lg-next-slide'), 'lg-next-slide');
_lgUtils2.default.addClass(_this.___slide[touchPrev], 'lg-prev-slide');
_lgUtils2.default.addClass(_this.___slide[touchNext], 'lg-next-slide');
_lgUtils2.default.addClass(_this.___slide[index], 'lg-current');
if (_this.lGalleryOn) {
setTimeout(function () {
_this.loadContent(index, true, 0);
}, this.s.speed + 50);
setTimeout(function () {
_this.lgBusy = false;
_lgUtils2.default.trigger(_this.el, 'onAfterSlide', {
prevIndex: _prevIndex,
index: index,
fromTouch: fromTouch,
fromThumb: fromThumb
}, this.s.speed);
} else {
_this.loadContent(index, true, _this.s.backdropDuration);
_this.lgBusy = false;
_lgUtils2.default.trigger(_this.el, 'onAfterSlide', {
prevIndex: _prevIndex,
index: index,
fromTouch: fromTouch,
fromThumb: fromThumb
_this.lGalleryOn = true;
if (this.s.counter) {
if (document.getElementById('lg-counter-current')) {
document.getElementById('lg-counter-current').innerHTML = index + 1;
* @desc Go to next slide
* @param {Boolean} fromTouch - true if slide function called via touch event
Plugin.prototype.goToNextSlide = function (fromTouch) {
var _this = this;
if (!_this.lgBusy) {
if (_this.index + 1 < _this.___slide.length) {
_lgUtils2.default.trigger(_this.el, 'onBeforeNextSlide', {
index: _this.index
_this.slide(_this.index, fromTouch, false);
} else {
if (_this.s.loop) {
_this.index = 0;
_lgUtils2.default.trigger(_this.el, 'onBeforeNextSlide', {
index: _this.index
_this.slide(_this.index, fromTouch, false);
} else if (_this.s.slideEndAnimatoin) {
_lgUtils2.default.addClass(_this.outer, 'lg-right-end');
setTimeout(function () {
_lgUtils2.default.removeClass(_this.outer, 'lg-right-end');
}, 400);
* @desc Go to previous slide
* @param {Boolean} fromTouch - true if slide function called via touch event
Plugin.prototype.goToPrevSlide = function (fromTouch) {
var _this = this;
if (!_this.lgBusy) {
if (_this.index > 0) {
_lgUtils2.default.trigger(_this.el, 'onBeforePrevSlide', {
index: _this.index,
fromTouch: fromTouch
_this.slide(_this.index, fromTouch, false);
} else {
if (_this.s.loop) {
_this.index = _this.items.length - 1;
_lgUtils2.default.trigger(_this.el, 'onBeforePrevSlide', {
index: _this.index,
fromTouch: fromTouch
_this.slide(_this.index, fromTouch, false);
} else if (_this.s.slideEndAnimatoin) {
_lgUtils2.default.addClass(_this.outer, 'lg-left-end');
setTimeout(function () {
_lgUtils2.default.removeClass(_this.outer, 'lg-left-end');
}, 400);
Plugin.prototype.keyPress = function () {
var _this = this;
if (this.items.length > 1) {
_lgUtils2.default.on(window, 'keyup.lg', function (e) {
if (_this.items.length > 1) {
if (e.keyCode === 37) {
if (e.keyCode === 39) {
_lgUtils2.default.on(window, 'keydown.lg', function (e) {
if (_this.s.escKey === true && e.keyCode === 27) {
if (!_lgUtils2.default.hasClass(_this.outer, 'lg-thumb-open')) {
} else {
_lgUtils2.default.removeClass(_this.outer, 'lg-thumb-open');
Plugin.prototype.arrow = function () {
var _this = this;
_lgUtils2.default.on(this.outer.querySelector('.lg-prev'), 'click.lg', function () {
_lgUtils2.default.on(this.outer.querySelector('.lg-next'), 'click.lg', function () {
Plugin.prototype.arrowDisable = function (index) {
// Disable arrows if s.hideControlOnEnd is true
if (!this.s.loop && this.s.hideControlOnEnd) {
var next = this.outer.querySelector('.lg-next');
var prev = this.outer.querySelector('.lg-prev');
if (index + 1 < this.___slide.length) {
_lgUtils2.default.removeClass(next, 'disabled');
} else {
next.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled');
_lgUtils2.default.addClass(next, 'disabled');
if (index > 0) {
_lgUtils2.default.removeClass(prev, 'disabled');
} else {
next.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled');
_lgUtils2.default.addClass(next, 'disabled');
Plugin.prototype.setTranslate = function (el, xValue, yValue) {
// jQuery supports Automatic CSS prefixing since jQuery 1.8.0
if (this.s.useLeft) { = xValue;
} else {
_lgUtils2.default.setVendor(el, 'Transform', 'translate3d(' + xValue + 'px, ' + yValue + 'px, 0px)');
Plugin.prototype.touchMove = function (startCoords, endCoords) {
var distance = endCoords - startCoords;
if (Math.abs(distance) > 15) {
// reset opacity and transition duration
_lgUtils2.default.addClass(this.outer, 'lg-dragging');
// move current slide
this.setTranslate(this.___slide[this.index], distance, 0);
// move next and prev slide with current slide
this.setTranslate(document.querySelector('.lg-prev-slide'), -this.___slide[this.index].clientWidth + distance, 0);
this.setTranslate(document.querySelector('.lg-next-slide'), this.___slide[this.index].clientWidth + distance, 0);
Plugin.prototype.touchEnd = function (distance) {
var _this = this;
// keep slide animation for any mode while dragg/swipe
if (_this.s.mode !== 'lg-slide') {
_lgUtils2.default.addClass(_this.outer, 'lg-slide');
for (var i = 0; i < this.___slide.length; i++) {
if (!_lgUtils2.default.hasClass(this.___slide[i], 'lg-current') && !_lgUtils2.default.hasClass(this.___slide[i], 'lg-prev-slide') && !_lgUtils2.default.hasClass(this.___slide[i], 'lg-next-slide')) {
this.___slide[i].style.opacity = '0';
// set transition duration
setTimeout(function () {
_lgUtils2.default.removeClass(_this.outer, 'lg-dragging');
if (distance < 0 && Math.abs(distance) > _this.s.swipeThreshold) {
} else if (distance > 0 && Math.abs(distance) > _this.s.swipeThreshold) {
} else if (Math.abs(distance) < 5) {
// Trigger click if distance is less than 5 pix
_lgUtils2.default.trigger(_this.el, 'onSlideClick');
for (var i = 0; i < _this.___slide.length; i++) {
// remove slide class once drag/swipe is completed if mode is not slide
setTimeout(function () {
if (!_lgUtils2.default.hasClass(_this.outer, 'lg-dragging') && _this.s.mode !== 'lg-slide') {
_lgUtils2.default.removeClass(_this.outer, 'lg-slide');
}, _this.s.speed + 100);
Plugin.prototype.enableSwipe = function () {
var _this = this;
var startCoords = 0;
var endCoords = 0;
var isMoved = false;
if (_this.s.enableSwipe && _this.isTouch && _this.doCss()) {
for (var i = 0; i < _this.___slide.length; i++) {
/*jshint loopfunc: true */
_lgUtils2.default.on(_this.___slide[i], 'touchstart.lg', function (e) {
if (!_lgUtils2.default.hasClass(_this.outer, 'lg-zoomed') && !_this.lgBusy) {
startCoords = e.targetTouches[0].pageX;
for (var j = 0; j < _this.___slide.length; j++) {
/*jshint loopfunc: true */
_lgUtils2.default.on(_this.___slide[j], 'touchmove.lg', function (e) {
if (!_lgUtils2.default.hasClass(_this.outer, 'lg-zoomed')) {
endCoords = e.targetTouches[0].pageX;
_this.touchMove(startCoords, endCoords);
isMoved = true;
for (var k = 0; k < _this.___slide.length; k++) {
/*jshint loopfunc: true */
_lgUtils2.default.on(_this.___slide[k], 'touchend.lg', function () {
if (!_lgUtils2.default.hasClass(_this.outer, 'lg-zoomed')) {
if (isMoved) {
isMoved = false;
_this.touchEnd(endCoords - startCoords);
} else {
_lgUtils2.default.trigger(_this.el, 'onSlideClick');
Plugin.prototype.enableDrag = function () {
var _this = this;
var startCoords = 0;
var endCoords = 0;
var isDraging = false;
var isMoved = false;
if (_this.s.enableDrag && !_this.isTouch && _this.doCss()) {
for (var i = 0; i < _this.___slide.length; i++) {
/*jshint loopfunc: true */
_lgUtils2.default.on(_this.___slide[i], 'mousedown.lg', function (e) {
// execute only on .lg-object
if (!_lgUtils2.default.hasClass(_this.outer, 'lg-zoomed')) {
if (_lgUtils2.default.hasClass(, 'lg-object') || _lgUtils2.default.hasClass(, 'lg-video-play')) {
if (!_this.lgBusy) {
startCoords = e.pageX;
isDraging = true;
// ** Fix for webkit cursor issue
_this.outer.scrollLeft += 1;
_this.outer.scrollLeft -= 1;
// *
_lgUtils2.default.removeClass(_this.outer, 'lg-grab');
_lgUtils2.default.addClass(_this.outer, 'lg-grabbing');
_lgUtils2.default.trigger(_this.el, 'onDragstart');
_lgUtils2.default.on(window, 'mousemove.lg', function (e) {
if (isDraging) {
isMoved = true;
endCoords = e.pageX;
_this.touchMove(startCoords, endCoords);
_lgUtils2.default.trigger(_this.el, 'onDragmove');
_lgUtils2.default.on(window, 'mouseup.lg', function (e) {
if (isMoved) {
isMoved = false;
_this.touchEnd(endCoords - startCoords);
_lgUtils2.default.trigger(_this.el, 'onDragend');
} else if (_lgUtils2.default.hasClass(, 'lg-object') || _lgUtils2.default.hasClass(, 'lg-video-play')) {
_lgUtils2.default.trigger(_this.el, 'onSlideClick');
// Prevent execution on click
if (isDraging) {
isDraging = false;
_lgUtils2.default.removeClass(_this.outer, 'lg-grabbing');
_lgUtils2.default.addClass(_this.outer, 'lg-grab');
Plugin.prototype.manageSwipeClass = function () {
var touchNext = this.index + 1;
var touchPrev = this.index - 1;
var length = this.___slide.length;
if (this.s.loop) {
if (this.index === 0) {
touchPrev = length - 1;
} else if (this.index === length - 1) {
touchNext = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < this.___slide.length; i++) {
_lgUtils2.default.removeClass(this.___slide[i], 'lg-next-slide');
_lgUtils2.default.removeClass(this.___slide[i], 'lg-prev-slide');
if (touchPrev > -1) {
_lgUtils2.default.addClass(this.___slide[touchPrev], 'lg-prev-slide');
_lgUtils2.default.addClass(this.___slide[touchNext], 'lg-next-slide');
Plugin.prototype.mousewheel = function () {
var _this = this;
_lgUtils2.default.on(_this.outer, 'mousewheel.lg', function (e) {
if (!e.deltaY) {
if (e.deltaY > 0) {
} else {
Plugin.prototype.closeGallery = function () {
var _this = this;
var mousedown = false;
_lgUtils2.default.on(this.outer.querySelector('.lg-close'), 'click.lg', function () {
if (_this.s.closable) {
// If you drag the slide and release outside gallery gets close on chrome
// for preventing this check mousedown and mouseup happened on .lg-item or lg-outer
_lgUtils2.default.on(_this.outer, 'mousedown.lg', function (e) {
if (_lgUtils2.default.hasClass(, 'lg-outer') || _lgUtils2.default.hasClass(, 'lg-item') || _lgUtils2.default.hasClass(, 'lg-img-wrap')) {
mousedown = true;
} else {
mousedown = false;
_lgUtils2.default.on(_this.outer, 'mouseup.lg', function (e) {
if (_lgUtils2.default.hasClass(, 'lg-outer') || _lgUtils2.default.hasClass(, 'lg-item') || _lgUtils2.default.hasClass(, 'lg-img-wrap') && mousedown) {
if (!_lgUtils2.default.hasClass(_this.outer, 'lg-dragging')) {
Plugin.prototype.destroy = function (d) {
var _this = this;
if (!d) {
_lgUtils2.default.trigger(_this.el, 'onBeforeClose');
document.body.scrollTop = _this.prevScrollTop;
document.documentElement.scrollTop = _this.prevScrollTop;
* if d is false or undefined destroy will only close the gallery
* plugins instance remains with the element
* if d is true destroy will completely remove the plugin
if (d) {
if (!_this.s.dynamic) {
// only when not using dynamic mode is $items a jquery collection
for (var i = 0; i < this.items.length; i++) {[i], '.lg');[i], '.lgcustom');
var lguid = _this.el.getAttribute('lg-uid');
delete window.lgData[lguid];
// Unbind all events added by lightGallery, '.lgtm');
// Distroy all lightGallery modules
for (var key in window.lgModules) {
if (_this.modules[key]) {
this.lGalleryOn = false;
this.hideBartimeout = false;, '.lg');
_lgUtils2.default.removeClass(document.body, 'lg-on');
_lgUtils2.default.removeClass(document.body, 'lg-from-hash');
if (_this.outer) {
_lgUtils2.default.removeClass(_this.outer, 'lg-visible');
_lgUtils2.default.removeClass(document.querySelector('.lg-backdrop'), 'in');
setTimeout(function () {
try {
if (_this.outer) {
if (document.querySelector('.lg-backdrop')) {
if (!d) {
_lgUtils2.default.trigger(_this.el, 'onCloseAfter');
} catch (err) {}
}, _this.s.backdropDuration + 50);
window.lightGallery = function (el, options) {
if (!el) {
try {
if (!el.getAttribute('lg-uid')) {
var uid = 'lg' + window.lgData.uid++;
window.lgData[uid] = new Plugin(el, options);
el.setAttribute('lg-uid', uid);
} else {
try {
} catch (err) {
console.error('lightGallery has not initiated properly');
} catch (err) {
console.error('lightGallery has not initiated properly');