Your IP :
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
* This file is part of PHPUnit.
* (c) Sebastian Bergmann <>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace PHPUnit\Framework;
use const LC_ALL;
use const LC_COLLATE;
use const LC_CTYPE;
use const LC_MONETARY;
use const LC_NUMERIC;
use const LC_TIME;
use const PHP_EOL;
use const PHP_URL_PATH;
use function array_filter;
use function array_flip;
use function array_keys;
use function array_merge;
use function array_pop;
use function array_search;
use function array_unique;
use function array_values;
use function basename;
use function call_user_func;
use function chdir;
use function class_exists;
use function clearstatcache;
use function count;
use function debug_backtrace;
use function defined;
use function explode;
use function get_class;
use function get_include_path;
use function getcwd;
use function implode;
use function in_array;
use function ini_set;
use function is_array;
use function is_callable;
use function is_int;
use function is_object;
use function is_string;
use function libxml_clear_errors;
use function method_exists;
use function ob_end_clean;
use function ob_get_contents;
use function ob_get_level;
use function ob_start;
use function parse_url;
use function pathinfo;
use function preg_replace;
use function serialize;
use function setlocale;
use function sprintf;
use function strpos;
use function substr;
use function trim;
use function var_export;
use DeepCopy\DeepCopy;
use PHPUnit\Framework\Constraint\Exception as ExceptionConstraint;
use PHPUnit\Framework\Constraint\ExceptionCode;
use PHPUnit\Framework\Constraint\ExceptionMessage;
use PHPUnit\Framework\Constraint\ExceptionMessageRegularExpression;
use PHPUnit\Framework\Constraint\LogicalOr;
use PHPUnit\Framework\Error\Deprecated;
use PHPUnit\Framework\Error\Error;
use PHPUnit\Framework\Error\Notice;
use PHPUnit\Framework\Error\Warning as WarningError;
use PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\Generator as MockGenerator;
use PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\MockBuilder;
use PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\MockObject;
use PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\Rule\AnyInvokedCount as AnyInvokedCountMatcher;
use PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\Rule\InvokedAtIndex as InvokedAtIndexMatcher;
use PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\Rule\InvokedAtLeastCount as InvokedAtLeastCountMatcher;
use PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\Rule\InvokedAtLeastOnce as InvokedAtLeastOnceMatcher;
use PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\Rule\InvokedAtMostCount as InvokedAtMostCountMatcher;
use PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\Rule\InvokedCount as InvokedCountMatcher;
use PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\Stub;
use PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\Stub\ConsecutiveCalls as ConsecutiveCallsStub;
use PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\Stub\Exception as ExceptionStub;
use PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\Stub\ReturnArgument as ReturnArgumentStub;
use PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\Stub\ReturnCallback as ReturnCallbackStub;
use PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\Stub\ReturnSelf as ReturnSelfStub;
use PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\Stub\ReturnStub;
use PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\Stub\ReturnValueMap as ReturnValueMapStub;
use PHPUnit\Runner\BaseTestRunner;
use PHPUnit\Runner\PhptTestCase;
use PHPUnit\Util\Exception as UtilException;
use PHPUnit\Util\GlobalState;
use PHPUnit\Util\PHP\AbstractPhpProcess;
use PHPUnit\Util\Test as TestUtil;
use PHPUnit\Util\Type;
use Prophecy\Exception\Prediction\PredictionException;
use Prophecy\Prophecy\MethodProphecy;
use Prophecy\Prophecy\ObjectProphecy;
use Prophecy\Prophet;
use ReflectionClass;
use ReflectionException;
use SebastianBergmann\Comparator\Comparator;
use SebastianBergmann\Comparator\Factory as ComparatorFactory;
use SebastianBergmann\Diff\Differ;
use SebastianBergmann\Exporter\Exporter;
use SebastianBergmann\GlobalState\ExcludeList;
use SebastianBergmann\GlobalState\Restorer;
use SebastianBergmann\GlobalState\Snapshot;
use SebastianBergmann\ObjectEnumerator\Enumerator;
use SebastianBergmann\Template\Template;
use SoapClient;
use Throwable;
* @no-named-arguments Parameter names are not covered by the backward compatibility promise for PHPUnit
abstract class TestCase extends Assert implements Reorderable, SelfDescribing, Test
* @var ?bool
protected $backupGlobals;
* @var string[]
protected $backupGlobalsExcludeList = [];
* @var string[]
* @deprecated Use $backupGlobalsExcludeList instead
protected $backupGlobalsBlacklist = [];
* @var bool
protected $backupStaticAttributes;
* @var array<string,array<int,string>>
protected $backupStaticAttributesExcludeList = [];
* @var array<string,array<int,string>>
* @deprecated Use $backupStaticAttributesExcludeList instead
protected $backupStaticAttributesBlacklist = [];
* @var bool
protected $runTestInSeparateProcess;
* @var bool
protected $preserveGlobalState = true;
* @var list<ExecutionOrderDependency>
protected $providedTests = [];
* @var bool
private $runClassInSeparateProcess;
* @var bool
private $inIsolation = false;
* @var array
private $data;
* @var int|string
private $dataName;
* @var null|string
private $expectedException;
* @var null|string
private $expectedExceptionMessage;
* @var null|string
private $expectedExceptionMessageRegExp;
* @var null|int|string
private $expectedExceptionCode;
* @var string
private $name = '';
* @var list<ExecutionOrderDependency>
private $dependencies = [];
* @var array
private $dependencyInput = [];
* @var array<string,string>
private $iniSettings = [];
* @var array
private $locale = [];
* @var MockObject[]
private $mockObjects = [];
* @var MockGenerator
private $mockObjectGenerator;
* @var int
private $status = BaseTestRunner::STATUS_UNKNOWN;
* @var string
private $statusMessage = '';
* @var int
private $numAssertions = 0;
* @var TestResult
private $result;
* @var mixed
private $testResult;
* @var string
private $output = '';
* @var ?string
private $outputExpectedRegex;
* @var ?string
private $outputExpectedString;
* @var mixed
private $outputCallback = false;
* @var bool
private $outputBufferingActive = false;
* @var int
private $outputBufferingLevel;
* @var bool
private $outputRetrievedForAssertion = false;
* @var ?Snapshot
private $snapshot;
* @var \Prophecy\Prophet
private $prophet;
* @var bool
private $beStrictAboutChangesToGlobalState = false;
* @var bool
private $registerMockObjectsFromTestArgumentsRecursively = false;
* @var string[]
private $warnings = [];
* @var string[]
private $groups = [];
* @var bool
private $doesNotPerformAssertions = false;
* @var Comparator[]
private $customComparators = [];
* @var string[]
private $doubledTypes = [];
* Returns a matcher that matches when the method is executed
* zero or more times.
public static function any(): AnyInvokedCountMatcher
return new AnyInvokedCountMatcher;
* Returns a matcher that matches when the method is never executed.
public static function never(): InvokedCountMatcher
return new InvokedCountMatcher(0);
* Returns a matcher that matches when the method is executed
* at least N times.
public static function atLeast(int $requiredInvocations): InvokedAtLeastCountMatcher
return new InvokedAtLeastCountMatcher(
* Returns a matcher that matches when the method is executed at least once.
public static function atLeastOnce(): InvokedAtLeastOnceMatcher
return new InvokedAtLeastOnceMatcher;
* Returns a matcher that matches when the method is executed exactly once.
public static function once(): InvokedCountMatcher
return new InvokedCountMatcher(1);
* Returns a matcher that matches when the method is executed
* exactly $count times.
public static function exactly(int $count): InvokedCountMatcher
return new InvokedCountMatcher($count);
* Returns a matcher that matches when the method is executed
* at most N times.
public static function atMost(int $allowedInvocations): InvokedAtMostCountMatcher
return new InvokedAtMostCountMatcher($allowedInvocations);
* Returns a matcher that matches when the method is executed
* at the given index.
* @deprecated
* @codeCoverageIgnore
public static function at(int $index): InvokedAtIndexMatcher
$stack = debug_backtrace();
while (!empty($stack)) {
$frame = array_pop($stack);
if (isset($frame['object']) && $frame['object'] instanceof self) {
'The at() matcher has been deprecated. It will be removed in PHPUnit 10. Please refactor your test to not rely on the order in which methods are invoked.'
return new InvokedAtIndexMatcher($index);
public static function returnValue($value): ReturnStub
return new ReturnStub($value);
public static function returnValueMap(array $valueMap): ReturnValueMapStub
return new ReturnValueMapStub($valueMap);
public static function returnArgument(int $argumentIndex): ReturnArgumentStub
return new ReturnArgumentStub($argumentIndex);
public static function returnCallback($callback): ReturnCallbackStub
return new ReturnCallbackStub($callback);
* Returns the current object.
* This method is useful when mocking a fluent interface.
public static function returnSelf(): ReturnSelfStub
return new ReturnSelfStub;
public static function throwException(Throwable $exception): ExceptionStub
return new ExceptionStub($exception);
public static function onConsecutiveCalls(...$args): ConsecutiveCallsStub
return new ConsecutiveCallsStub($args);
* @param int|string $dataName
* @internal This method is not covered by the backward compatibility promise for PHPUnit
public function __construct(?string $name = null, array $data = [], $dataName = '')
if ($name !== null) {
$this->data = $data;
$this->dataName = $dataName;
* This method is called before the first test of this test class is run.
public static function setUpBeforeClass(): void
* This method is called after the last test of this test class is run.
public static function tearDownAfterClass(): void
* This method is called before each test.
protected function setUp(): void
* Performs assertions shared by all tests of a test case.
* This method is called between setUp() and test.
protected function assertPreConditions(): void
* Performs assertions shared by all tests of a test case.
* This method is called between test and tearDown().
protected function assertPostConditions(): void
* This method is called after each test.
protected function tearDown(): void
* Returns a string representation of the test case.
* @throws \SebastianBergmann\RecursionContext\InvalidArgumentException
* @throws Exception
public function toString(): string
try {
$class = new ReflectionClass($this);
// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
} catch (ReflectionException $e) {
throw new Exception(
(int) $e->getCode(),
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
$buffer = sprintf(
return $buffer . $this->getDataSetAsString();
public function count(): int
return 1;
public function getActualOutputForAssertion(): string
$this->outputRetrievedForAssertion = true;
return $this->getActualOutput();
public function expectOutputRegex(string $expectedRegex): void
$this->outputExpectedRegex = $expectedRegex;
public function expectOutputString(string $expectedString): void
$this->outputExpectedString = $expectedString;
* @psalm-param class-string<\Throwable> $exception
public function expectException(string $exception): void
// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
switch ($exception) {
case Deprecated::class:
$this->addWarning('Support for using expectException() with PHPUnit\Framework\Error\Deprecated is deprecated and will be removed in PHPUnit 10. Use expectDeprecation() instead.');
case Error::class:
$this->addWarning('Support for using expectException() with PHPUnit\Framework\Error\Error is deprecated and will be removed in PHPUnit 10. Use expectError() instead.');
case Notice::class:
$this->addWarning('Support for using expectException() with PHPUnit\Framework\Error\Notice is deprecated and will be removed in PHPUnit 10. Use expectNotice() instead.');
case WarningError::class:
$this->addWarning('Support for using expectException() with PHPUnit\Framework\Error\Warning is deprecated and will be removed in PHPUnit 10. Use expectWarning() instead.');
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
$this->expectedException = $exception;
* @param int|string $code
public function expectExceptionCode($code): void
$this->expectedExceptionCode = $code;
public function expectExceptionMessage(string $message): void
$this->expectedExceptionMessage = $message;
public function expectExceptionMessageMatches(string $regularExpression): void
$this->expectedExceptionMessageRegExp = $regularExpression;
* Sets up an expectation for an exception to be raised by the code under test.
* Information for expected exception class, expected exception message, and
* expected exception code are retrieved from a given Exception object.
public function expectExceptionObject(\Exception $exception): void
public function expectNotToPerformAssertions(): void
$this->doesNotPerformAssertions = true;
public function expectDeprecation(): void
$this->expectedException = Deprecated::class;
public function expectDeprecationMessage(string $message): void
public function expectDeprecationMessageMatches(string $regularExpression): void
public function expectNotice(): void
$this->expectedException = Notice::class;
public function expectNoticeMessage(string $message): void
public function expectNoticeMessageMatches(string $regularExpression): void
public function expectWarning(): void
$this->expectedException = WarningError::class;
public function expectWarningMessage(string $message): void
public function expectWarningMessageMatches(string $regularExpression): void
public function expectError(): void
$this->expectedException = Error::class;
public function expectErrorMessage(string $message): void
public function expectErrorMessageMatches(string $regularExpression): void
public function getStatus(): int
return $this->status;
public function markAsRisky(): void
$this->status = BaseTestRunner::STATUS_RISKY;
public function getStatusMessage(): string
return $this->statusMessage;
public function hasFailed(): bool
$status = $this->getStatus();
return $status === BaseTestRunner::STATUS_FAILURE || $status === BaseTestRunner::STATUS_ERROR;
* Runs the test case and collects the results in a TestResult object.
* If no TestResult object is passed a new one will be created.
* @throws \SebastianBergmann\CodeCoverage\InvalidArgumentException
* @throws \SebastianBergmann\CodeCoverage\UnintentionallyCoveredCodeException
* @throws \SebastianBergmann\RecursionContext\InvalidArgumentException
* @throws CodeCoverageException
* @throws UtilException
public function run(TestResult $result = null): TestResult
if ($result === null) {
$result = $this->createResult();
if (!$this instanceof ErrorTestCase && !$this instanceof WarningTestCase) {
if (!$this instanceof ErrorTestCase &&
!$this instanceof WarningTestCase &&
!$this instanceof SkippedTestCase &&
!$this->handleDependencies()) {
return $result;
if ($this->runInSeparateProcess()) {
$runEntireClass = $this->runClassInSeparateProcess && !$this->runTestInSeparateProcess;
try {
$class = new ReflectionClass($this);
// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
} catch (ReflectionException $e) {
throw new Exception(
(int) $e->getCode(),
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
if ($runEntireClass) {
$template = new Template(
__DIR__ . '/../Util/PHP/Template/TestCaseClass.tpl'
} else {
$template = new Template(
__DIR__ . '/../Util/PHP/Template/TestCaseMethod.tpl'
if ($this->preserveGlobalState) {
$constants = GlobalState::getConstantsAsString();
$globals = GlobalState::getGlobalsAsString();
$includedFiles = GlobalState::getIncludedFilesAsString();
$iniSettings = GlobalState::getIniSettingsAsString();
} else {
$constants = '';
if (!empty($GLOBALS['__PHPUNIT_BOOTSTRAP'])) {
$globals = '$GLOBALS[\'__PHPUNIT_BOOTSTRAP\'] = ' . var_export($GLOBALS['__PHPUNIT_BOOTSTRAP'], true) . ";\n";
} else {
$globals = '';
$includedFiles = '';
$iniSettings = '';
$coverage = $result->getCollectCodeCoverageInformation() ? 'true' : 'false';
$isStrictAboutTestsThatDoNotTestAnything = $result->isStrictAboutTestsThatDoNotTestAnything() ? 'true' : 'false';
$isStrictAboutOutputDuringTests = $result->isStrictAboutOutputDuringTests() ? 'true' : 'false';
$enforcesTimeLimit = $result->enforcesTimeLimit() ? 'true' : 'false';
$isStrictAboutTodoAnnotatedTests = $result->isStrictAboutTodoAnnotatedTests() ? 'true' : 'false';
$isStrictAboutResourceUsageDuringSmallTests = $result->isStrictAboutResourceUsageDuringSmallTests() ? 'true' : 'false';
$composerAutoload = var_export(PHPUNIT_COMPOSER_INSTALL, true);
} else {
$composerAutoload = '\'\'';
if (defined('__PHPUNIT_PHAR__')) {
$phar = var_export(__PHPUNIT_PHAR__, true);
} else {
$phar = '\'\'';
$codeCoverage = $result->getCodeCoverage();
$codeCoverageFilter = null;
$cachesStaticAnalysis = 'false';
$codeCoverageCacheDirectory = null;
$driverMethod = 'forLineCoverage';
if ($codeCoverage) {
$codeCoverageFilter = $codeCoverage->filter();
if ($codeCoverage->collectsBranchAndPathCoverage()) {
$driverMethod = 'forLineAndPathCoverage';
if ($codeCoverage->cachesStaticAnalysis()) {
$cachesStaticAnalysis = 'true';
$codeCoverageCacheDirectory = $codeCoverage->cacheDirectory();
$data = var_export(serialize($this->data), true);
$dataName = var_export($this->dataName, true);
$dependencyInput = var_export(serialize($this->dependencyInput), true);
$includePath = var_export(get_include_path(), true);
$codeCoverageFilter = var_export(serialize($codeCoverageFilter), true);
$codeCoverageCacheDirectory = var_export(serialize($codeCoverageCacheDirectory), true);
// must do these fixes because TestCaseMethod.tpl has unserialize('{data}') in it, and we can't break BC
// the lines above used to use addcslashes() rather than var_export(), which breaks null byte escape sequences
$data = "'." . $data . ".'";
$dataName = "'.(" . $dataName . ").'";
$dependencyInput = "'." . $dependencyInput . ".'";
$includePath = "'." . $includePath . ".'";
$codeCoverageFilter = "'." . $codeCoverageFilter . ".'";
$codeCoverageCacheDirectory = "'." . $codeCoverageCacheDirectory . ".'";
$configurationFilePath = $GLOBALS['__PHPUNIT_CONFIGURATION_FILE'] ?? '';
$var = [
'composerAutoload' => $composerAutoload,
'phar' => $phar,
'filename' => $class->getFileName(),
'className' => $class->getName(),
'collectCodeCoverageInformation' => $coverage,
'cachesStaticAnalysis' => $cachesStaticAnalysis,
'codeCoverageCacheDirectory' => $codeCoverageCacheDirectory,
'driverMethod' => $driverMethod,
'data' => $data,
'dataName' => $dataName,
'dependencyInput' => $dependencyInput,
'constants' => $constants,
'globals' => $globals,
'include_path' => $includePath,
'included_files' => $includedFiles,
'iniSettings' => $iniSettings,
'isStrictAboutTestsThatDoNotTestAnything' => $isStrictAboutTestsThatDoNotTestAnything,
'isStrictAboutOutputDuringTests' => $isStrictAboutOutputDuringTests,
'enforcesTimeLimit' => $enforcesTimeLimit,
'isStrictAboutTodoAnnotatedTests' => $isStrictAboutTodoAnnotatedTests,
'isStrictAboutResourceUsageDuringSmallTests' => $isStrictAboutResourceUsageDuringSmallTests,
'codeCoverageFilter' => $codeCoverageFilter,
'configurationFilePath' => $configurationFilePath,
'name' => $this->getName(false),
if (!$runEntireClass) {
$var['methodName'] = $this->name;
$php = AbstractPhpProcess::factory();
$php->runTestJob($template->render(), $this, $result);
} else {
$this->result = null;
return $result;
* Returns a builder object to create mock objects using a fluent interface.
* @psalm-template RealInstanceType of object
* @psalm-param class-string<RealInstanceType> $className
* @psalm-return MockBuilder<RealInstanceType>
public function getMockBuilder(string $className): MockBuilder
return new MockBuilder($this, $className);
public function registerComparator(Comparator $comparator): void
$this->customComparators[] = $comparator;
* @return string[]
* @internal This method is not covered by the backward compatibility promise for PHPUnit
public function doubledTypes(): array
return array_unique($this->doubledTypes);
* @internal This method is not covered by the backward compatibility promise for PHPUnit
public function getGroups(): array
return $this->groups;
* @internal This method is not covered by the backward compatibility promise for PHPUnit
public function setGroups(array $groups): void
$this->groups = $groups;
* @throws \SebastianBergmann\RecursionContext\InvalidArgumentException
* @internal This method is not covered by the backward compatibility promise for PHPUnit
public function getName(bool $withDataSet = true): string
if ($withDataSet) {
return $this->name . $this->getDataSetAsString(false);
return $this->name;
* Returns the size of the test.
* @throws \SebastianBergmann\RecursionContext\InvalidArgumentException
* @internal This method is not covered by the backward compatibility promise for PHPUnit
public function getSize(): int
return TestUtil::getSize(
* @throws \SebastianBergmann\RecursionContext\InvalidArgumentException
* @internal This method is not covered by the backward compatibility promise for PHPUnit
public function hasSize(): bool
return $this->getSize() !== TestUtil::UNKNOWN;
* @throws \SebastianBergmann\RecursionContext\InvalidArgumentException
* @internal This method is not covered by the backward compatibility promise for PHPUnit
public function isSmall(): bool
return $this->getSize() === TestUtil::SMALL;
* @throws \SebastianBergmann\RecursionContext\InvalidArgumentException
* @internal This method is not covered by the backward compatibility promise for PHPUnit
public function isMedium(): bool
return $this->getSize() === TestUtil::MEDIUM;
* @throws \SebastianBergmann\RecursionContext\InvalidArgumentException
* @internal This method is not covered by the backward compatibility promise for PHPUnit
public function isLarge(): bool
return $this->getSize() === TestUtil::LARGE;
* @internal This method is not covered by the backward compatibility promise for PHPUnit
public function getActualOutput(): string
if (!$this->outputBufferingActive) {
return $this->output;
return (string) ob_get_contents();
* @internal This method is not covered by the backward compatibility promise for PHPUnit
public function hasOutput(): bool
if ($this->output === '') {
return false;
if ($this->hasExpectationOnOutput()) {
return false;
return true;
* @internal This method is not covered by the backward compatibility promise for PHPUnit
public function doesNotPerformAssertions(): bool
return $this->doesNotPerformAssertions;
* @internal This method is not covered by the backward compatibility promise for PHPUnit
public function hasExpectationOnOutput(): bool
return is_string($this->outputExpectedString) || is_string($this->outputExpectedRegex) || $this->outputRetrievedForAssertion;
* @internal This method is not covered by the backward compatibility promise for PHPUnit
public function getExpectedException(): ?string
return $this->expectedException;
* @return null|int|string
* @internal This method is not covered by the backward compatibility promise for PHPUnit
public function getExpectedExceptionCode()
return $this->expectedExceptionCode;
* @internal This method is not covered by the backward compatibility promise for PHPUnit
public function getExpectedExceptionMessage(): ?string
return $this->expectedExceptionMessage;
* @internal This method is not covered by the backward compatibility promise for PHPUnit
public function getExpectedExceptionMessageRegExp(): ?string
return $this->expectedExceptionMessageRegExp;
* @internal This method is not covered by the backward compatibility promise for PHPUnit
public function setRegisterMockObjectsFromTestArgumentsRecursively(bool $flag): void
$this->registerMockObjectsFromTestArgumentsRecursively = $flag;
* @throws Throwable
* @internal This method is not covered by the backward compatibility promise for PHPUnit
public function runBare(): void
$this->numAssertions = 0;
$currentWorkingDirectory = getcwd();
$hookMethods = TestUtil::getHookMethods(static::class);
$hasMetRequirements = false;
try {
$hasMetRequirements = true;
if ($this->inIsolation) {
foreach ($hookMethods['beforeClass'] as $method) {
foreach ($hookMethods['before'] as $method) {
foreach ($hookMethods['preCondition'] as $method) {
$this->testResult = $this->runTest();
foreach ($hookMethods['postCondition'] as $method) {
if (!empty($this->warnings)) {
throw new Warning(
$this->status = BaseTestRunner::STATUS_PASSED;
} catch (IncompleteTest $e) {
$this->status = BaseTestRunner::STATUS_INCOMPLETE;
$this->statusMessage = $e->getMessage();
} catch (SkippedTest $e) {
$this->status = BaseTestRunner::STATUS_SKIPPED;
$this->statusMessage = $e->getMessage();
} catch (Warning $e) {
$this->status = BaseTestRunner::STATUS_WARNING;
$this->statusMessage = $e->getMessage();
} catch (AssertionFailedError $e) {
$this->status = BaseTestRunner::STATUS_FAILURE;
$this->statusMessage = $e->getMessage();
} catch (PredictionException $e) {
$this->status = BaseTestRunner::STATUS_FAILURE;
$this->statusMessage = $e->getMessage();
} catch (Throwable $_e) {
$e = $_e;
$this->status = BaseTestRunner::STATUS_ERROR;
$this->statusMessage = $_e->getMessage();
$this->mockObjects = [];
$this->prophet = null;
// Tear down the fixture. An exception raised in tearDown() will be
// caught and passed on when no exception was raised before.
try {
if ($hasMetRequirements) {
foreach ($hookMethods['after'] as $method) {
if ($this->inIsolation) {
foreach ($hookMethods['afterClass'] as $method) {
} catch (Throwable $_e) {
$e = $e ?? $_e;
try {
} catch (RiskyTestError $_e) {
$e = $e ?? $_e;
if (isset($_e)) {
$this->status = BaseTestRunner::STATUS_ERROR;
$this->statusMessage = $_e->getMessage();
if ($currentWorkingDirectory !== getcwd()) {
// Perform assertion on output.
if (!isset($e)) {
try {
if ($this->outputExpectedRegex !== null) {
$this->assertMatchesRegularExpression($this->outputExpectedRegex, $this->output);
} elseif ($this->outputExpectedString !== null) {
$this->assertEquals($this->outputExpectedString, $this->output);
} catch (Throwable $_e) {
$e = $_e;
// Workaround for missing "finally".
if (isset($e)) {
if ($e instanceof PredictionException) {
$e = new AssertionFailedError($e->getMessage());
* @internal This method is not covered by the backward compatibility promise for PHPUnit
public function setName(string $name): void
$this->name = $name;
if (is_callable($this->sortId(), true)) {
$this->providedTests = [new ExecutionOrderDependency($this->sortId())];
* @param list<ExecutionOrderDependency> $dependencies
* @internal This method is not covered by the backward compatibility promise for PHPUnit
public function setDependencies(array $dependencies): void
$this->dependencies = $dependencies;
* @internal This method is not covered by the backward compatibility promise for PHPUnit
public function setDependencyInput(array $dependencyInput): void
$this->dependencyInput = $dependencyInput;
* @internal This method is not covered by the backward compatibility promise for PHPUnit
public function setBeStrictAboutChangesToGlobalState(?bool $beStrictAboutChangesToGlobalState): void
$this->beStrictAboutChangesToGlobalState = $beStrictAboutChangesToGlobalState;
* @internal This method is not covered by the backward compatibility promise for PHPUnit
public function setBackupGlobals(?bool $backupGlobals): void
if ($this->backupGlobals === null && $backupGlobals !== null) {
$this->backupGlobals = $backupGlobals;
* @internal This method is not covered by the backward compatibility promise for PHPUnit
public function setBackupStaticAttributes(?bool $backupStaticAttributes): void
if ($this->backupStaticAttributes === null && $backupStaticAttributes !== null) {
$this->backupStaticAttributes = $backupStaticAttributes;
* @internal This method is not covered by the backward compatibility promise for PHPUnit
public function setRunTestInSeparateProcess(bool $runTestInSeparateProcess): void
if ($this->runTestInSeparateProcess === null) {
$this->runTestInSeparateProcess = $runTestInSeparateProcess;
* @internal This method is not covered by the backward compatibility promise for PHPUnit
public function setRunClassInSeparateProcess(bool $runClassInSeparateProcess): void
if ($this->runClassInSeparateProcess === null) {
$this->runClassInSeparateProcess = $runClassInSeparateProcess;
* @internal This method is not covered by the backward compatibility promise for PHPUnit
public function setPreserveGlobalState(bool $preserveGlobalState): void
$this->preserveGlobalState = $preserveGlobalState;
* @internal This method is not covered by the backward compatibility promise for PHPUnit
public function setInIsolation(bool $inIsolation): void
$this->inIsolation = $inIsolation;
* @internal This method is not covered by the backward compatibility promise for PHPUnit
public function isInIsolation(): bool
return $this->inIsolation;
* @internal This method is not covered by the backward compatibility promise for PHPUnit
public function getResult()
return $this->testResult;
* @internal This method is not covered by the backward compatibility promise for PHPUnit
public function setResult($result): void
$this->testResult = $result;
* @internal This method is not covered by the backward compatibility promise for PHPUnit
public function setOutputCallback(callable $callback): void
$this->outputCallback = $callback;
* @internal This method is not covered by the backward compatibility promise for PHPUnit
public function getTestResultObject(): ?TestResult
return $this->result;
* @internal This method is not covered by the backward compatibility promise for PHPUnit
public function setTestResultObject(TestResult $result): void
$this->result = $result;
* @internal This method is not covered by the backward compatibility promise for PHPUnit
public function registerMockObject(MockObject $mockObject): void
$this->mockObjects[] = $mockObject;
* @internal This method is not covered by the backward compatibility promise for PHPUnit
public function addToAssertionCount(int $count): void
$this->numAssertions += $count;
* Returns the number of assertions performed by this test.
* @internal This method is not covered by the backward compatibility promise for PHPUnit
public function getNumAssertions(): int
return $this->numAssertions;
* @internal This method is not covered by the backward compatibility promise for PHPUnit
public function usesDataProvider(): bool
return !empty($this->data);
* @return int|string
* @internal This method is not covered by the backward compatibility promise for PHPUnit
public function dataName()
return $this->dataName;
* @internal This method is not covered by the backward compatibility promise for PHPUnit
public function getDataSetAsString(bool $includeData = true): string
$buffer = '';
if (!empty($this->data)) {
if (is_int($this->dataName)) {
$buffer .= sprintf(' with data set #%d', $this->dataName);
} else {
$buffer .= sprintf(' with data set "%s"', $this->dataName);
if ($includeData) {
$exporter = new Exporter;
$buffer .= sprintf(' (%s)', $exporter->shortenedRecursiveExport($this->data));
return $buffer;
* Gets the data set of a TestCase.
* @internal This method is not covered by the backward compatibility promise for PHPUnit
public function getProvidedData(): array
return $this->data;
* @internal This method is not covered by the backward compatibility promise for PHPUnit
public function addWarning(string $warning): void
$this->warnings[] = $warning;
public function sortId(): string
$id = $this->name;
if (strpos($id, '::') === false) {
$id = static::class . '::' . $id;
if ($this->usesDataProvider()) {
$id .= $this->getDataSetAsString(false);
return $id;
* Returns the normalized test name as class::method.
* @return list<ExecutionOrderDependency>
public function provides(): array
return $this->providedTests;
* Returns a list of normalized dependency names, class::method.
* This list can differ from the raw dependencies as the resolver has
* no need for the [!][shallow]clone prefix that is filtered out
* during normalization.
* @return list<ExecutionOrderDependency>
public function requires(): array
return $this->dependencies;
* Override to run the test and assert its state.
* @throws \SebastianBergmann\ObjectEnumerator\InvalidArgumentException
* @throws AssertionFailedError
* @throws Exception
* @throws ExpectationFailedException
* @throws Throwable
protected function runTest()
if (trim($this->name) === '') {
throw new Exception(
'PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase::$name must be a non-blank string.'
$testArguments = array_merge($this->data, $this->dependencyInput);
try {
$testResult = $this->{$this->name}(...array_values($testArguments));
} catch (Throwable $exception) {
if (!$this->checkExceptionExpectations($exception)) {
throw $exception;
if ($this->expectedException !== null) {
if ($this->expectedException === Error::class) {
new ExceptionConstraint(Error::class),
new ExceptionConstraint(\Error::class)
} else {
new ExceptionConstraint(
if ($this->expectedExceptionMessage !== null) {
new ExceptionMessage(
if ($this->expectedExceptionMessageRegExp !== null) {
new ExceptionMessageRegularExpression(
if ($this->expectedExceptionCode !== null) {
new ExceptionCode(
if ($this->expectedException !== null) {
new ExceptionConstraint(
} elseif ($this->expectedExceptionMessage !== null) {
throw new AssertionFailedError(
'Failed asserting that exception with message "%s" is thrown',
} elseif ($this->expectedExceptionMessageRegExp !== null) {
throw new AssertionFailedError(
'Failed asserting that exception with message matching "%s" is thrown',
} elseif ($this->expectedExceptionCode !== null) {
throw new AssertionFailedError(
'Failed asserting that exception with code "%s" is thrown',
return $testResult;
* This method is a wrapper for the ini_set() function that automatically
* resets the modified php.ini setting to its original value after the
* test is run.
* @throws Exception
protected function iniSet(string $varName, string $newValue): void
$currentValue = ini_set($varName, $newValue);
if ($currentValue !== false) {
$this->iniSettings[$varName] = $currentValue;
} else {
throw new Exception(
'INI setting "%s" could not be set to "%s".',
* This method is a wrapper for the setlocale() function that automatically
* resets the locale to its original value after the test is run.
* @throws Exception
protected function setLocale(...$args): void
if (count($args) < 2) {
throw new Exception;
[$category, $locale] = $args;
if (!in_array($category, self::LOCALE_CATEGORIES, true)) {
throw new Exception;
if (!is_array($locale) && !is_string($locale)) {
throw new Exception;
$this->locale[$category] = setlocale($category, 0);
$result = setlocale(...$args);
if ($result === false) {
throw new Exception(
'The locale functionality is not implemented on your platform, ' .
'the specified locale does not exist or the category name is ' .
* Makes configurable stub for the specified class.
* @psalm-template RealInstanceType of object
* @psalm-param class-string<RealInstanceType> $originalClassName
* @psalm-return Stub&RealInstanceType
protected function createStub(string $originalClassName): Stub
return $this->createMockObject($originalClassName);
* Returns a mock object for the specified class.
* @psalm-template RealInstanceType of object
* @psalm-param class-string<RealInstanceType> $originalClassName
* @psalm-return MockObject&RealInstanceType
protected function createMock(string $originalClassName): MockObject
return $this->createMockObject($originalClassName);
* Returns a configured mock object for the specified class.
* @psalm-template RealInstanceType of object
* @psalm-param class-string<RealInstanceType> $originalClassName
* @psalm-return MockObject&RealInstanceType
protected function createConfiguredMock(string $originalClassName, array $configuration): MockObject
$o = $this->createMockObject($originalClassName);
foreach ($configuration as $method => $return) {
return $o;
* Returns a partial mock object for the specified class.
* @param string[] $methods
* @psalm-template RealInstanceType of object
* @psalm-param class-string<RealInstanceType> $originalClassName
* @psalm-return MockObject&RealInstanceType
protected function createPartialMock(string $originalClassName, array $methods): MockObject
try {
$reflector = new ReflectionClass($originalClassName);
// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
} catch (ReflectionException $e) {
throw new Exception(
(int) $e->getCode(),
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
$mockedMethodsThatDontExist = array_filter(
static function (string $method) use ($reflector)
return !$reflector->hasMethod($method);
if ($mockedMethodsThatDontExist) {
'createPartialMock() called with method(s) %s that do not exist in %s. This will not be allowed in future versions of PHPUnit.',
implode(', ', $mockedMethodsThatDontExist),
return $this->getMockBuilder($originalClassName)
->setMethods(empty($methods) ? null : $methods)
* Returns a test proxy for the specified class.
* @psalm-template RealInstanceType of object
* @psalm-param class-string<RealInstanceType> $originalClassName
* @psalm-return MockObject&RealInstanceType
protected function createTestProxy(string $originalClassName, array $constructorArguments = []): MockObject
return $this->getMockBuilder($originalClassName)
* Mocks the specified class and returns the name of the mocked class.
* @param null|array $methods $methods
* @psalm-template RealInstanceType of object
* @psalm-param class-string<RealInstanceType>|string $originalClassName
* @psalm-return class-string<MockObject&RealInstanceType>
protected function getMockClass(string $originalClassName, $methods = [], array $arguments = [], string $mockClassName = '', bool $callOriginalConstructor = false, bool $callOriginalClone = true, bool $callAutoload = true, bool $cloneArguments = false): string
$mock = $this->getMockObjectGenerator()->getMock(
return get_class($mock);
* Returns a mock object for the specified abstract class with all abstract
* methods of the class mocked. Concrete methods are not mocked by default.
* To mock concrete methods, use the 7th parameter ($mockedMethods).
* @psalm-template RealInstanceType of object
* @psalm-param class-string<RealInstanceType> $originalClassName
* @psalm-return MockObject&RealInstanceType
protected function getMockForAbstractClass(string $originalClassName, array $arguments = [], string $mockClassName = '', bool $callOriginalConstructor = true, bool $callOriginalClone = true, bool $callAutoload = true, array $mockedMethods = [], bool $cloneArguments = false): MockObject
$mockObject = $this->getMockObjectGenerator()->getMockForAbstractClass(
return $mockObject;
* Returns a mock object based on the given WSDL file.
* @psalm-template RealInstanceType of object
* @psalm-param class-string<RealInstanceType>|string $originalClassName
* @psalm-return MockObject&RealInstanceType
protected function getMockFromWsdl(string $wsdlFile, string $originalClassName = '', string $mockClassName = '', array $methods = [], bool $callOriginalConstructor = true, array $options = []): MockObject
if ($originalClassName === '') {
$fileName = pathinfo(basename(parse_url($wsdlFile, PHP_URL_PATH)), PATHINFO_FILENAME);
$originalClassName = preg_replace('/\W/', '', $fileName);
if (!class_exists($originalClassName)) {
$mockObject = $this->getMockObjectGenerator()->getMock(
['', $options],
return $mockObject;
* Returns a mock object for the specified trait with all abstract methods
* of the trait mocked. Concrete methods to mock can be specified with the
* `$mockedMethods` parameter.
* @psalm-param trait-string $traitName
protected function getMockForTrait(string $traitName, array $arguments = [], string $mockClassName = '', bool $callOriginalConstructor = true, bool $callOriginalClone = true, bool $callAutoload = true, array $mockedMethods = [], bool $cloneArguments = false): MockObject
$mockObject = $this->getMockObjectGenerator()->getMockForTrait(
return $mockObject;
* Returns an object for the specified trait.
* @psalm-param trait-string $traitName
protected function getObjectForTrait(string $traitName, array $arguments = [], string $traitClassName = '', bool $callOriginalConstructor = true, bool $callOriginalClone = true, bool $callAutoload = true): object
return $this->getMockObjectGenerator()->getObjectForTrait(
* @throws \Prophecy\Exception\Doubler\ClassNotFoundException
* @throws \Prophecy\Exception\Doubler\DoubleException
* @throws \Prophecy\Exception\Doubler\InterfaceNotFoundException
* @psalm-param class-string|null $classOrInterface
protected function prophesize(?string $classOrInterface = null): ObjectProphecy
$this->addWarning('PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase::prophesize() is deprecated and will be removed in PHPUnit 10. Please use the trait provided by phpspec/prophecy-phpunit.');
if (is_string($classOrInterface)) {
return $this->getProphet()->prophesize($classOrInterface);
* Creates a default TestResult object.
* @internal This method is not covered by the backward compatibility promise for PHPUnit
protected function createResult(): TestResult
return new TestResult;
* This method is called when a test method did not execute successfully.
* @throws Throwable
protected function onNotSuccessfulTest(Throwable $t): void
throw $t;
protected function recordDoubledType(string $originalClassName): void
$this->doubledTypes[] = $originalClassName;
* @throws Throwable
private function verifyMockObjects(): void
foreach ($this->mockObjects as $mockObject) {
if ($mockObject->__phpunit_hasMatchers()) {
if ($this->prophet !== null) {
try {
} finally {
foreach ($this->prophet->getProphecies() as $objectProphecy) {
foreach ($objectProphecy->getMethodProphecies() as $methodProphecies) {
foreach ($methodProphecies as $methodProphecy) {
/* @var MethodProphecy $methodProphecy */
$this->numAssertions += count($methodProphecy->getCheckedPredictions());
* @throws SkippedTestError
* @throws SyntheticSkippedError
* @throws Warning
private function checkRequirements(): void
if (!$this->name || !method_exists($this, $this->name)) {
$missingRequirements = TestUtil::getMissingRequirements(
if (!empty($missingRequirements)) {
$this->markTestSkipped(implode(PHP_EOL, $missingRequirements));
private function handleDependencies(): bool
if ([] === $this->dependencies || $this->inIsolation) {
return true;
$passed = $this->result->passed();
$passedKeys = array_keys($passed);
$numKeys = count($passedKeys);
for ($i = 0; $i < $numKeys; $i++) {
$pos = strpos($passedKeys[$i], ' with data set');
if ($pos !== false) {
$passedKeys[$i] = substr($passedKeys[$i], 0, $pos);
$passedKeys = array_flip(array_unique($passedKeys));
foreach ($this->dependencies as $dependency) {
if (!$dependency->isValid()) {
return false;
if ($dependency->targetIsClass()) {
$dependencyClassName = $dependency->getTargetClassName();
if (array_search($dependencyClassName, $this->result->passedClasses(), true) === false) {
return false;
$dependencyTarget = $dependency->getTarget();
if (!isset($passedKeys[$dependencyTarget])) {
if (!$this->isCallableTestMethod($dependencyTarget)) {
} else {
return false;
if (isset($passed[$dependencyTarget])) {
if ($passed[$dependencyTarget]['size'] != \PHPUnit\Util\Test::UNKNOWN &&
$this->getSize() != \PHPUnit\Util\Test::UNKNOWN &&
$passed[$dependencyTarget]['size'] > $this->getSize()) {
new SkippedTestError(
'This test depends on a test that is larger than itself.'
return false;
if ($dependency->useDeepClone()) {
$deepCopy = new DeepCopy;
$this->dependencyInput[$dependencyTarget] = $deepCopy->copy($passed[$dependencyTarget]['result']);
} elseif ($dependency->useShallowClone()) {
$this->dependencyInput[$dependencyTarget] = clone $passed[$dependencyTarget]['result'];
} else {
$this->dependencyInput[$dependencyTarget] = $passed[$dependencyTarget]['result'];
} else {
$this->dependencyInput[$dependencyTarget] = null;
return true;
private function markSkippedForNotSpecifyingDependency(): void
$this->status = BaseTestRunner::STATUS_SKIPPED;
new SkippedTestError(
'This method has an invalid @depends annotation.'
$this->result->endTest($this, 0);
private function markSkippedForMissingDependency(ExecutionOrderDependency $dependency): void
$this->status = BaseTestRunner::STATUS_SKIPPED;
new SkippedTestError(
'This test depends on "%s" to pass.',
$this->result->endTest($this, 0);
private function markWarningForUncallableDependency(ExecutionOrderDependency $dependency): void
$this->status = BaseTestRunner::STATUS_WARNING;
new Warning(
'This test depends on "%s" which does not exist.',
$this->result->endTest($this, 0);
* Get the mock object generator, creating it if it doesn't exist.
private function getMockObjectGenerator(): MockGenerator
if ($this->mockObjectGenerator === null) {
$this->mockObjectGenerator = new MockGenerator;
return $this->mockObjectGenerator;
private function startOutputBuffering(): void
$this->outputBufferingActive = true;
$this->outputBufferingLevel = ob_get_level();
* @throws RiskyTestError
private function stopOutputBuffering(): void
if (ob_get_level() !== $this->outputBufferingLevel) {
while (ob_get_level() >= $this->outputBufferingLevel) {
throw new RiskyTestError(
'Test code or tested code did not (only) close its own output buffers'
$this->output = ob_get_contents();
if ($this->outputCallback !== false) {
$this->output = (string) call_user_func($this->outputCallback, $this->output);
$this->outputBufferingActive = false;
$this->outputBufferingLevel = ob_get_level();
private function snapshotGlobalState(): void
if ($this->runTestInSeparateProcess || $this->inIsolation ||
(!$this->backupGlobals && !$this->backupStaticAttributes)) {
$this->snapshot = $this->createGlobalStateSnapshot($this->backupGlobals === true);
* @throws \SebastianBergmann\RecursionContext\InvalidArgumentException
* @throws RiskyTestError
private function restoreGlobalState(): void
if (!$this->snapshot instanceof Snapshot) {
if ($this->beStrictAboutChangesToGlobalState) {
try {
$this->createGlobalStateSnapshot($this->backupGlobals === true)
} catch (RiskyTestError $rte) {
// Intentionally left empty
$restorer = new Restorer;
if ($this->backupGlobals) {
if ($this->backupStaticAttributes) {
$this->snapshot = null;
if (isset($rte)) {
throw $rte;
private function createGlobalStateSnapshot(bool $backupGlobals): Snapshot
$excludeList = new ExcludeList;
foreach ($this->backupGlobalsExcludeList as $globalVariable) {
if (!empty($this->backupGlobalsBlacklist)) {
$this->addWarning('PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase::$backupGlobalsBlacklist is deprecated and will be removed in PHPUnit 10. Please use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase::$backupGlobalsExcludeList instead.');
foreach ($this->backupGlobalsBlacklist as $globalVariable) {
if (!defined('PHPUNIT_TESTSUITE')) {
$excludeList->addStaticAttribute(ComparatorFactory::class, 'instance');
foreach ($this->backupStaticAttributesExcludeList as $class => $attributes) {
foreach ($attributes as $attribute) {
$excludeList->addStaticAttribute($class, $attribute);
if (!empty($this->backupStaticAttributesBlacklist)) {
$this->addWarning('PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase::$backupStaticAttributesBlacklist is deprecated and will be removed in PHPUnit 10. Please use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase::$backupStaticAttributesExcludeList instead.');
foreach ($this->backupStaticAttributesBlacklist as $class => $attributes) {
foreach ($attributes as $attribute) {
$excludeList->addStaticAttribute($class, $attribute);
return new Snapshot(
(bool) $this->backupStaticAttributes,
* @throws \SebastianBergmann\RecursionContext\InvalidArgumentException
* @throws RiskyTestError
private function compareGlobalStateSnapshots(Snapshot $before, Snapshot $after): void
$backupGlobals = $this->backupGlobals === null || $this->backupGlobals;
if ($backupGlobals) {
"--- Global variables before the test\n+++ Global variables after the test\n"
"--- Super-global variables before the test\n+++ Super-global variables after the test\n"
if ($this->backupStaticAttributes) {
"--- Static attributes before the test\n+++ Static attributes after the test\n"
* @throws RiskyTestError
private function compareGlobalStateSnapshotPart(array $before, array $after, string $header): void
if ($before != $after) {
$differ = new Differ($header);
$exporter = new Exporter;
$diff = $differ->diff(
throw new RiskyTestError(
private function getProphet(): Prophet
if ($this->prophet === null) {
$this->prophet = new Prophet;
return $this->prophet;
* @throws \SebastianBergmann\ObjectEnumerator\InvalidArgumentException
private function shouldInvocationMockerBeReset(MockObject $mock): bool
$enumerator = new Enumerator;
foreach ($enumerator->enumerate($this->dependencyInput) as $object) {
if ($mock === $object) {
return false;
if (!is_array($this->testResult) && !is_object($this->testResult)) {
return true;
return !in_array($mock, $enumerator->enumerate($this->testResult), true);
* @throws \SebastianBergmann\ObjectEnumerator\InvalidArgumentException
* @throws \SebastianBergmann\ObjectReflector\InvalidArgumentException
* @throws \SebastianBergmann\RecursionContext\InvalidArgumentException
private function registerMockObjectsFromTestArguments(array $testArguments, array &$visited = []): void
if ($this->registerMockObjectsFromTestArgumentsRecursively) {
foreach ((new Enumerator)->enumerate($testArguments) as $object) {
if ($object instanceof MockObject) {
} else {
foreach ($testArguments as $testArgument) {
if ($testArgument instanceof MockObject) {
if (Type::isCloneable($testArgument)) {
$testArgument = clone $testArgument;
} elseif (is_array($testArgument) && !in_array($testArgument, $visited, true)) {
$visited[] = $testArgument;
private function setDoesNotPerformAssertionsFromAnnotation(): void
$annotations = TestUtil::parseTestMethodAnnotations(
if (isset($annotations['method']['doesNotPerformAssertions'])) {
$this->doesNotPerformAssertions = true;
private function unregisterCustomComparators(): void
$factory = ComparatorFactory::getInstance();
foreach ($this->customComparators as $comparator) {
$this->customComparators = [];
private function cleanupIniSettings(): void
foreach ($this->iniSettings as $varName => $oldValue) {
ini_set($varName, $oldValue);
$this->iniSettings = [];
private function cleanupLocaleSettings(): void
foreach ($this->locale as $category => $locale) {
setlocale($category, $locale);
$this->locale = [];
* @throws Exception
private function checkExceptionExpectations(Throwable $throwable): bool
$result = false;
if ($this->expectedException !== null || $this->expectedExceptionCode !== null || $this->expectedExceptionMessage !== null || $this->expectedExceptionMessageRegExp !== null) {
$result = true;
if ($throwable instanceof Exception) {
$result = false;
if (is_string($this->expectedException)) {
try {
$reflector = new ReflectionClass($this->expectedException);
// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
} catch (ReflectionException $e) {
throw new Exception(
(int) $e->getCode(),
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
if ($this->expectedException === 'PHPUnit\Framework\Exception' ||
$this->expectedException === '\PHPUnit\Framework\Exception' ||
$reflector->isSubclassOf(Exception::class)) {
$result = true;
return $result;
private function runInSeparateProcess(): bool
return ($this->runTestInSeparateProcess || $this->runClassInSeparateProcess) &&
!$this->inIsolation && !$this instanceof PhptTestCase;
private function isCallableTestMethod(string $dependency): bool
[$className, $methodName] = explode('::', $dependency);
if (!class_exists($className)) {
return false;
try {
$class = new ReflectionClass($className);
} catch (ReflectionException $e) {
return false;
if (!$class->isSubclassOf(__CLASS__)) {
return false;
if (!$class->hasMethod($methodName)) {
return false;
try {
$method = $class->getMethod($methodName);
} catch (ReflectionException $e) {
return false;
return TestUtil::isTestMethod($method);
* @psalm-template RealInstanceType of object
* @psalm-param class-string<RealInstanceType> $originalClassName
* @psalm-return MockObject&RealInstanceType
private function createMockObject(string $originalClassName): MockObject
return $this->getMockBuilder($originalClassName)