Your IP :
namespace Faker\Core;
use Faker\Extension;
* @experimental This class is experimental and does not fall under our BC promise
final class Number implements Extension\NumberExtension
public function numberBetween(int $min = 0, int $max = 2147483647): int
$int1 = min($min, $max);
$int2 = max($min, $max);
return mt_rand($int1, $int2);
public function randomDigit(): int
return mt_rand(0, 9);
public function randomDigitNot(int $except): int
$result = self::numberBetween(0, 8);
if ($result >= $except) {
return $result;
public function randomDigitNotZero(): int
return mt_rand(1, 9);
public function randomFloat(?int $nbMaxDecimals = null, float $min = 0, ?float $max = null): float
if (null === $nbMaxDecimals) {
$nbMaxDecimals = $this->randomDigit();
if (null === $max) {
$max = $this->randomNumber();
if ($min > $max) {
$max = $min;
if ($min > $max) {
$tmp = $min;
$min = $max;
$max = $tmp;
return round($min + mt_rand() / mt_getrandmax() * ($max - $min), $nbMaxDecimals);
public function randomNumber(int $nbDigits = null, bool $strict = false): int
if (null === $nbDigits) {
$nbDigits = $this->randomDigitNotZero();
$max = 10 ** $nbDigits - 1;
if ($max > mt_getrandmax()) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('randomNumber() can only generate numbers up to mt_getrandmax()');
if ($strict) {
return mt_rand(10 ** ($nbDigits - 1), $max);
return mt_rand(0, $max);