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O�Dg" � � � d dl T d dlmZmZmZmZmZmZmZ edd� � Z G d� de
� � Zd
ej Zd � ZdS )� )�*)�load_pycryptodome_raw_lib�VoidPointer�SmartPointer�create_string_buffer�get_raw_buffer�c_size_t�c_uint8_ptrzCrypto.Hash._SHA1a�
#define SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE 20
int SHA1_init(void **shaState);
int SHA1_destroy(void *shaState);
int SHA1_update(void *hs,
const uint8_t *buf,
size_t len);
int SHA1_digest(const void *shaState,
uint8_t digest[SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE]);
int SHA1_copy(const void *src, void *dst);
int SHA1_pbkdf2_hmac_assist(const void *inner,
const void *outer,
const uint8_t first_digest[SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE],
uint8_t final_digest[SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE],
size_t iterations);
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�SHA1Hasha� A SHA-1 hash object.
Do not instantiate directly.
Use the :func:`new` function.
:ivar oid: ASN.1 Object ID
:vartype oid: string
:ivar block_size: the size in bytes of the internal message block,
input to the compression function
:vartype block_size: integer
:ivar digest_size: the size in bytes of the resulting hash
:vartype digest_size: integer
� �@ z �6 � t � � }t � |� � � � � }|rt d|z � � �t |� � � t j � � | _ |r| � |� � d S d S )N�!Error %d while instantiating SHA1)
r �
_raw_sha1_lib� SHA1_init�
ValueErrorr �get�SHA1_destroy�_state�update)�self�data�state�results �r/builddir/build/BUILD/imunify360-venv-2.4.0/opt/imunify360/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/Crypto/Hash/�__init__zSHA1Hash.__init__H s� � ��
���(�(��)9�)9�);�);�<�<��� '��@�%�&� '� '�
'�"�5�9�9�;�;�#0�#=�?� ?���� ��K�K������� � � c �� � t � | j � � � t |� � t t
|� � � � � � }|rt d|z � � �dS )z�Continue hashing of a message by consuming the next chunk of data.
data (byte string/byte array/memoryview): The next chunk of the message being hashed.
r N)r �SHA1_updater r r
r �lenr )r r r s r r zSHA1Hash.updateS sv � � �*�*�4�;�?�?�+<�+<�+6�t�+<�+<�+3�C��I�I�+>�+>�@� @�� � '��@�%�&� '� '�
'� '� 'r c �� � t | j � � }t � | j � � � |� � }|rt
d|z � � �t |� � S )z�Return the **binary** (non-printable) digest of the message that has been hashed so far.
:return: The hash digest, computed over the data processed so far.
Binary form.
:rtype: byte string
r )r �digest_sizer �SHA1_digestr r r r )r �bfrr s r �digestzSHA1Hash.digesta so � � #�4�#3�4�4���*�*�4�;�?�?�+<�+<�+.�0� 0��� '��@�%�&� '� '�
'� �c�"�"�"r c �d � d� d� | � � � D � � � � S )z�Return the **printable** digest of the message that has been hashed so far.
:return: The hash digest, computed over the data processed so far.
Hexadecimal encoded.
:rtype: string
� c �2 � g | ]}d t |� � z ��S )z%02x)�bord)�.0�xs r �
<listcomp>z&SHA1Hash.hexdigest.<locals>.<listcomp>z s# � �@�@�@�Q���a���(�@�@�@r )�joinr'