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import json
import logging
import os
import sys
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from argparse import ArgumentTypeError
from ast import literal_eval
from collections import OrderedDict
from pathlib import Path

from virtualenv.discovery.cached_py_info import LogCmd
from virtualenv.util.path import safe_delete
from virtualenv.util.subprocess import run_cmd
from virtualenv.version import __version__

from .pyenv_cfg import PyEnvCfg

HERE = Path(os.path.abspath(__file__)).parent

class CreatorMeta:
    def __init__(self):
        self.error = None

class Creator(metaclass=ABCMeta):
    """A class that given a python Interpreter creates a virtual environment"""

    def __init__(self, options, interpreter):
        """Construct a new virtual environment creator.

        :param options: the CLI option as parsed from :meth:`add_parser_arguments`
        :param interpreter: the interpreter to create virtual environment from
        self.interpreter = interpreter
        self._debug = None
        self.dest = Path(options.dest)
        self.clear = options.clear
        self.no_vcs_ignore = options.no_vcs_ignore
        self.pyenv_cfg = PyEnvCfg.from_folder(self.dest)
        self.app_data = options.app_data
        self.env = options.env

    def __repr__(self):
        return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({', '.join(f'{k}={v}' for k, v in self._args())})"

    def _args(self):
        return [
            ("dest", str(self.dest)),
            ("clear", self.clear),
            ("no_vcs_ignore", self.no_vcs_ignore),

    def can_create(cls, interpreter):  # noqa: U100
        """Determine if we can create a virtual environment.

        :param interpreter: the interpreter in question
        :return: ``None`` if we can't create, any other object otherwise that will be forwarded to \
        return True

    def add_parser_arguments(cls, parser, interpreter, meta, app_data):  # noqa: U100
        """Add CLI arguments for the creator.

        :param parser: the CLI parser
        :param app_data: the application data folder
        :param interpreter: the interpreter we're asked to create virtual environment for
        :param meta: value as returned by :meth:`can_create`
            help="directory to create virtualenv at",
            help="remove the destination directory if exist before starting (will overwrite files otherwise)",
            help="don't create VCS ignore directive in the destination directory",

    def create(self):
        """Perform the virtual environment creation."""
        raise NotImplementedError

    def validate_dest(cls, raw_value):
        """No path separator in the path, valid chars and must be write-able"""

        def non_write_able(dest, value):
            common = Path(*os.path.commonprefix([,]))
            raise ArgumentTypeError(f"the destination {dest.relative_to(common)} is not write-able at {common}")

        # the file system must be able to encode
        # note in newer CPython this is always utf-8
        encoding = sys.getfilesystemencoding()
        refused = OrderedDict()
        kwargs = {"errors": "ignore"} if encoding != "mbcs" else {}
        for char in str(raw_value):
                trip = char.encode(encoding, **kwargs).decode(encoding)
                if trip == char:
                raise ValueError(trip)
            except ValueError:
                refused[char] = None
        if refused:
            bad = "".join(refused.keys())
            msg = f"the file system codec ({encoding}) cannot handle characters {bad!r} within {raw_value!r}"
            raise ArgumentTypeError(msg)
        if os.pathsep in raw_value:
            msg = f"destination {raw_value!r} must not contain the path separator ({os.pathsep})"
            raise ArgumentTypeError(f"{msg} as this would break the activation scripts")

        value = Path(raw_value)
        if value.exists() and value.is_file():
            raise ArgumentTypeError(f"the destination {value} already exists and is a file")
        dest = Path(os.path.abspath(str(value))).resolve()  # on Windows absolute does not imply resolve so use both
        value = dest
        while dest:
            if dest.exists():
                if os.access(str(dest), os.W_OK):
                    non_write_able(dest, value)
            base, _ = dest.parent,
            if base == dest:
                non_write_able(dest, value)  # pragma: no cover
            dest = base
        return str(value)

    def run(self):
        if self.dest.exists() and self.clear:
            logging.debug("delete %s", self.dest)
        if not self.no_vcs_ignore:

    def set_pyenv_cfg(self):
        self.pyenv_cfg.content = OrderedDict()
        self.pyenv_cfg["home"] = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(self.interpreter.system_executable))
        self.pyenv_cfg["implementation"] = self.interpreter.implementation
        self.pyenv_cfg["version_info"] = ".".join(str(i) for i in self.interpreter.version_info)
        self.pyenv_cfg["virtualenv"] = __version__

    def setup_ignore_vcs(self):
        """Generate ignore instructions for version control systems."""
        # mark this folder to be ignored by VCS, handle
        git_ignore = self.dest / ".gitignore"
        if not git_ignore.exists():
            git_ignore.write_text("# created by virtualenv automatically\n*\n", encoding="utf-8")
        # Mercurial - does not support the .hgignore file inside a subdirectory directly, but only if included via the
        # subinclude directive from root, at which point on might as well ignore the directory itself, see
        # for more details
        # Bazaar - does not support ignore files in sub-directories, only at root level via .bzrignore
        # Subversion - does not support ignore files, requires direct manipulation with the svn tool

    def debug(self):
        :return: debug information about the virtual environment (only valid after :meth:`create` has run)
        if self._debug is None and self.exe is not None:
            self._debug = get_env_debug_info(self.exe, self.debug_script(), self.app_data, self.env)
        return self._debug

    def debug_script():
        return DEBUG_SCRIPT

def get_env_debug_info(env_exe, debug_script, app_data, env):
    env = env.copy()
    env.pop("PYTHONPATH", None)

    with app_data.ensure_extracted(debug_script) as debug_script:
        cmd = [str(env_exe), str(debug_script)]
        logging.debug("debug via %r", LogCmd(cmd))
        code, out, err = run_cmd(cmd)

        if code != 0:
            if out:
                result = literal_eval(out)
                if code == 2 and "file" in err:
                    # Re-raise FileNotFoundError from `run_cmd()`
                    raise OSError(err)
                raise Exception(err)
            result = json.loads(out)
        if err:
            result["err"] = err
    except Exception as exception:
        return {"out": out, "err": err, "returncode": code, "exception": repr(exception)}
    if "sys" in result and "path" in result["sys"]:
        del result["sys"]["path"][0]
    return result

__all__ = [
