Your IP :
A facade for either :mod:`unittest.mock` or its `rolling backport`__, if it is
installed, with a preference for the latter as it may well have newer functionality
and bugfixes.
The facade also contains any bugfixes that are critical to the operation of
functionality provided by testfixtures.
import sys
from mock import *
from mock.mock import _Call
from mock.mock import call as mock_call
from mock import version_info as backport_version
except ImportError:
backport_version = None
class MockCall:
mock_call = MockCall()
from unittest.mock import *
from unittest.mock import _Call
except ImportError: # pragma: no cover
has_backport = backport_version is not None
if not (
(has_backport and backport_version[:3] > (2, 0, 0)) or
(sys.version_info < (3, 0, 0) and not has_backport) or
(3, 6, 7) < sys.version_info[:3] < (3, 7, 0) or
sys.version_info[:3] > (3, 7, 1)
): # pragma: no cover
raise ImportError('Please upgrade Python (you have {}) or Mock Backport (You have {})'.format(
sys.version_info, backport_version
parent_name = '_mock_parent'