Your IP :
Metadata-Version: 2.1
Version: 3.1
Summary: Test Anything Protocol (TAP) tools
Author: Matt Layman
License: BSD
Keywords: TAP,unittest
Platform: any
Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable
Classifier: Environment :: Console
Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers
Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License
Classifier: Operating System :: OS Independent
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: PyPy
Classifier: Topic :: Software Development :: Testing
License-File: LICENSE
Provides-Extra: yaml
Requires-Dist: more-itertools ; extra == 'yaml'
Requires-Dist: PyYAML (>=5.1) ; extra == 'yaml'
tappy is a set of tools for working with the `Test Anything Protocol (TAP)
<>`_, a line based test protocol for recording test
data in a standard way.
Follow tappy development on `GitHub <>`_.
Developer documentation is on
`Read the Docs <>`_.
Version 3.1, Released December 29, 2021
* Add support for Python 3.10.
* Add support for Python 3.9.
* Add support for Python 3.8.
* Drop support for Python 3.5 (it is end-of-life).
* Fix parsing of multi-line strings in YAML blocks (#111)
* Remove unmaintained i18n support.
Version 3.0, Released January 10, 2020
* Drop support for Python 2 (it is end-of-life).
* Add support for subtests.
* Run a test suite with ``python -m tap``.
* Discontinue use of Pipenv for managing development.
Version 2.6.2, Released October 20, 2019
* Fix bug in streaming mode that would generate tap files
when the plan was already set (affected pytest).
Version 2.6.1, Released September 17, 2019
* Fix TAP version 13 support from more-itertools behavior change.
Version 2.6, Released September 16, 2019
* Add support for Python 3.7.
* Drop support for Python 3.4 (it is end-of-life).
Version 2.5, Released September 15, 2018
* Add ``set_plan`` to ``Tracker`` which allows producing the ``1..N`` plan line
before any tests.
* Switch code style to use Black formatting.
Version 2.4, Released May 29, 2018
* Add support for producing TAP version 13 output
to streaming and file reports
by including the ``TAP version 13`` line.
Version 2.3, Released May 15, 2018
* Add optional method to install tappy for YAML support
with ``pip install[yaml]``.
* Make tappy version 13 compliant by adding support for parsing YAML blocks.
* ``unittest.expectedFailure`` now uses a TODO directive to better align
with the specification.
Version 2.2, Released January 7, 2018
* Add support for Python 3.6.
* Drop support for Python 3.3 (it is end-of-life).
* Use Pipenv for managing development.
* Switch to pytest as the development test runner.
Version 2.1, Released September 23, 2016
* Add ``Parser.parse_text`` to parse TAP
provided as a string.
Version 2.0, Released July 31, 2016
* Remove nose plugin.
The plugin moved to the ``nose-tap`` distribution.
* Remove pytest plugin.
The plugin moved to the ``pytest-tap`` distribution.
* Remove Pygments syntax highlighting plugin.
The plugin was merged upstream directly into the Pygments project
and is available without tappy.
* Drop support for Python 2.6.
Version 1.9, Released March 28, 2016
* ``TAPTestRunner`` has a ``set_header`` method
to enable or disable test case header ouput in the TAP stream.
* Add support for Python 3.5.
* Perform continuous integration testing on OS X.
* Drop support for Python 3.2.
Version 1.8, Released November 30, 2015
* The ``tappy`` TAP consumer can read a TAP stream
directly from STDIN.
* Tracebacks are included as diagnostic output
for failures and errors.
* The ``tappy`` TAP consumer has an alternative, shorter name
of ``tap``.
* The pytest plugin now defaults to no output
unless provided a flag.
Users dependent on the old default behavior
can use ``--tap-files`` to achieve the same results.
* Translated into Arabic.
* Translated into Chinese.
* Translated into Japanese.
* Translated into Russian.
* Perform continuous integration testing on Windows with AppVeyor.
* Improve unit test coverage to 100%.
Version 1.7, Released August 19, 2015
* Provide a plugin to integrate with pytest.
* Document some viable alternatives to tappy.
* Translated into German.
* Translated into Portuguese.
Version 1.6, Released June 18, 2015
* ``TAPTestRunner`` has a ``set_stream`` method to stream all TAP
output directly to an output stream instead of a file.
results in a single output file.
* The ``nosetests`` plugin has an optional ``--tap-stream`` flag to
stream all TAP output directly to an output stream instead of a file.
* tappy is now internationalized. It is translated into Dutch, French,
Italian, and Spanish.
* tappy is available as a Python wheel package, the new Python packaging
Version 1.5, Released May 18, 2015
* ``TAPTestRunner`` has a ``set_combined`` method to collect all
results in a single output file.
* The ``nosetests`` plugin has an optional ``--tap-combined`` flag to
collect all results in a single output file.
* ``TAPTestRunner`` has a ``set_format`` method to specify line format.
* The ``nosetests`` plugin has an optional ``--tap-format`` flag to specify
line format.
Version 1.4, Released April 4, 2015
* Update ```` to support Debian packaging. Include man page.
Version 1.3, Released January 9, 2015
* The ``tappy`` command line tool is available as a TAP consumer.
* The ``Parser`` and ``Loader`` are available as APIs for programmatic
handling of TAP files and data.
Version 1.2, Released December 21, 2014
* Provide a syntax highlighter for Pygments so any project using Pygments
(e.g., Sphinx) can highlight TAP output.
Version 1.1, Released October 23, 2014
* ``TAPTestRunner`` has a ``set_outdir`` method to specify where to store
``.tap`` files.
* The ``nosetests`` plugin has an optional ``--tap-outdir`` flag to specify
where to store ``.tap`` files.
* tappy has backported support for Python 2.6.
* tappy has support for Python 3.2, 3.3, and 3.4.
* tappy has support for PyPy.
Version 1.0, Released March 16, 2014
* Initial release of tappy
* ``TAPTestRunner`` - A test runner for ``unittest`` modules that generates
TAP files.
* Provides a plugin for integrating with **nose**.