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� )�StringION)� Directive)�Bail�
Diagnostic�Plan�Result�Unknown�Version)�peekableTFc � � e Zd ZdZdZ ej dez ej � � Z ej dez ej � � Z ej dej � � Z
ej d� � Z ej dej � � Z ej d� � Z
ej d � � Z ej d
� � ZdZd� Zd
� Zd� Zd� Zdd�Zd� Zdd�Zd� Zd� ZdS )�Parserz!A parser for TAP files and lines.a�
\s* # Optional whitespace.
(?P<number>\d*) # Optional test number.
\s* # Optional whitespace.
(?P<description>[^#]*) # Optional description before #.
\#? # Optional directive marker.
\s* # Optional whitespace.
(?P<directive>.*) # Optional directive text.
z^okz^not\ oka~
^1..(?P<expected>\d+) # Match the plan details.
[^#]* # Consume any non-hash character to confirm only
# directives appear with the plan details.
\#? # Optional directive marker.
\s* # Optional whitespace.
(?P<directive>.*) # Optional directive text.
^Bail\ out!
\s* # Optional whitespace.
(?P<reason>.*) # Optional reason.
z^TAP version (?P<version>\d+)$z^(?P<indent>\s+)-z
c �H � | � t |d� � � � S )z�Parse a TAP file to an iterable of tap.line.Line objects.
This is a generator method that will yield an object for each
parsed line. The file given by `filename` is assumed to exist.
�r)�parse�open)�self�filenames �[/builddir/build/BUILD/cloudlinux-venv-1.0.7/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/tap/�