Your IP :
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding:utf-8
# Author: mozman
# Purpose: svg util functions and classes
# Created: 08.09.2010
# Copyright (C) 2010, Manfred Moitzi
# License: MIT License
.. autofunction:: rgb
.. autofunction:: iterflatlist
.. autofunction:: strlist
.. autofunction:: get_unit
.. autofunction:: split_coordinate
.. autofunction:: split_angle
.. autofunction:: rect_top_left_corner
.. autofunction:: pretty_xml
import base64
from pathlib import Path
from import pattern
def is_string(value):
return isinstance(value, str)
def rgb(r=0, g=0, b=0, mode='RGB'):
Convert **r**, **g**, **b** values to a `string`.
:param r: red part
:param g: green part
:param b: blue part
:param string mode: ``'RGB | %'``
:rtype: string
========= =============================================================
mode Description
========= =============================================================
``'RGB'`` returns a rgb-string format: ``'rgb(r, g, b)'``
``'%'`` returns percent-values as rgb-string format: ``'rgb(r%, g%, b%)'``
========= =============================================================
def percent(value):
value = float(value)
if value < 0:
value = 0
if value > 100:
value = 100
return value
if mode.upper() == 'RGB':
return "rgb(%d,%d,%d)" % (int(r) & 255, int(g) & 255, int(b) & 255)
elif mode == "%":
# see
# percentage is an 'number' value
return "rgb(%d%%,%d%%,%d%%)" % (percent(r), percent(g), percent(b))
raise ValueError("Invalid mode '%s'" % mode)
def iterflatlist(values):
Flatten nested *values*, returns an `iterator`.
for element in values:
if hasattr(element, "__iter__") and not is_string(element):
for item in iterflatlist(element):
yield item
yield element
def strlist(values, seperator=","):
Concatenate **values** with **sepertator**, `None` values will be excluded.
:param values: `iterable` object
:returns: `string`
if is_string(values):
return values
return seperator.join([str(value) for value in iterflatlist(values) if value is not None])
def get_unit(coordinate):
Get the `unit` identifier of **coordinate**, if **coordinate** has a valid
`unit` identifier appended, else returns `None`.
if isinstance(coordinate, (int, float)):
return None
result = pattern.coordinate.match(coordinate)
if result:
raise ValueError("Invalid format: '%s'" % coordinate)
def split_coordinate(coordinate):
Split coordinate into `<number>` and 'unit` identifier.
:returns: <2-tuple> (number, unit-identifier) or (number, None) if no unit-identifier
is present or coordinate is an int or float.
if isinstance(coordinate, (int, float)):
return (float(coordinate), None)
result = pattern.coordinate.match(coordinate)
if result:
return (float(,
raise ValueError("Invalid format: '%s'" % coordinate)
def split_angle(angle):
Split angle into `<number>` and `<angle>` identifier.
:returns: <2-tuple> (number, angle-identifier) or (number, None) if no angle-identifier
is present or angle is an int or float.
if isinstance(angle, (int, float)):
return (float(angle), None)
result = pattern.angle.match(angle)
if result:
return (float(,
raise ValueError("Invalid format: '%s'" % angle)
def rect_top_left_corner(insert, size, pos='top-left'):
Calculate top-left corner of a rectangle.
**insert** and **size** must have the same units.
:param 2-tuple insert: insert point
:param 2-tuple size: (width, height)
:param string pos: insert position ``'vert-horiz'``
:return: ``'top-left'`` corner of the rect
:rtype: 2-tuple
========== ==============================
pos valid values
========== ==============================
**vert** ``'top | middle | bottom'``
**horiz** ``'left'|'center'|'right'``
========== ==============================
vert, horiz = pos.lower().split('-')
x, xunit = split_coordinate(insert[0])
y, yunit = split_coordinate(insert[1])
width, wunit = split_coordinate(size[0])
height, hunit = split_coordinate(size[1])
if xunit != wunit:
raise ValueError("x-coordinate and width has to have the same unit")
if yunit != hunit:
raise ValueError("y-coordinate and height has to have the same unit")
if horiz == 'center':
x = x - width / 2.
elif horiz == 'right':
x = x - width
elif horiz != 'left':
raise ValueError("Invalid horizontal position: '%s'" % horiz)
if vert == 'middle':
y = y - height / 2.
elif vert == 'bottom':
y = y - height
elif vert != 'top':
raise ValueError("Invalid vertical position: '%s'" % vert)
if xunit:
x = "%s%s" % (x, xunit)
if yunit:
y = "%s%s" % (y, yunit)
return x, y
class AutoID(object):
_nextid = 1
def __init__(self, value=None):
def _set_value(cls, value=None):
if value is not None:
cls._nextid = value
def next_id(cls, value=None):
retval = "id%d" % cls._nextid
cls._nextid += 1
return retval
def pretty_xml(xml_string, indent=2):
Create human readable XML string.
:param xml_string: input xml string without line breaks and indentation
:indent int: how much to indent, by default 2 spaces
:return: xml_string with linebreaks and indentation
import xml.dom.minidom as minidom
# check for empty string, len check avoids unnecessary string manipulation with large XML strings
if len(xml_string) < 20 and xml_string.strip() == "":
return ""
xml_tree = minidom.parseString(xml_string)
lines = xml_tree.toprettyxml(indent=' ' * indent).split('\n')
# remove 1. line = xml declaration
return '\n'.join(lines[1:])
'ttf': "application/x-font-ttf",
'otf': "application/x-font-opentype",
'woff': "application/font-woff",
'woff2': "application/font-woff2",
'eot': "application/",
'sfnt': "application/font-sfnt",
def font_mimetype(name):
return FONT_MIMETYPES[Path(name.lower()).suffix[1:]]
def base64_data(data, mimetype):
data = base64.b64encode(data).decode()
return "data:{mimetype};charset=utf-8;base64,{data}".format(mimetype=mimetype, data=data)
def find_first_url(text):
import re
result = re.findall(r"url\((.*?)\)", text)
if result:
return result[0]
return None