Your IP :
from ... import create_engine
from ... import exc
from ...engine import url as sa_url
from ...testing.provision import configure_follower
from ...testing.provision import create_db
from ...testing.provision import drop_db
from ...testing.provision import follower_url_from_main
from ...testing.provision import log
from ...testing.provision import post_configure_engine
from ...testing.provision import run_reap_dbs
from ...testing.provision import stop_test_class
from ...testing.provision import temp_table_keyword_args
from ...testing.provision import update_db_opts
def _oracle_create_db(cfg, eng, ident):
# NOTE: make sure you've run "ALTER DATABASE default tablespace users" or
# similar, so that the default tablespace is not "system"; reflection will
# fail otherwise
with eng.connect() as conn:
conn.execute("create user %s identified by xe" % ident)
conn.execute("create user %s_ts1 identified by xe" % ident)
conn.execute("create user %s_ts2 identified by xe" % ident)
conn.execute("grant dba to %s" % (ident,))
conn.execute("grant unlimited tablespace to %s" % ident)
conn.execute("grant unlimited tablespace to %s_ts1" % ident)
conn.execute("grant unlimited tablespace to %s_ts2" % ident)
def _oracle_configure_follower(config, ident):
config.test_schema = "%s_ts1" % ident
config.test_schema_2 = "%s_ts2" % ident
def _ora_drop_ignore(conn, dbname):
conn.execute("drop user %s cascade" % dbname)"Reaped db: %s", dbname)
return True
except exc.DatabaseError as err:
log.warning("couldn't drop db: %s", err)
return False
def _oracle_drop_db(cfg, eng, ident):
with eng.connect() as conn:
# cx_Oracle seems to occasionally leak open connections when a large
# suite it run, even if we confirm we have zero references to
# connection objects.
# while there is a "kill session" command in Oracle,
# it unfortunately does not release the connection sufficiently.
_ora_drop_ignore(conn, ident)
_ora_drop_ignore(conn, "%s_ts1" % ident)
_ora_drop_ignore(conn, "%s_ts2" % ident)
def _oracle_update_db_opts(db_url, db_opts):
def stop_test_class(config, db, cls):
"""run magic command to get rid of identity sequences
with db.begin() as conn:
conn.execute("purge recyclebin")
# clear statement cache on all connections that were used
for cx_oracle_conn in _all_conns:
sc = cx_oracle_conn.stmtcachesize
except db.dialect.dbapi.InterfaceError:
# connection closed
cx_oracle_conn.stmtcachesize = 0
cx_oracle_conn.stmtcachesize = sc
_all_conns = set()
def _oracle_post_configure_engine(url, engine, follower_ident):
from sqlalchemy import event
@event.listens_for(engine, "checkout")
def checkout(dbapi_con, con_record, con_proxy):
def _reap_oracle_dbs(url, idents):"db reaper connecting to %r", url)
eng = create_engine(url)
with eng.connect() as conn:"identifiers in file: %s", ", ".join(idents))
to_reap = conn.execute(
"select u.username from all_users u where username "
"like 'TEST_%' and not exists (select username "
"from v$session where username=u.username)"
all_names = {username.lower() for (username,) in to_reap}
to_drop = set()
for name in all_names:
if name.endswith("_ts1") or name.endswith("_ts2"):
elif name in idents:
if "%s_ts1" % name in all_names:
to_drop.add("%s_ts1" % name)
if "%s_ts2" % name in all_names:
to_drop.add("%s_ts2" % name)
dropped = total = 0
for total, username in enumerate(to_drop, 1):
if _ora_drop_ignore(conn, username):
dropped += 1
"Dropped %d out of %d stale databases detected", dropped, total
def _oracle_follower_url_from_main(url, ident):
url = sa_url.make_url(url)
url.username = ident
url.password = "xe"
return url
def _oracle_temp_table_keyword_args(cfg, eng):
return {
"prefixes": ["GLOBAL TEMPORARY"],
"oracle_on_commit": "PRESERVE ROWS",