Your IP :
import io
import tarfile
import pytest
from setuptools import archive_util
def tarfile_with_unicode(tmpdir):
Create a tarfile containing only a file whose name is
a zero byte file called testimàˆge.png.
tarobj = io.BytesIO()
with, mode="w:gz") as tgz:
data = b""
filename = "testimàˆge.png"
t = tarfile.TarInfo(filename)
t.size = len(data)
tgz.addfile(t, io.BytesIO(data))
target = tmpdir / 'unicode-pkg-1.0.tar.gz'
with open(str(target), mode='wb') as tf:
return str(target)
@pytest.mark.xfail(reason="#710 and #712")
def test_unicode_files(tarfile_with_unicode, tmpdir):
target = tmpdir / 'out'
archive_util.unpack_archive(tarfile_with_unicode, str(target))