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"""Tests for distutils.dist."""

import email
import email.generator
import email.policy
import functools
import io
import os
import sys
import textwrap
import unittest.mock as mock
import warnings
from distutils.cmd import Command
from distutils.dist import Distribution, fix_help_options
from distutils.tests import support

import jaraco.path
import pytest

pydistutils_cfg = '.' * ( == 'posix') + 'pydistutils.cfg'

class test_dist(Command):
    """Sample distutils extension command."""

    user_options = [
        ("sample-option=", "S", "help text"),

    def initialize_options(self):
        self.sample_option = None

class TestDistribution(Distribution):
    """Distribution subclasses that avoids the default search for
    configuration files.

    The ._config_files attribute must be set before
    .parse_config_files() is called.

    def find_config_files(self):
        return self._config_files

def clear_argv():
    del sys.argv[1:]

class TestDistributionBehavior(support.TempdirManager):
    def create_distribution(self, configfiles=()):
        d = TestDistribution()
        d._config_files = configfiles
        return d

    def test_command_packages_unspecified(self, clear_argv):
        d = self.create_distribution()
        assert d.get_command_packages() == ["distutils.command"]

    def test_command_packages_cmdline(self, clear_argv):
        from distutils.tests.test_dist import test_dist

        d = self.create_distribution()
        # let's actually try to load our test command:
        assert d.get_command_packages() == [
        cmd = d.get_command_obj("test_dist")
        assert isinstance(cmd, test_dist)
        assert cmd.sample_option == "sometext"

        'distutils' not in Distribution.parse_config_files.__module__,
        reason='Cannot test when virtualenv has monkey-patched Distribution',
    def test_venv_install_options(self, tmp_path, clear_argv):
        file = str(tmp_path / 'file')

        fakepath = '/somedir'{
            file: f"""
                    install-base = {fakepath}
                    install-platbase = {fakepath}
                    install-lib = {fakepath}
                    install-platlib = {fakepath}
                    install-purelib = {fakepath}
                    install-headers = {fakepath}
                    install-scripts = {fakepath}
                    install-data = {fakepath}
                    prefix = {fakepath}
                    exec-prefix = {fakepath}
                    home = {fakepath}
                    user = {fakepath}
                    root = {fakepath}

        # Base case: Not in a Virtual Environment
        with mock.patch.multiple(sys, prefix='/a', base_prefix='/a'):
            d = self.create_distribution([file])

        option_tuple = (file, fakepath)

        result_dict = {
            'install_base': option_tuple,
            'install_platbase': option_tuple,
            'install_lib': option_tuple,
            'install_platlib': option_tuple,
            'install_purelib': option_tuple,
            'install_headers': option_tuple,
            'install_scripts': option_tuple,
            'install_data': option_tuple,
            'prefix': option_tuple,
            'exec_prefix': option_tuple,
            'home': option_tuple,
            'user': option_tuple,
            'root': option_tuple,

        assert sorted(d.command_options.get('install').keys()) == sorted(

        for key, value in d.command_options.get('install').items():
            assert value == result_dict[key]

        # Test case: In a Virtual Environment
        with mock.patch.multiple(sys, prefix='/a', base_prefix='/b'):
            d = self.create_distribution([file])

        for key in result_dict.keys():
            assert key not in d.command_options.get('install', {})

    def test_command_packages_configfile(self, tmp_path, clear_argv):
        file = str(tmp_path / "file"){
            file: """
                    command_packages =, splat

        d = self.create_distribution([file])
        assert d.get_command_packages() == ["distutils.command", "", "splat"]

        # ensure command line overrides config:
        sys.argv[1:] = ["--command-packages", "spork", "build"]
        d = self.create_distribution([file])
        assert d.get_command_packages() == ["distutils.command", "spork"]

        # Setting --command-packages to '' should cause the default to
        # be used even if a config file specified something else:
        sys.argv[1:] = ["--command-packages", "", "build"]
        d = self.create_distribution([file])
        assert d.get_command_packages() == ["distutils.command"]

    def test_empty_options(self, request):
        # an empty options dictionary should not stay in the
        # list of attributes

        # catching warnings
        warns = []

        def _warn(msg):

            functools.partial(setattr, warnings, 'warn', warnings.warn)
        warnings.warn = _warn
        dist = Distribution(
                'author': 'xxx',
                'name': 'xxx',
                'version': 'xxx',
                'url': 'xxxx',
                'options': {},

        assert len(warns) == 0
        assert 'options' not in dir(dist)

    def test_finalize_options(self):
        attrs = {'keywords': 'one,two', 'platforms': 'one,two'}

        dist = Distribution(attrs=attrs)

        # finalize_option splits platforms and keywords
        assert dist.metadata.platforms == ['one', 'two']
        assert dist.metadata.keywords == ['one', 'two']

        attrs = {'keywords': 'foo bar', 'platforms': 'foo bar'}
        dist = Distribution(attrs=attrs)
        assert dist.metadata.platforms == ['foo bar']
        assert dist.metadata.keywords == ['foo bar']

    def test_get_command_packages(self):
        dist = Distribution()
        assert dist.command_packages is None
        cmds = dist.get_command_packages()
        assert cmds == ['distutils.command']
        assert dist.command_packages == ['distutils.command']

        dist.command_packages = 'one,two'
        cmds = dist.get_command_packages()
        assert cmds == ['distutils.command', 'one', 'two']

    def test_announce(self):
        # make sure the level is known
        dist = Distribution()
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            dist.announce('ok', level='ok2')

    def test_find_config_files_disable(self, temp_home):
        # Ticket #1180: Allow user to disable their home config file.{pydistutils_cfg: '[distutils]\n'}, temp_home)

        d = Distribution()
        all_files = d.find_config_files()

        d = Distribution(attrs={'script_args': ['--no-user-cfg']})
        files = d.find_config_files()

        # make sure --no-user-cfg disables the user cfg file
        assert len(all_files) - 1 == len(files)

        'platform.system() == "Windows"',
        reason='Windows does not honor chmod 000',
    def test_find_config_files_permission_error(self, fake_home):
        Finding config files should not fail when directory is inaccessible.
        fake_home.joinpath(pydistutils_cfg).write_text('', encoding='utf-8')

class TestMetadata(support.TempdirManager):
    def format_metadata(self, dist):
        sio = io.StringIO()
        return sio.getvalue()

    def test_simple_metadata(self):
        attrs = {"name": "package", "version": "1.0"}
        dist = Distribution(attrs)
        meta = self.format_metadata(dist)
        assert "Metadata-Version: 1.0" in meta
        assert "provides:" not in meta.lower()
        assert "requires:" not in meta.lower()
        assert "obsoletes:" not in meta.lower()

    def test_provides(self):
        attrs = {
            "name": "package",
            "version": "1.0",
            "provides": ["package", "package.sub"],
        dist = Distribution(attrs)
        assert dist.metadata.get_provides() == ["package", "package.sub"]
        assert dist.get_provides() == ["package", "package.sub"]
        meta = self.format_metadata(dist)
        assert "Metadata-Version: 1.1" in meta
        assert "requires:" not in meta.lower()
        assert "obsoletes:" not in meta.lower()

    def test_provides_illegal(self):
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
                {"name": "package", "version": "1.0", "provides": ["my.pkg (splat)"]},

    def test_requires(self):
        attrs = {
            "name": "package",
            "version": "1.0",
            "requires": ["other", "another (==1.0)"],
        dist = Distribution(attrs)
        assert dist.metadata.get_requires() == ["other", "another (==1.0)"]
        assert dist.get_requires() == ["other", "another (==1.0)"]
        meta = self.format_metadata(dist)
        assert "Metadata-Version: 1.1" in meta
        assert "provides:" not in meta.lower()
        assert "Requires: other" in meta
        assert "Requires: another (==1.0)" in meta
        assert "obsoletes:" not in meta.lower()

    def test_requires_illegal(self):
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
                {"name": "package", "version": "1.0", "requires": ["my.pkg (splat)"]},

    def test_requires_to_list(self):
        attrs = {"name": "package", "requires": iter(["other"])}
        dist = Distribution(attrs)
        assert isinstance(dist.metadata.requires, list)

    def test_obsoletes(self):
        attrs = {
            "name": "package",
            "version": "1.0",
            "obsoletes": ["other", "another (<1.0)"],
        dist = Distribution(attrs)
        assert dist.metadata.get_obsoletes() == ["other", "another (<1.0)"]
        assert dist.get_obsoletes() == ["other", "another (<1.0)"]
        meta = self.format_metadata(dist)
        assert "Metadata-Version: 1.1" in meta
        assert "provides:" not in meta.lower()
        assert "requires:" not in meta.lower()
        assert "Obsoletes: other" in meta
        assert "Obsoletes: another (<1.0)" in meta

    def test_obsoletes_illegal(self):
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
                {"name": "package", "version": "1.0", "obsoletes": ["my.pkg (splat)"]},

    def test_obsoletes_to_list(self):
        attrs = {"name": "package", "obsoletes": iter(["other"])}
        dist = Distribution(attrs)
        assert isinstance(dist.metadata.obsoletes, list)

    def test_classifier(self):
        attrs = {
            'name': 'Boa',
            'version': '3.0',
            'classifiers': ['Programming Language :: Python :: 3'],
        dist = Distribution(attrs)
        assert dist.get_classifiers() == ['Programming Language :: Python :: 3']
        meta = self.format_metadata(dist)
        assert 'Metadata-Version: 1.1' in meta

    def test_classifier_invalid_type(self, caplog):
        attrs = {
            'name': 'Boa',
            'version': '3.0',
            'classifiers': ('Programming Language :: Python :: 3',),
        d = Distribution(attrs)
        # should have warning about passing a non-list
        assert 'should be a list' in caplog.messages[0]
        # should be converted to a list
        assert isinstance(d.metadata.classifiers, list)
        assert d.metadata.classifiers == list(attrs['classifiers'])

    def test_keywords(self):
        attrs = {
            'name': 'Monty',
            'version': '1.0',
            'keywords': ['spam', 'eggs', 'life of brian'],
        dist = Distribution(attrs)
        assert dist.get_keywords() == ['spam', 'eggs', 'life of brian']

    def test_keywords_invalid_type(self, caplog):
        attrs = {
            'name': 'Monty',
            'version': '1.0',
            'keywords': ('spam', 'eggs', 'life of brian'),
        d = Distribution(attrs)
        # should have warning about passing a non-list
        assert 'should be a list' in caplog.messages[0]
        # should be converted to a list
        assert isinstance(d.metadata.keywords, list)
        assert d.metadata.keywords == list(attrs['keywords'])

    def test_platforms(self):
        attrs = {
            'name': 'Monty',
            'version': '1.0',
            'platforms': ['GNU/Linux', 'Some Evil Platform'],
        dist = Distribution(attrs)
        assert dist.get_platforms() == ['GNU/Linux', 'Some Evil Platform']

    def test_platforms_invalid_types(self, caplog):
        attrs = {
            'name': 'Monty',
            'version': '1.0',
            'platforms': ('GNU/Linux', 'Some Evil Platform'),
        d = Distribution(attrs)
        # should have warning about passing a non-list
        assert 'should be a list' in caplog.messages[0]
        # should be converted to a list
        assert isinstance(d.metadata.platforms, list)
        assert d.metadata.platforms == list(attrs['platforms'])

    def test_download_url(self):
        attrs = {
            'name': 'Boa',
            'version': '3.0',
            'download_url': '',
        dist = Distribution(attrs)
        meta = self.format_metadata(dist)
        assert 'Metadata-Version: 1.1' in meta

    def test_long_description(self):
        long_desc = textwrap.dedent(
              We start here
            and continue here
          and end here."""
        attrs = {"name": "package", "version": "1.0", "long_description": long_desc}

        dist = Distribution(attrs)
        meta = self.format_metadata(dist)
        meta = meta.replace('\n' + 8 * ' ', '\n')
        assert long_desc in meta

    def test_custom_pydistutils(self, temp_home):
        pydistutils.cfg is found
        """{pydistutils_cfg: ''}, temp_home)
        config_path = temp_home / pydistutils_cfg

        assert str(config_path) in Distribution().find_config_files()

    def test_extra_pydistutils(self, monkeypatch, tmp_path):{'overrides.cfg': ''}, tmp_path)
        filename = tmp_path / 'overrides.cfg'
        monkeypatch.setenv('DIST_EXTRA_CONFIG', str(filename))
        assert str(filename) in Distribution().find_config_files()

    def test_fix_help_options(self):
        help_tuples = [('a', 'b', 'c', 'd'), (1, 2, 3, 4)]
        fancy_options = fix_help_options(help_tuples)
        assert fancy_options[0] == ('a', 'b', 'c')
        assert fancy_options[1] == (1, 2, 3)

    def test_show_help(self, request, capsys):
        # smoke test, just makes sure some help is displayed
        dist = Distribution()
        sys.argv = [] = True
        dist.script_name = ''

        output = [
            line for line in capsys.readouterr().out.split('\n') if line.strip() != ''
        assert output

    def test_read_metadata(self):
        attrs = {
            "name": "package",
            "version": "1.0",
            "long_description": "desc",
            "description": "xxx",
            "download_url": "",
            "keywords": ['one', 'two'],
            "requires": ['foo'],

        dist = Distribution(attrs)
        metadata = dist.metadata

        # write it then reloads it
        PKG_INFO = io.StringIO()

        assert == "package"
        assert metadata.version == "1.0"
        assert metadata.description == "xxx"
        assert metadata.download_url == ''
        assert metadata.keywords == ['one', 'two']
        assert metadata.platforms is None
        assert metadata.obsoletes is None
        assert metadata.requires == ['foo']

    def test_round_trip_through_email_generator(self):
        In pypa/setuptools#4033, it was shown that once PKG-INFO is
        re-generated using ``email.generator.Generator``, some control
        characters might cause problems.
        # Given a PKG-INFO file ...
        attrs = {
            "name": "package",
            "version": "1.0",
            "long_description": "hello\x0b\nworld\n",
        dist = Distribution(attrs)
        metadata = dist.metadata

        with io.StringIO() as buffer:
            msg = buffer.getvalue()

        # ... when it is read and re-written using stdlib's email library,
        orig = email.message_from_string(msg)
        policy = email.policy.EmailPolicy(
        with io.StringIO() as buffer:
            email.generator.Generator(buffer, policy=policy).flatten(orig)

            regen = email.message_from_file(buffer)

        # ... then it should be the same as the original
        # (except for the specific line break characters)
        orig_desc = set(orig["Description"].splitlines())
        regen_desc = set(regen["Description"].splitlines())
        assert regen_desc == orig_desc
