Your IP :
import functools
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from django import VERSION as DJANGO_VERSION
from django.core.cache import CacheHandler
from sentry_sdk import Hub
from sentry_sdk.consts import OP, SPANDATA
from sentry_sdk._compat import text_type
from typing import Any
from typing import Callable
def _get_span_description(method_name, args, kwargs):
# type: (str, Any, Any) -> str
description = "{} ".format(method_name)
if args is not None and len(args) >= 1:
description += text_type(args[0])
elif kwargs is not None and "key" in kwargs:
description += text_type(kwargs["key"])
return description
def _patch_cache_method(cache, method_name):
# type: (CacheHandler, str) -> None
from sentry_sdk.integrations.django import DjangoIntegration
def _instrument_call(cache, method_name, original_method, args, kwargs):
# type: (CacheHandler, str, Callable[..., Any], Any, Any) -> Any
hub = Hub.current
integration = hub.get_integration(DjangoIntegration)
if integration is None or not integration.cache_spans:
return original_method(*args, **kwargs)
description = _get_span_description(method_name, args, kwargs)
with hub.start_span(op=OP.CACHE_GET_ITEM, description=description) as span:
value = original_method(*args, **kwargs)
if value:
span.set_data(SPANDATA.CACHE_HIT, True)
size = len(text_type(value))
span.set_data(SPANDATA.CACHE_ITEM_SIZE, size)
span.set_data(SPANDATA.CACHE_HIT, False)
return value
original_method = getattr(cache, method_name)
def sentry_method(*args, **kwargs):
# type: (*Any, **Any) -> Any
return _instrument_call(cache, method_name, original_method, args, kwargs)
setattr(cache, method_name, sentry_method)
def _patch_cache(cache):
# type: (CacheHandler) -> None
if not hasattr(cache, "_sentry_patched"):
for method_name in METHODS_TO_INSTRUMENT:
_patch_cache_method(cache, method_name)
cache._sentry_patched = True
def patch_caching():
# type: () -> None
from sentry_sdk.integrations.django import DjangoIntegration
if not hasattr(CacheHandler, "_sentry_patched"):
if DJANGO_VERSION < (3, 2):
original_get_item = CacheHandler.__getitem__
def sentry_get_item(self, alias):
# type: (CacheHandler, str) -> Any
cache = original_get_item(self, alias)
integration = Hub.current.get_integration(DjangoIntegration)
if integration and integration.cache_spans:
return cache
CacheHandler.__getitem__ = sentry_get_item
CacheHandler._sentry_patched = True
original_create_connection = CacheHandler.create_connection
def sentry_create_connection(self, alias):
# type: (CacheHandler, str) -> Any
cache = original_create_connection(self, alias)
integration = Hub.current.get_integration(DjangoIntegration)
if integration and integration.cache_spans:
return cache
CacheHandler.create_connection = sentry_create_connection
CacheHandler._sentry_patched = True