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eedeede	edefd�Zedde���dededefd���Zed���d���Zedd���d���Zed���d���Zedd ���d!���Zed"d ���d#���Zed$d���d7d%���Z ed���d&���Z!ed���d'���Z"ed���d(���Z#ed���d8d*���Z$ed���d9d,���Z%ed���d-���Z&ed���d.���Z'eej(d/d���Z(eej)d0d���Z)eej*d1d���Z*eej+d2d���Z+eej,d3d���Z,eej-d4d���Z-eej.d5d���Z.dS):zA
Contains all deprecated functions.

.. autofunction: deprecated
�N)�partial�wraps)�	FrameType)�Type�Callable�Optional�cast�)�cli)�Version)�	Decorator�F��replace�version�remove�category�funcrrrr�returnc���������tt�������St���dtdtff�����fd���}|S)aN
    Decorates a function to output a deprecation warning.

    :param func: the function to decorate
    :param replace: the function to replace (use the full qualified
        name like ``semver.version.Version.bump_major``.
    :param version: the first version when this function was deprecated.
    :param category: allow you to specify the deprecation warning class
        of your choice. By default, it's  :class:`DeprecationWarning`, but
        you can choose :class:`PendingDeprecationWarning` or a custom class.
    :return: decorated function which is marked as deprecated
    Nrr.c���dg}�r|�d���	s|�d��n"|�t�	�����
j����j��}d�	|��}tj|�||�����t
|j��|j���~�|i|��S)	Nz$Function 'semver.{f}' is deprecated.zDeprecated since version {v}. z*This function will be removed in semver 3.zUse {r!r} instead.z0Use the respective 'semver.Version.{r}' instead.� )�f�r�v)r�filename�lineno)�append�strr	r�__qualname__r�inspect�currentframe�f_back�join�warnings�
warn_explicit�format�getfile�f_code�f_lineno)�args�kwargs�msg_listrr�frame�msgrrrrrs       ������c/builddir/build/BUILD/cloudlinux-venv-1.0.7/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/semver/�wrapperzdeprecated.<locals>.wrapper/s=���:�;���	>��O�O�<�=�=�=��	)��O�O�H�I�I�I�I��O�O�C��K�K�(�(�(��	P��O�O�0�1�1�1�1��O�O�N�O�O�O���D�M�M�&���L�q���Y��Y��0D�0F�0F� G� G� N�O�O���h�h�x� � �����J�J��a�7�J�+�+���_�U�\�2�2��>�		
deprecatedrrr)rrrrrr1s````` r0r3r3s��������*�|�������
��4�[�[� %�H�S�!�V�$4� %� %� %� %� %� %� %� %� %��[� %�D�Nr2z3.0.0z$Still under investigation, see #258.)rrr�ver1�ver2c�P�tj|���|��S)a`
    Compare two versions strings.

    .. deprecated:: 3.0.0
       The situation of this function is unclear and it might
       disappear in the future.
       If possible, use :meth:``.
       See :gh:`258` for details.

    :param ver1: first version string
    :param ver2: second version string
    :return: The return value is negative if ver1 < ver2,
             zero if ver1 == ver2 and strictly positive if ver1 > ver2

    >>>"1.0.0", "2.0.0")
    >>>"2.0.0", "1.0.0")
    >>>"2.0.0", "2.0.0")
    )r�parse�compare�r4r5s  r0r8r8Us"��6�=����&�&�t�,�,�,r2z2.10.0�rc�N�tj|�����S)aP
    Parse version to major, minor, patch, pre-release, build parts.

    .. deprecated:: 2.10.0
       Use :meth:`~semver.version.Version.parse` instead.

    :param version: version string
    :return: dictionary with the keys 'build', 'major', 'minor', 'patch',
             and 'prerelease'. The prerelease or build keys can be None
             if not provided
    :rtype: dict

    >>> ver = semver.parse('3.4.5-pre.2+build.4')
    >>> ver['major']
    >>> ver['minor']
    >>> ver['patch']
    >>> ver['prerelease']
    >>> ver['build']
    )rr7�to_dictr:s r0r7r7ss ��4�=��!�!�)�)�+�+�+r2zsemver.version.Version.parse)rrc�*�tj|��S)a#
    Parse version string to a Version instance.

    .. deprecated:: 2.10.0
       Use :meth:`~semver.version.Version.parse` instead.
    .. versionadded:: 2.7.2
       Added :func:`semver.parse_version_info`

    :param version: version string
    :return: a :class:`VersionInfo` instance

    >>> version_info = semver.Version.parse("3.4.5-pre.2+build.4")
    >>> version_info.major
    >>> version_info.minor
    >>> version_info.patch
    >>> version_info.prerelease
    )rr7r:s r0�parse_version_infor>�s��2�=��!�!�!r2c�T�tj|��}|�|��S)aj
    Compare two versions strings through a comparison.

    .. deprecated:: 2.10.0
       Use :meth:`~semver.version.Version.match` instead.

    :param str version: a version string
    :param str match_expr: operator and version; valid operators are
          <   smaller than
          >   greater than
          >=  greator or equal than
          <=  smaller or equal than
          ==  equal
          !=  not equal
    :return: True if the expression matches the version, otherwise False
    :rtype: bool

    >>> semver.match("2.0.0", ">=1.0.0")
    >>> semver.match("1.0.0", ">1.0.0")
    )rr7�match)r�
match_expr�vers   r0r@r@�s%��0�-��
 �C��9�9�Z� � � r2�maxz2.10.2c�T�tt||tj�����S)a>
    Returns the greater version of two versions strings.

    .. deprecated:: 2.10.2
       Use :func:`max` instead.

    :param ver1: version string 1
    :param ver2: version string 2
    :return: the greater version of the two
    :rtype: :class:`Version`

    >>> semver.max_ver("1.0.0", "2.0.0")
    ��key)rrCrr7r9s  r0�max_verrG��#�� �s�4��7�=�1�1�1�2�2�2r2�minc�T�tt||tj�����S)aB
    Returns the smaller version of two versions strings.

    .. deprecated:: 2.10.2
       Use Use :func:`min` instead.

    :param ver1: version string 1
    :param ver2: version string 2
    :return: the smaller version of the two
    :rtype: :class:`Version`

    >>> semver.min_ver("1.0.0", "2.0.0")
    rE)rrIrr7r9s  r0�min_verrK�rHr2zstr(versionobject)c	�B�tt|||||����S)aX
    Format a version string according to the Semantic Versioning specification.

    .. deprecated:: 2.10.0
       Use ``str(Version(VERSION)`` instead.

    :param int major: the required major part of a version
    :param int minor: the required minor part of a version
    :param int patch: the required patch part of a version
    :param str prerelease: the optional prerelease part of a version
    :param str build: the optional build part of a version
    :return: the formatted string
    :rtype: str

    >>> semver.format_version(3, 4, 5, 'pre.2', 'build.4')
    )rr)�major�minor�patch�
prerelease�builds     r0�format_versionrR�s"��&�w�u�e�U�J��>�>�?�?�?r2c�h�ttj|�������S)a
    Raise the major part of the version string.

    .. deprecated:: 2.10.0
       Use :meth:`~semver.version.Version.bump_major` instead.

    :param: version string
    :return: the raised version string
    :rtype: str

    >>> semver.bump_major("3.4.5")
    )rrr7�
bump_majorr:s r0rTrT�(���w�}�W�%�%�0�0�2�2�3�3�3r2c�h�ttj|�������S)a
    Raise the minor part of the version string.

    .. deprecated:: 2.10.0
       Use :meth:`~semver.version.Version.bump_minor` instead.

    :param: version string
    :return: the raised version string
    :rtype: str

    >>> semver.bump_minor("3.4.5")
    )rrr7�
bump_minorr:s r0rWrWrUr2c�h�ttj|�������S)a
    Raise the patch part of the version string.

    .. deprecated:: 2.10.0
       Use :meth:`~semver.version.Version.bump_patch` instead.

    :param: version string
    :return: the raised version string
    :rtype: str

    >>> semver.bump_patch("3.4.5")
    )rrr7�
bump_patchr:s r0rYrY(rUr2�rcc�j�ttj|���|����S)aZ
    Raise the prerelease part of the version string.

    .. deprecated:: 2.10.0
       Use :meth:`~semver.version.Version.bump_prerelease` instead.

    :param version: version string
    :param token: defaults to 'rc'
    :return: the raised version string
    :rtype: str

    >>> semver.bump_prerelease('3.4.5', 'dev')
    )rrr7�bump_prerelease�r�tokens  r0r\r\:s*�� �w�}�W�%�%�5�5�e�<�<�=�=�=r2rQc�j�ttj|���|����S)a\
    Raise the build part of the version string.

    .. deprecated:: 2.10.0
       Use :meth:`~semver.version.Version.bump_build` instead.

    :param version: version string
    :param token: defaults to 'build'
    :return: the raised version string
    :rtype: str

    >>> semver.bump_build('3.4.5-rc.1+build.9')
    )rrr7�
bump_buildr]s  r0r`r`Ms*�� �w�}�W�%�%�0�0��7�7�8�8�8r2c�l�tj|��}t|�����S)a�
    Remove any prerelease and build metadata from the version string.

    .. deprecated:: 2.10.0
       Use :meth:`~semver.version.Version.finalize_version` instead.

    .. versionadded:: 2.7.9
       Added :func:`finalize_version`

    :param version: version string
    :return: the finalized version string
    :rtype: str

    >>> semver.finalize_version('1.2.3-rc.5')
    )rr7r�finalize_version)r�verinfos  r0rbrb`s-��$�m�G�$�$�G��w�'�'�)�)�*�*�*r2c�Z�ttj|��jdi|����S)aH
    Replace one or more parts of a version and return the new string.

    .. deprecated:: 2.10.0
       Use :meth:`~semver.version.Version.replace` instead.
    .. versionadded:: 2.9.0
       Added :func:`replace`

    :param version: the version string to replace
    :param parts: the parts to be updated. Valid keys are:
      ``major``, ``minor``, ``patch``, ``prerelease``, or ``build``
    :return: the replaced version string
    :raises TypeError: if ``parts`` contains invalid keys

    >>> import semver
    >>> semver.replace("1.2.3", major=2, patch=10)
    �)rrr7r)r�partss  r0rrvs0��(�-�w�}�W�%�%�-�6�6��6�6�7�7�7r2zsemver.cli.cmd_bumpzsemver.cli.cmd_checkzsemver.cli.cmd_comparezsemver.cli.cmd_nextverzsemver.cli.createparserzsemver.cli.processzsemver.cli.main)N)NN)rZ)rQ)/�__doc__r!r%�	functoolsrr�typesr�typingrrrr	�rrr�_typesr
r�DeprecationWarningr�Warningr3�PendingDeprecationWarning�intr8r7r>r@rGrKrRrTrWrYr\r`rbr�cmd_bump�	cmd_check�cmd_compare�cmd_nextver�createparser�process�mainrer2r0�<module>rxs�����
��������$�$�$�$�$�$�$�$�������1�1�1�1�1�1�1�1�1�1�1�1������������� � � � � � � � ��A�"�!� �0�
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