Your IP :
from __future__ import absolute_import
import os
import logging
from import Mapping
except ImportError:
# Python < 3.3
from collections import Mapping
from time import time
from types import FunctionType
from raven.utils import once
from raven.utils.encoding import to_unicode
from raven.utils.compat import iteritems, get_code, text_type, string_types
special_logging_handlers = []
special_logger_handlers = {}
logger = logging.getLogger('raven')
def event_payload_considered_equal(a, b):
return (
a['type'] == b['type']
and a['level'] == b['level']
and a['message'] == b['message']
and a['category'] == b['category']
and a['data'] == b['data']
class BreadcrumbBuffer(object):
def __init__(self, limit=100, message_max_length=1024):
self.buffer = []
self.limit = limit
self.message_max_length = message_max_length
def record(self, timestamp=None, level=None, message=None,
category=None, data=None, type=None, processor=None):
if not (message or data or processor):
raise ValueError('You must pass either `message`, `data`, '
'or `processor`')
if timestamp is None:
timestamp = time()
# we format here to ensure we dont bloat memory due to message size
result = (self.format({
'type': type or 'default',
'timestamp': float(timestamp),
'level': level,
# hardcode message length to prevent huge crumbs
'message': message,
'category': category,
# TODO(dcramer): we should trim data
'data': data,
}), processor)
del self.buffer[:-self.limit]
def clear(self):
del self.buffer[:]
def format(self, result):
result['message'] = to_unicode(result['message'])[:self.message_max_length] if result['message'] else None
result['category'] = to_unicode(result['category'])[:CATEGORY_MAX_LENGTH] if result['category'] else None
result['level'] = to_unicode(result['level'])[:LEVEL_MAX_LENGTH].lower() if result['level'] else None
return result
def get_buffer(self):
rv = []
for idx, (payload, processor) in enumerate(self.buffer):
if processor is not None:
except Exception:
logger.exception('Failed to process breadcrumbs. Ignored')
payload = None
# we format here to ensure we dont bloat memory due to message size
payload = self.format(payload) if payload else None
self.buffer[idx] = (payload, None)
elif payload is not None:
payload = self.format(payload)
if payload is not None and \
(not rv or not event_payload_considered_equal(rv[-1], payload)):
return rv
class BlackholeBreadcrumbBuffer(BreadcrumbBuffer):
def record(self, *args, **kwargs):
def make_buffer(enabled=True):
if enabled:
return BreadcrumbBuffer()
return BlackholeBreadcrumbBuffer()
def record_breadcrumb(type, *args, **kwargs):
# Legacy alias
kwargs['type'] = type
return record(*args, **kwargs)
def record(message=None, timestamp=None, level=None, category=None,
data=None, type=None, processor=None):
"""Records a breadcrumb for all active clients. This is what integration
code should use rather than invoking the `captureBreadcrumb` method
on a specific client.
if timestamp is None:
timestamp = time()
for ctx in raven.context.get_active_contexts():
ctx.breadcrumbs.record(timestamp, level, message, category,
data, type, processor)
def _record_log_breadcrumb(logger, level, msg, *args, **kwargs):
for handler in special_logging_handlers:
if handler(logger, level, msg, args, kwargs):
handler = special_logger_handlers.get(
if handler is not None and handler(logger, level, msg, args, kwargs):
def processor(data):
formatted_msg = msg
format_args = args
# Extract 'extra' key from kwargs and merge into data
extra = kwargs.pop('extra', {})
data_value = kwargs
if args and len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], Mapping) and args[0]:
format_args = args[0]
# If people log bad things, this can happen. Then just don't do
# anything.
formatted_msg = text_type(msg)
if format_args:
formatted_msg = msg % format_args
except Exception:
# We do not want to include exc_info as argument because it often
# lies (set to a constant value like 1 or True) or even if it's a
# tuple it will not be particularly useful for us as we cannot
# process it anyways.
kwargs.pop('exc_info', None)
'message': formatted_msg,
'level': logging.getLevelName(level).lower(),
'data': data_value,
def _wrap_logging_method(meth, level=None):
if not isinstance(meth, FunctionType):
func = meth.im_func
func = meth
# We were patched for raven before
if getattr(func, '__patched_for_raven__', False):
if level is None:
args = ('level', 'msg')
fwd = 'level, msg'
args = ('msg',)
fwd = '%d, msg' % level
code = get_code(func)
logging_srcfile = logging._srcfile
if logging_srcfile is None:
logging_srcfile = os.path.normpath(
# This requires a bit of explanation why we're doing this. Due to how
# logging itself works we need to pretend that the method actually was
# created within the logging module. There are a few ways to detect
# this and we fake all of them: we use the same function globals (the
# one from the logging module), we create it entirely there which
# means that also the filename is set correctly. This fools the
# detection code in logging and it makes logging itself skip past our
# code when determining the code location.
# Because we point the globals to the logging module we now need to
# refer to our own functions (original and the crumb recording
# function) through a closure instead of the global scope.
# We also add a lot of newlines in front of the code so that the
# code location lines up again in case someone runs inspect.getsource
# on the function.
ns = {}
eval(compile('''%(offset)sif 1:
def factory(original, record_crumb):
def %(name)s(self, %(args)s, *args, **kwargs):
record_crumb(self, %(fwd)s, *args, **kwargs)
return original(self, %(args)s, *args, **kwargs)
return %(name)s
\n''' % {
'offset': '\n' * (code.co_firstlineno - 3),
'name': func.__name__,
'args': ', '.join(args),
'fwd': fwd,
'level': level,
}, logging_srcfile, 'exec'), logging.__dict__, ns)
new_func = ns['factory'](meth, _record_log_breadcrumb)
new_func.__doc__ = func.__doc__
assert code.co_firstlineno == get_code(func).co_firstlineno
# In theory this should already be set correctly, but in some cases
# it is not. So override it.
new_func.__module__ == func.__module__
new_func.__name__ == func.__name__
new_func.__patched_for_raven__ = True
return new_func
def _patch_logger():
cls = logging.Logger
methods = {
'debug': logging.DEBUG,
'info': logging.INFO,
'warning': logging.WARNING,
'warn': logging.WARN,
'error': logging.ERROR,
'exception': logging.ERROR,
'critical': logging.CRITICAL,
'fatal': logging.FATAL
for method_name, level in iteritems(methods):
new_func = _wrap_logging_method(
getattr(cls, method_name), level)
setattr(logging.Logger, method_name, new_func)
logging.Logger.log = _wrap_logging_method(
def install_logging_hook():
"""Installs the logging hook if it was not installed yet. Otherwise
does nothing.
def ignore_logger(name_or_logger, allow_level=None):
"""Ignores a logger during breadcrumb recording.
def handler(logger, level, msg, args, kwargs):
if allow_level is not None and \
level >= allow_level:
return False
return True
register_special_log_handler(name_or_logger, handler)
def register_special_log_handler(name_or_logger, callback):
"""Registers a callback for log handling. The callback is invoked
with given arguments: `logger`, `level`, `msg`, `args` and `kwargs`
which are the values passed to the logging system. If the callback
returns true value the default handling is disabled. Only one callback
can be registered per one logger name. Logger tree is not traversed
so calling this method with `spammy_module` argument will not silence
messages from `spammy_module.child`.
if isinstance(name_or_logger, string_types):
name = name_or_logger
name =
special_logger_handlers[name] = callback
def register_logging_handler(callback):
"""Registers a callback for log handling. The callback is invoked
with given arguments: `logger`, `level`, `msg`, `args` and `kwargs`
which are the values passed to the logging system. If the callback
returns true value the default handling is disabled. Registering
multiple handlers is allowed.
hooked_libraries = {}
def libraryhook(name):
def decorator(f):
f = once(f)
hooked_libraries[name] = f
return f
return decorator
def _hook_requests():
from requests.sessions import Session
except ImportError:
real_send = Session.send
def send(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
def _record_request(response):
record(type='http', category='requests', data={
'url': request.url,
'method': request.method,
'status_code': response and response.status_code or None,
'reason': response and response.reason or None,
resp = real_send(self, request, *args, **kwargs)
except Exception:
return resp
Session.send = send
def _install_httplib():
from httplib import HTTPConnection
except ImportError:
from http.client import HTTPConnection
real_putrequest = HTTPConnection.putrequest
real_getresponse = HTTPConnection.getresponse
def putrequest(self, method, url, *args, **kwargs):
self._raven_status_dict = status = {}
host =
port = self.port
default_port = self.default_port
def processor(data):
real_url = url
if not real_url.startswith(('http://', 'https://')):
real_url = '%s://%s%s%s' % (
default_port == 443 and 'https' or 'http',
port != default_port and ':%s' % port or '',
data['data'] = {
'url': real_url,
'method': method,
return data
record(type='http', category='requests', processor=processor)
return real_putrequest(self, method, url, *args, **kwargs)
def getresponse(self, *args, **kwargs):
rv = real_getresponse(self, *args, **kwargs)
status = getattr(self, '_raven_status_dict', None)
if status is not None and 'status_code' not in status:
status['status_code'] = rv.status
status['reason'] = rv.reason
return rv
HTTPConnection.putrequest = putrequest
HTTPConnection.getresponse = getresponse
def hook_libraries(libraries):
if libraries is None:
libraries = hooked_libraries.keys()
for lib in libraries:
func = hooked_libraries.get(lib)
if func is None:
raise RuntimeError('Unknown library %r for hooking' % lib)
import raven.context