Your IP :
from __future__ import absolute_import
from pylint.checkers import BaseChecker
from pylint.checkers.utils import check_messages
from pylint_django.__pkginfo__ import BASE_ID
class DjangoInstalledChecker(BaseChecker):
name = "django-installed-checker"
msgs = {
# pylint: disable=implicit-str-concat
f"F{BASE_ID}01": (
"Django is not available on the PYTHONPATH",
"Django could not be imported by the pylint-django plugin, so most Django related "
"improvements to pylint will fail.",
f"W{BASE_ID}99": (
"Placeholder message to prevent disabling of checker",
"PyLint does not recognise checkers as being enabled unless they have at least"
" one message which is not fatal...",
def open(self):
except ImportError:
# mild hack: this error is added before any modules have been inspected
# so we need to set some kind of value to prevent the linter failing to it