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# For details:
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from __future__ import annotations
import abc
import functools
import warnings
from import Iterable, Sequence
from inspect import cleandoc
from tokenize import TokenInfo
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any
from astroid import nodes
from pylint.config.arguments_provider import _ArgumentsProvider
from pylint.constants import _MSG_ORDER, MAIN_CHECKER_NAME, WarningScope
from pylint.exceptions import InvalidMessageError
from pylint.interfaces import Confidence, IRawChecker, ITokenChecker, implements
from pylint.message.message_definition import MessageDefinition
from pylint.typing import (
from pylint.utils import get_rst_section, get_rst_title
from pylint.lint import PyLinter
class BaseChecker(_ArgumentsProvider):
# checker name (you may reuse an existing one)
name: str = ""
# ordered list of options to control the checker behaviour
options: Options = ()
# messages issued by this checker
msgs: dict[str, MessageDefinitionTuple] = {}
# reports issued by this checker
reports: tuple[tuple[str, str, ReportsCallable], ...] = ()
# mark this checker as enabled or not.
enabled: bool = True
def __init__(self, linter: PyLinter) -> None:
"""Checker instances should have the linter as argument."""
if getattr(self, "__implements__", None):
"Using the __implements__ inheritance pattern for BaseChecker is no "
"longer supported. Child classes should only inherit BaseChecker or any "
"of the other checker types from pylint.checkers.",
if is not None: =
self.linter = linter
_ArgumentsProvider.__init__(self, linter)
def __gt__(self, other: Any) -> bool:
"""Sorting of checkers."""
if not isinstance(other, BaseChecker):
return False
return False
return True
if type(self).__module__.startswith("pylint.checkers") and not type(
return False
return >
def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool:
"""Permit to assert Checkers are equal."""
if not isinstance(other, BaseChecker):
return False
return f"{}{self.msgs}" == f"{}{other.msgs}"
def __hash__(self) -> int:
"""Make Checker hashable."""
return hash(f"{}{self.msgs}")
def __repr__(self) -> str:
status = "Checker" if self.enabled else "Disabled checker"
msgs = "', '".join(self.msgs.keys())
return f"{status} '{}' (responsible for '{msgs}')"
def __str__(self) -> str:
"""This might be incomplete because multiple classes inheriting BaseChecker
can have the same name.
See: MessageHandlerMixIn.get_full_documentation()
with warnings.catch_warnings():
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=DeprecationWarning)
return self.get_full_documentation(
msgs=self.msgs, options=self.options_and_values(), reports=self.reports
def get_full_documentation(
msgs: dict[str, MessageDefinitionTuple],
options: Iterable[tuple[str, OptionDict, Any]],
reports: Sequence[tuple[str, str, ReportsCallable]],
doc: str | None = None,
module: str | None = None,
show_options: bool = True,
) -> str:
result = ""
checker_title = f"{'_', ' ').title()} checker"
if module:
# Provide anchor to link against
result += f".. _{module}:\n\n"
result += f"{get_rst_title(checker_title, '~')}\n"
if module:
result += f"This checker is provided by ``{module}``.\n"
result += f"Verbatim name of the checker is ``{}``.\n\n"
if doc:
# Provide anchor to link against
result += get_rst_title(f"{checker_title} Documentation", "^")
result += f"{cleandoc(doc)}\n\n"
# options might be an empty generator and not be False when cast to boolean
options_list = list(options)
if options_list:
if show_options:
result += get_rst_title(f"{checker_title} Options", "^")
result += f"{get_rst_section(None, options_list)}\n"
result += f"See also :ref:`{} checker's options' documentation <{}-options>`\n\n"
if msgs:
result += get_rst_title(f"{checker_title} Messages", "^")
for msgid, msg in sorted(
msgs.items(), key=lambda kv: (_MSG_ORDER.index(kv[0][0]), kv[1])
msg_def = self.create_message_definition_from_tuple(msgid, msg)
result += f"{msg_def.format_help(checkerref=False)}\n"
result += "\n"
if reports:
result += get_rst_title(f"{checker_title} Reports", "^")
for report in reports:
result += (
":%s: %s\n" % report[:2] # pylint: disable=consider-using-f-string
result += "\n"
result += "\n"
return result
def add_message(
msgid: str,
line: int | None = None,
node: nodes.NodeNG | None = None,
args: Any = None,
confidence: Confidence | None = None,
col_offset: int | None = None,
end_lineno: int | None = None,
end_col_offset: int | None = None,
) -> None:
msgid, line, node, args, confidence, col_offset, end_lineno, end_col_offset
def check_consistency(self) -> None:
"""Check the consistency of msgid.
msg ids for a checker should be a string of len 4, where the two first
characters are the checker id and the two last the msg id in this
:raises InvalidMessageError: If the checker id in the messages are not
always the same.
checker_id = None
existing_ids = []
for message in self.messages:
# Id's for shared messages such as the 'deprecated-*' messages
# can be inconsistent with their checker id.
if message.shared:
if checker_id is not None and checker_id != message.msgid[1:3]:
error_msg = "Inconsistent checker part in message id "
error_msg += f"'{message.msgid}' (expected 'x{checker_id}xx' "
error_msg += f"because we already had {existing_ids})."
raise InvalidMessageError(error_msg)
checker_id = message.msgid[1:3]
def create_message_definition_from_tuple(
self, msgid: str, msg_tuple: MessageDefinitionTuple
) -> MessageDefinition:
with warnings.catch_warnings():
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=DeprecationWarning)
if isinstance(self, (BaseTokenChecker, BaseRawFileChecker)):
default_scope = WarningScope.LINE
# TODO: 3.0: Remove deprecated if-statement
elif implements(self, (IRawChecker, ITokenChecker)):
warnings.warn( # pragma: no cover
"Checkers should subclass BaseTokenChecker or BaseRawFileChecker "
"instead of using the __implements__ mechanism. Use of __implements__ "
"will no longer be supported in pylint 3.0",
default_scope = WarningScope.LINE # pragma: no cover
default_scope = WarningScope.NODE
options: ExtraMessageOptions = {}
if len(msg_tuple) == 4:
(msg, symbol, descr, options) = msg_tuple # type: ignore[misc]
elif len(msg_tuple) == 3:
(msg, symbol, descr) = msg_tuple # type: ignore[misc]
error_msg = """Messages should have a msgid, a symbol and a description. Something like this :
"W1234": (
"Message description with detail.",
raise InvalidMessageError(error_msg)
options.setdefault("scope", default_scope)
return MessageDefinition(self, msgid, msg, descr, symbol, **options)
def messages(self) -> list[MessageDefinition]:
return [
self.create_message_definition_from_tuple(msgid, msg_tuple)
for msgid, msg_tuple in sorted(self.msgs.items())
def get_message_definition(self, msgid: str) -> MessageDefinition:
# TODO: 3.0: Remove deprecated method
"'get_message_definition' is deprecated and will be removed in 3.0.",
for message_definition in self.messages:
if message_definition.msgid == msgid:
return message_definition
error_msg = f"MessageDefinition for '{msgid}' does not exists. "
error_msg += f"Choose from {[m.msgid for m in self.messages]}."
raise InvalidMessageError(error_msg)
def open(self) -> None:
"""Called before visiting project (i.e. set of modules)."""
def close(self) -> None:
"""Called after visiting project (i.e set of modules)."""
def get_map_data(self) -> Any:
return None
# pylint: disable-next=unused-argument
def reduce_map_data(self, linter: PyLinter, data: list[Any]) -> None:
return None
class BaseTokenChecker(BaseChecker):
"""Base class for checkers that want to have access to the token stream."""
def process_tokens(self, tokens: list[TokenInfo]) -> None:
"""Should be overridden by subclasses."""
raise NotImplementedError()
class BaseRawFileChecker(BaseChecker):
"""Base class for checkers which need to parse the raw file."""
def process_module(self, node: nodes.Module) -> None:
"""Process a module.
The module's content is accessible via ````
raise NotImplementedError()