Your IP :
API for the command-line I{pyflakes} tool.
import ast
import os
import platform
import re
import sys
from pyflakes import checker, __version__
from pyflakes import reporter as modReporter
__all__ = ['check', 'checkPath', 'checkRecursive', 'iterSourceCode', 'main']
PYTHON_SHEBANG_REGEX = re.compile(br'^#!.*\bpython(3(\.\d+)?|w)?[dmu]?\s')
def check(codeString, filename, reporter=None):
Check the Python source given by C{codeString} for flakes.
@param codeString: The Python source to check.
@type codeString: C{str}
@param filename: The name of the file the source came from, used to report
@type filename: C{str}
@param reporter: A L{Reporter} instance, where errors and warnings will be
@return: The number of warnings emitted.
@rtype: C{int}
if reporter is None:
reporter = modReporter._makeDefaultReporter()
# First, compile into an AST and handle syntax errors.
tree = ast.parse(codeString, filename=filename)
except SyntaxError as e:
reporter.syntaxError(filename, e.args[0], e.lineno, e.offset, e.text)
return 1
except Exception:
reporter.unexpectedError(filename, 'problem decoding source')
return 1
# Okay, it's syntactically valid. Now check it.
file_tokens = checker.make_tokens(codeString)
w = checker.Checker(tree, file_tokens=file_tokens, filename=filename)
w.messages.sort(key=lambda m: m.lineno)
for warning in w.messages:
return len(w.messages)
def checkPath(filename, reporter=None):
Check the given path, printing out any warnings detected.
@param reporter: A L{Reporter} instance, where errors and warnings will be
@return: the number of warnings printed
if reporter is None:
reporter = modReporter._makeDefaultReporter()
with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
codestr =
except OSError as e:
reporter.unexpectedError(filename, e.args[1])
return 1
return check(codestr, filename, reporter)
def isPythonFile(filename):
"""Return True if filename points to a Python file."""
if filename.endswith('.py'):
return True
# Avoid obvious Emacs backup files
if filename.endswith("~"):
return False
max_bytes = 128
with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
text =
if not text:
return False
except OSError:
return False
return PYTHON_SHEBANG_REGEX.match(text)
def iterSourceCode(paths):
Iterate over all Python source files in C{paths}.
@param paths: A list of paths. Directories will be recursed into and
any .py files found will be yielded. Any non-directories will be
yielded as-is.
for path in paths:
if os.path.isdir(path):
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(path):
for filename in filenames:
full_path = os.path.join(dirpath, filename)
if isPythonFile(full_path):
yield full_path
yield path
def checkRecursive(paths, reporter):
Recursively check all source files in C{paths}.
@param paths: A list of paths to Python source files and directories
containing Python source files.
@param reporter: A L{Reporter} where all of the warnings and errors
will be reported to.
@return: The number of warnings found.
warnings = 0
for sourcePath in iterSourceCode(paths):
warnings += checkPath(sourcePath, reporter)
return warnings
def _exitOnSignal(sigName, message):
"""Handles a signal with sys.exit.
Some of these signals (SIGPIPE, for example) don't exist or are invalid on
Windows. So, ignore errors that might arise.
import signal
sigNumber = getattr(signal, sigName)
except AttributeError:
# the signal constants defined in the signal module are defined by
# whether the C library supports them or not. So, SIGPIPE might not
# even be defined.
def handler(sig, f):
signal.signal(sigNumber, handler)
except ValueError:
# It's also possible the signal is defined, but then it's invalid. In
# this case, signal.signal raises ValueError.
def _get_version():
Retrieve and format package version along with python version & OS used
return ('%s Python %s on %s' %
(__version__, platform.python_version(), platform.system()))
def main(prog=None, args=None):
"""Entry point for the script "pyflakes"."""
import argparse
# Handle "Keyboard Interrupt" and "Broken pipe" gracefully
_exitOnSignal('SIGINT', '... stopped')
_exitOnSignal('SIGPIPE', 1)
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog=prog,
description='Check Python source files for errors')
parser.add_argument('-V', '--version', action='version', version=_get_version())
parser.add_argument('path', nargs='*',
help='Path(s) of Python file(s) to check. STDIN if not given.')
args = parser.parse_args(args=args).path
reporter = modReporter._makeDefaultReporter()
if args:
warnings = checkRecursive(args, reporter)
warnings = check(, '<stdin>', reporter)
raise SystemExit(warnings > 0)