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API for the command-line I{pyflakes} tool.
� N)�checker�__version__)�reporter)�check� checkPath�checkRecursive�iterSourceCode�mains# ^#!.*\bpython(3(\.\d+)?|w)?[dmu]?\sc �* � |�t j � � } t j | |�� � }nm# t $ r>}|� ||j d |j |j |j � � Y d}~dS d}~wt $ r |� |d� � Y dS w xY wt j
| � � }t j |||�� � }|j � d� �� � |j D ]}|� |� � �t% |j � � S ) a�
Check the Python source given by C{codeString} for flakes.
@param codeString: The Python source to check.
@type codeString: C{str}
@param filename: The name of the file the source came from, used to report
@type filename: C{str}
@param reporter: A L{Reporter} instance, where errors and warnings will be
@return: The number of warnings emitted.
@rtype: C{int}
N)�filenamer � zproblem decoding source)�file_tokensr c � � | j S �N)�lineno)�ms �]/builddir/build/BUILD/cloudlinux-venv-1.0.7/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pyflakes/�<lambda>zcheck.<locals>.<lambda>1 s � �!�(� � )�key)�modReporter�_makeDefaultReporter�ast�parse�SyntaxError�syntaxError�argsr �offset�text� Exception�unexpectedErrorr �make_tokens�Checker�messages�sort�flake�len)�
codeStringr r �tree�er �w�warnings r r r s- � �"