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� N)�ProgrammingError�InterfaceError)� ISQLQuote�adapt�register_adapter)�new_type�new_array_type�
register_typec � � e Zd ZdZdZdd�Zd� Zd� Zed � � � Z ed
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ed� � � Zed� � � Zd� Zd� Zd� Zd� Zd� Zd� Zd� Zd� Zd� Zd� Zd� ZdS )�Rangea� Python representation for a PostgreSQL |range|_ type.
:param lower: lower bound for the range. `!None` means unbound
:param upper: upper bound for the range. `!None` means unbound
:param bounds: one of the literal strings ``()``, ``[)``, ``(]``, ``[]``,
representing whether the lower or upper bounds are included
:param empty: if `!True`, the range is empty
��_lower�_upper�_boundsN�[)Fc � � |s-|dvrt d|��� � �|| _ || _ || _ d S d x| _ x| _ | _ d S )N)r z(]z()z[]zbound flags not valid: )�
ValueErrorr r r )�self�lower�upper�bounds�emptys �b/builddir/build/BUILD/cloudlinux-venv-1.0.7/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/psycopg2/�__init__zRange.__init__/ s_ � �� <��5�5�5� �!E�6�!E�!E�F�F�F��D�K��D�K�!�D�L�L�L�7;�;�D�K�;�$�+����� c � � | j �| j j � d�S d� | j j | j | j | j � � S )Nz(empty=True)z{}({!r}, {!r}, {!r}))r � __class__�__name__�formatr r �r s r �__repr__zRange.__repr__: sJ � ��<���n�-�;�;�;�;�)�0�0���1H���T�[�$�,�8� 8�
8r c � � | j �dS | j d t | j � � dt | j � � | j d g}d� |� � S )Nr r z, � � )r �strr r �join)r �itemss r �__str__z
Range.__str__A sY � ��<���7�
�� �w�w�u�~�~�r c � � | j S )z:The lower bound of the range. `!None` if empty or unbound.)r r s r r zRange.lowerN � � � �{�r c � � | j S )z:The upper bound of the range. `!None` if empty or unbound.)r r s r r zRange.upperS r* r c � � | j du S )z`!True` if the range is empty.N�r r s r �isemptyz
Range.isemptyX s � � �|�t�#�#r c �&