Your IP :
import os
import re
import sys
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, List, Union
try: # Python >= 3.11
import re._constants as sre_constants
except ImportError:
import sre_constants
from prospector import tools
from prospector.autodetect import autodetect_libraries
from prospector.compat import is_relative_to
from prospector.config import configuration as cfg
from prospector.message import Message
from prospector.profiles import AUTO_LOADED_PROFILES
from prospector.profiles.profile import BUILTIN_PROFILE_PATH, CannotParseProfile, ProfileNotFound, ProspectorProfile
class ProspectorConfig:
# There are several methods on this class which could technically
# be functions (they don't use the 'self' argument) but that would
# make this module/class a bit ugly.
# Also the 'too many instance attributes' warning is ignored, as this
# is a config object and its sole purpose is to hold many properties!
def __init__(self, workdir: Path = None):
self.config, self.arguments = self._configure_prospector()
self.paths = self._get_work_path(self.config, self.arguments)
self.explicit_file_mode = all(p.is_file for p in self.paths)
self.workdir = workdir or Path.cwd()
self.profile, self.strictness = self._get_profile(self.workdir, self.config)
self.libraries = self._find_used_libraries(self.config, self.profile)
self.tools_to_run = self._determine_tool_runners(self.config, self.profile)
self.ignores = self._determine_ignores(self.config, self.profile, self.libraries)
self.configured_by: Dict[str, str] = {}
self.messages: List[Message] = []
def make_exclusion_filter(self):
# Only close over the attributes required by the filter, rather
# than the entire self, because ProspectorConfig can't be pickled
# because of the config attribute, which would break parallel
# pylint.
ignores, workdir = self.ignores, self.workdir
def _filter(path: Path):
for ignore in ignores:
# first figure out where the path is, relative to the workdir
# ignore-paths/patterns will usually be relative to a repository
# root or the CWD, but the path passed to prospector may not be
path = path.resolve().absolute()
if is_relative_to(path, workdir):
path = path.relative_to(workdir)
if ignore.match(str(path)):
return True
return False
return _filter
def get_tools(self, found_files):
self.configured_by = {}
runners = []
for tool_name in self.tools_to_run:
tool = tools.TOOLS[tool_name]()
config_result = tool.configure(self, found_files)
if config_result is None:
configured_by = None
messages = []
configured_by, messages = config_result
if messages is None:
messages = []
self.configured_by[tool_name] = configured_by
self.messages += messages
return runners
def replace_deprecated_tool_names(self) -> List[str]:
# pep8 was renamed pycodestyle ; pep257 was renamed pydocstyle
# for backwards compatibility, these have been deprecated but will remain until prospector v2
deprecated_found = []
replaced = []
for tool_name in self.tools_to_run:
if tool_name in DEPRECATED_TOOL_NAMES:
self.tools_to_run = replaced
return deprecated_found
def get_output_report(self):
# Get the output formatter
if self.config.output_format is not None:
output_report = self.config.output_format
output_report = [(self.profile.output_format, self.profile.output_target)]
for index, report in enumerate(output_report):
if not all(report):
output_report[index] = (report[0] or "grouped", report[1] or [])
return output_report
def _configure_prospector(self):
# first we will configure prospector as a whole
mgr = cfg.build_manager()
config = mgr.retrieve(*cfg.build_default_sources())
return config, mgr.arguments
def _get_work_path(self, config, arguments) -> List[Path]:
# Figure out what paths we're prospecting
if config["path"]:
paths = [Path(self.config["path"])]
elif arguments["checkpath"]:
paths = [Path(p) for p in arguments["checkpath"]]
paths = [Path.cwd()]
return [p.resolve() for p in paths]
def _get_profile(self, workdir: Path, config):
# Use the specified profiles
profile_provided = False
if len(config.profiles) > 0:
profile_provided = True
cmdline_implicit = []
# if there is a '.prospector.ya?ml' or a '.prospector/prospector.ya?ml' or equivalent landscape config
# file then we'll include that
profile_name: Union[None, str, Path] = None
if not profile_provided:
for possible_profile in AUTO_LOADED_PROFILES:
prospector_yaml = os.path.join(workdir, possible_profile)
if os.path.exists(prospector_yaml) and os.path.isfile(prospector_yaml):
profile_provided = True
profile_name = possible_profile
strictness = None
if profile_provided:
if profile_name is None:
profile_name = config.profiles[0]
extra_profiles = config.profiles[1:]
extra_profiles = config.profiles
strictness = "from profile"
# Use the preconfigured prospector profiles
profile_name = "default"
extra_profiles = []
if config.doc_warnings is not None and config.doc_warnings:
if config.test_warnings is not None and config.test_warnings:
if config.no_style_warnings is not None and config.no_style_warnings:
if config.full_pep8 is not None and config.full_pep8:
if config.member_warnings is not None and config.member_warnings:
# Use the strictness profile only if no profile has been given
if config.strictness is not None and config.strictness:
cmdline_implicit.append("strictness_%s" % config.strictness)
strictness = config.strictness
# the profile path is
# * anything provided as an argument
# * a directory called .prospector in the check path
# * the check path
# * prospector provided profiles
profile_path = [Path(path).absolute() for path in config.profile_path]
prospector_dir = workdir / ".prospector"
if os.path.exists(prospector_dir) and os.path.isdir(prospector_dir):
forced_inherits = cmdline_implicit + extra_profiles
profile = ProspectorProfile.load(profile_name, profile_path, forced_inherits=forced_inherits)
except CannotParseProfile as cpe:
"Failed to run:\nCould not parse profile %s as it is not valid YAML\n%s\n"
% (cpe.filepath, cpe.get_parse_message())
except ProfileNotFound as nfe:
search_path = ":".join(map(str, nfe.profile_path))
profile =":")[0]
f"""Failed to run:
Could not find profile {}.
Search path: {search_path}, or in module 'prospector_profile_{profile}'
return profile, strictness
def _find_used_libraries(self, config, profile):
libraries = []
# Bring in adaptors that we automatically detect are needed
if config.autodetect and profile.autodetect is True:
for found_dep in autodetect_libraries(self.workdir):
# Bring in adaptors for the specified libraries
for name in set(config.uses + profile.uses):
if name not in libraries:
return libraries
def _determine_tool_runners(self, config, profile):
if is None:
# we had no command line settings for an explicit list of
# tools, so we use the defaults
to_run = set(DEFAULT_TOOLS)
# we can also use any that the profiles dictate
for tool in tools.TOOLS:
if profile.is_tool_enabled(tool):
to_run = set(
# profiles have no say in the list of tools run when
# a command line is specified
for tool in config.with_tools:
for tool in config.without_tools:
if tool in to_run:
# if is None and len(config.with_tools) == 0 and len(config.without_tools) == 0:
for tool in tools.TOOLS:
enabled = profile.is_tool_enabled(tool)
if enabled is None:
enabled = tool in DEFAULT_TOOLS
if tool in to_run and not enabled and tool not in config.with_tools and tool not in ( or []):
# if this is not enabled in a profile but is asked for in a command line arg, we keep it, otherwise
# remove it from the list to run
return sorted(list(to_run))
def _determine_ignores(self, config, profile, libraries):
# Grab ignore patterns from the options
ignores = []
for pattern in config.ignore_patterns + profile.ignore_patterns:
if pattern is None:
# this can happen if someone has a profile with an empty ignore-patterns value, eg:
# ignore-patterns:
# uses: django
except sre_constants.error:
# Convert ignore paths into patterns
boundary = r"(^|/|\\)%s(/|\\|$)"
for ignore_path in config.ignore_paths + profile.ignore_paths:
ignore_path = str(ignore_path)
if ignore_path.endswith("/") or ignore_path.endswith("\\"):
ignore_path = ignore_path[:-1]
ignores.append(re.compile(boundary % re.escape(ignore_path)))
# some libraries have further automatic ignores
if "django" in libraries:
ignores += [re.compile("(^|/)(south_)?migrations(/|$)")]
return ignores
def get_summary_information(self):
return {
"libraries": self.libraries,
"strictness": self.strictness,
"profiles": ", ".join(self.profile.list_profiles()),
"tools": self.tools_to_run,
def exit_with_zero_on_success(self):
return self.config.zero_exit
def get_disabled_messages(self, tool_name):
return self.profile.get_disabled_messages(tool_name)
def use_external_config(self, _):
# Currently there is only one single global setting for whether to use
# global config, but this could be extended in the future
return not self.config.no_external_config
def tool_options(self, tool_name):
tool = getattr(self.profile, tool_name, None)
if tool is None:
return {}
return tool.get("options", {})
def external_config_location(self, tool_name):
return getattr(self.config, "%s_config_file" % tool_name, None)
def die_on_tool_error(self):
return self.config.die_on_tool_error
def summary_only(self):
return self.config.summary_only
def messages_only(self):
return self.config.messages_only
def quiet(self):
return self.config.quiet
def blending(self):
return self.config.blending
def absolute_paths(self):
return self.config.absolute_paths
def max_line_length(self):
return self.config.max_line_length
def include_tool_stdout(self):
return self.config.include_tool_stdout
def direct_tool_stdout(self):
return self.config.direct_tool_stdout
def show_profile(self):
return self.config.show_profile
def legacy_tool_names(self) -> bool:
return self.config.legacy_tool_names