Your IP :
# 'combinations' is a list of lists of codes to merge together. The earlier
# codes will take priority, so if all are found, only the first one will be
# left after blending.
# Note that since not all tools will necessarily be run, the first message for
# a line as sorted by the code list will be the one remaining after blending.
- # Unused Import
- pylint: unused-import
- pyflakes: F401
- frosted: E101
- # Syntax Error
- dodgy: diff
- pylint: syntax-error
- pyflakes: F999
- pep8: E901
- pycodestyle: E901
- mccabe: MC0000
- frosted: E402
- # Undefined local variable
- pylint: undefined-variable
- pyflakes: F821
- frosted: E303
- # Unused variable
- pylint: unused-variable
- vulture: unused-variable
- pyflakes: F841
- frosted: E307
- # Mixed tabs and spaces
- pep257: D206
- pydocstyle: D206
- pep8: E101
- pycodestyle: E101
- pylint: indentation-mixture
- # Import from __future__ not first import
- pylint: misplaced-future
- pyflakes: F404
- frosted: E207
- # Line too long
- pep8: E501
- pycodestyle: E501
- pylint: line-too-long
- # Trailing whitespace
- pep8: W291
- pycodestyle: W291
- pylint: trailing-whitespace
- # Blank line contains whitespace
- pep8: W293
- pycodestyle: W293
- pylint: trailing-whitespace
- # No newline at end of file
- pep8: W292
- pycodestyle: W292
- pylint: missing-final-newline
- # line ends with semi-colon
- pep8: E703
- pycodestyle: E703
- pylint: unnecessary-semicolon
- # multiple statements on one line (colon)
- pep8: E701
- pycodestyle: E701
- pylint: multiple-statements
- # multiple statements on one line (semicolon)
- pep8: E702
- pycodestyle: E702
- pylint: multiple-statements
- # incorrect indentation
- pep257: D207
- pydocstyle: D207
- pep8: E111
- pycodestyle: E111
- pylint: bad-indentation
- # incorrect indentation
- pep257: D208
- pydocstyle: D208
- pep8: E111
- pycodestyle: E111
- pylint: bad-indentation
- # comma not followed by a space
- pep8: E231
- pycodestyle: E231
- pylint: C0324
- pylint: bad-whitespace
- # missing whitespace around operator
- pep8: E225
- pycodestyle: E225
- pylint: C0322
- pylint: bad-whitespace
- # missing whitespace around operator
- pep8: E225
- pycodestyle: E225
- pylint: C0323
- pylint: bad-whitespace
- # undefined name in __all__
- pylint: undefined-all-variable
- pyflakes: F822
- frosted: E304
- # duplicate argument in function definition
- pylint: duplicate-argument-name
- pyflakes: F831
- frosted: E206
- # redefinition of unused function
- pyflakes: F811
- pylint: function-redefined
- # f-string is missing placeholders
- pylint: f-string-without-interpolation
- pyflakes: F541
- # Duplicate key in dictionary
- pylint: duplicate-key
- pyflakes: F601
- # More than one starred expression in assignment
- pylint: too-many-star-expressions
- pyflakes: F622
- # Assert called on a tuple
- pylint: assert-on-tuple
- pyflakes: F631
- # 'break' outside loop
- pylint: not-in-loop
- pyflakes: F701
- # 'continue' not properly in loop
- pylint: not-in-loop
- pyflakes: F702
- # 'continue' not supported inside 'finally' clause
- pylint: continue-in-finally
- pyflakes: F703
- # Yield outside function
- pylint: yield-outside-function
- pyflakes: F704
- # Return outside function
- pylint: return-outside-function
- pyflakes: F706
- # default 'except:' must be last
- pylint: bad-except-order
- pyflakes: F707
- # NotImplemented raised - should raise NotImplementedError
- pylint: notimplemented-raised
- pyflakes: F901
- # first argument of a classmethod should be named 'cls'
- pep8: N804
- pycodestyle: N804
- pylint: bad-classmethod-argument
- # '<>' is deprecated, use '!='
- pep8: W603
- pycodestyle: W603
- pylint: W0331
- # backticks are deprecated, use 'repr()'
- pep8: W604
- pycodestyle: W604
- pylint: W0333
- # Redefining name from outer scope
- pylint: redefined-outer-name
- pyflakes: F810
- frosted: E306
- # Wildcard import
- pylint: wildcard-import
- pyflakes: F403
- frosted: E103
- # Return with argument inside generator
- pylint: return-arg-in-generator
- frosted: E208
- # Too many positional arguments for function call
- pylint: too-many-function-args
- frosted: E203
- # Passing unexpected keyword argument
- pylint: unexpected-keyword-arg
- frosted: E204
- # Missing mandatory keyword argument
- pylint: missing-kwoa
- frosted: E205
- # No exception type(s) specified
- pylint: bare-except
- frosted: W101
- pep8: E722
- pycodestyle: E722
- # Spaces around keyword/parameter equals
- pep8: E251
- pycodestyle: E251
- pylint: bad-whitespace
- # Missing space after a comma
- pep8: E231
- pycodestyle: E231
- pylint: bad-whitespace
- # redefinition of unused %r from line %r
- pyflakes: F811
- frosted: E301
- # list comprehension redefines %r from line %r
- pyflakes: F812
- frosted: E302
- # import %r from line %r shadowed by loop variable
- pyflakes: F402
- frosted: E102
- # syntax error in doctest
- pyflakes: FL0007
- frosted: E401
- # local variable %r referenced before assignment
- pyflakes: F823
- frosted: E305
- # pep8-naming incorrectly suggests that the first argument of a metaclass __new__ method should be 'cls'
- pylint: bad-mcs-classmethod-argument
- pep8: N804
- pycodestyle: N804
- # class names should be camelcase
- pep8: N801
- pycodestyle: N801
- pylint: invalid-name
- # too complex
- mccabe: MC0001
- pylint: too-many-branches
- - mccabe: MC0001
- pylint: too-many-statements
- # pep257 takes preference over pylint documentation warnings
- pep257: D100
- pydocstyle: D100
- pylint: missing-docstring
- - pep257: D101
- pydocstyle: D101
- pylint: missing-docstring
- - pep257: D102
- pydocstyle: D102
- pylint: missing-docstring
- - pep257: D103
- pydocstyle: D103
- pylint: missing-docstring
- - pylint: singleton-comparison
- pep8: E711
- pycodestyle: E711